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Indian businessmen announce grant to promote Hindi in Israel

Hardly misplaced. Languages can & do get overrun. The fear is genuine. The approach to it must be to allow for the growth at a leisurely pace. There is little logic in asserting that South Indians must compulsorily learn Hindi. Others can equally learn English, which is the other official language of the Indian state.

Do you really think, there is any scope of fear from broken kaamchalau Hindi.

Yup. Its essentially Tamil Nadu with some people of Kerala who have a particular issue with Hindi. Karnataka is mostly just neutral and many Kannadigas not only are okay with Hindi but speak it without any whining(the way TN people do).

Malayalees aren't anti-Hindi, many understand it but find it difficult to speak. So, you won't find them speaking Hindi.
Do you really think, there is any scope of fear from broken kaamchalau Hindi.

I personally don't believe there is anything to fear. However anything imposed will be resented & fear does play a part. Many in Karnataka (unique in S.Indian states -home to multiple languages) are multilingual (Tulu+Kannada, kodava+kannada, Konkani+kannada) and many can even speak 3,4,5 languages in areas around Bangalore ( a good barometer would be the movie scene - Karnataka is the biggest non-home market for Hindi, Tamil & Telugu movies). To them, Hindi is just another language. However provocation can always trigger an response as seen in the anti Urdu riots of the early 1990's (started by adding Urdu news to Doordashan programming cutting into Kannada programming). While Hindi is not seen especially as foreign (no takers for Dravidian brotherhood in Karnataka, actually quite the opposite), people can be touchy about their language, any language actually, but especially about a language that is much older than Hindi.
Btw, your inclusion of Kannada speaking politicians in the same bracket as Tamil politicians is odd. There is no great opposition to Hindi in Karnataka, nor has there ever been any opposition remotely on the scale of what happened/happens in TN. Nor do Karnataka politicians(or people) ever resort to a Dravidian-Aryan argument. There are simply no takers for such arguments which remains the preserve of interested parties in TN alone.

I disagree. though the opposition to Hindi and English may not be as high as TN but still karnataka govt is not far behind. They lost a case in Supreme Court when they tried to make Kannada compulsory medium of instruction in all schools govt. as well as private.

Supreme Court strikes down Karnataka Govt. decision to enforce mother tongue in primary schools - Yahoo News India

Even after this they were filing review petitions

The CM refuses to look at files not in Kannada
Won't sign files which have English notings: Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah - The Times of India
I disagree. though the opposition to Hindi and English may not be as high as TN but still karnataka govt is not far behind. They lost a case in Supreme Court when they tried to make Kannada compulsory medium of instruction in all schools govt. as well as private.

Supreme Court strikes down Karnataka Govt. decision to enforce mother tongue in primary schools - Yahoo News India

Even after this they were filing review petitions

The CM refuses to look at files not in Kannada
Won't sign files which have English notings: Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah - The Times of India

That's not the same as being anti Hindi. There are no arguments (by anyone) to make Hindi a medium of instruction in Karnataka. The state government is entitled to take any positions, everything is subject to review. That position (of medium being in mother tongue) was taken with a particular view on whether children do better in their mother tongues or in English. You can disagree(and I do) but it is not the same as opposition to English or Hindi. The CM's refusal to sign files on which there are english notings is silly but he's entitled to his view. I'm reasonably sure that most files in N.India are in Hindi.
I am not saying Karnataka is anti Hindi but seriously the govt is taking wrong decisions and playing with the future of the citizens.

In the IT capital of India where the people from across the country come for jobs you cant force everyone to learn in Kannada medium. The choice of language used for studies should be left to the parents themselves. That being said Kannada should definitely be taught as a language subject but they should not make it compulsory medium of instruction.

As you must be knowing even poor people are putting their kids in pvt schools so that they learn English. Just imagine if Kannada becomes the compulsory medium of Instruction the parents from North India will not be able to effectively help their kids in school.

Regarding refusing to sign files if not in Kannada is very silly. I am a North Indian and I know how difficult is Sarkari Hindi. I studied in U.P. Technical University and I have seen the shuddh Hindi notices. No one could understand a word. We had to get UP Board Hindi Medium students to try and translate them for us.

So I am not a hypocrite. I am against compulsory Kannada as well as compulsory Hindi

That's not the same as being anti Hindi. There are no arguments (by anyone) to make Hindi a medium of instruction in Karnataka. The state government is entitled to take any positions, everything is subject to review. That position (of medium being in mother tongue) was taken with a particular view on whether children do better in their mother tongues or in English. You can disagree(and I do) but it is not the same as opposition to English or Hindi. The CM's refusal to sign files on which there are english notings is silly but he's entitled to his view. I'm reasonably sure that most files in N.India are in Hindi.
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