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Tamilnadu fights back Modi's Hindi Imposition

Much ado about nothing. An entirely media generated controversy and also over-reaction by Tamil parties for votes. It was anyway an advisory and not a rule.

They have already clarified that when they said Hindi they included other native Indian regional languages in it too. Also, the directive was for Hindi speaking states not all states. Still I believe this advisory wasn't required. Modi should concentrate on economy.
They should promote Bengali.........it is a rich and beautiful language......
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It already happened in 8th Century,during Pallava rule.

On topic: Misplaced priorities and too much enthusiasm to search for an unified nationalism.

It is right time to start this debate. Debates have solved many complex issues in a complex democracy like India.
It is right time to start this debate. Debates have solved many complex issues in a complex democracy like India.

whats there to debate - in the Indian Language Act - there are 22 Official languages and there's no National language , further more Tamilnadu is exempted from Hindi imposition, a promise by Nehru as a pre-requisite for Tamilnadu to be part of Indian Union

1. Short title, extent and commencement -
(i) These rules may be called the Official Languages (Use for Official Purposes of the Union) Rules, 1976.

(ii) They shall extend to the whole of India, except the State of Tamilnadu.

Tamilnadu politicians have clarified the states and peoples stand on Hindi impostion

Jayalalithaa also stressed that the diktat to use of Hindi as the official language could cause a unrest in Tamil Nadu as the people of the state are very proud of and passionate about their linguistic heritage.

"This move would therefore be against the letter and spirit of the Official Languages Act. As you are aware, this is a highly sensitive issue and causes disquiet to the people of Tamil Nadu who are very proud of and passionate about their linguistic heritage," she said.

"No one can deny it's beginning to impose Hindi against one's wish. This would be seen as an attempt to treat non-Hindi speakers as second-class citizens," television channels quoted DMK chief Karunanidhi as saying.

In a statement, DMK president M. Karunanidhi said the official directive to government employees to give preference to the use of Hindi language in social media is contrary to an individual's wish and is the beginning of imposition of Hindi.

BJP's allies
CHENNAI: The PMK and the MDMK, two allies of BJP in Tamil Nadu, on Friday expressed their opposition to the Union home ministry's directive to bureaucrats to use Hindi in official social media accounts.

"Tamil Nadu will never accept imposition of Hindi. The state had fought against imposition of Hindi by shedding sweat and blood. The government should not indulge in activities that will provoke a sleeping tiger," he said.

Hindi as social media language: Don’t provoke a sleeping tiger, Vaiko warns govt - The Times of India
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The Aryan invasion of Dravidians has begun!

the invasion is over now its a cultural genocide of the Dravidian Tamils , a race culturally different to the rest of India

By imposing Hindi on Tamils , India is trying to emulate China's language policy but comparing Mandarin with Hindi is a big joke. China was a unified country 2000 yrs ago under Shih Huang Ti but India came into existence just about 60 yrs ago and that too thanks to the British

Tamilnadu had never being part of Hindustan, it was colonialized by the British and handed over in silver platter to the Hindian masters . Tamilandu was the first state in India to fight for secessionism due to to Hindi imposition, after Anti Hindi riots in the 60s with 100s of student killed, no Indian national party has ruled Tamilnadu

Anti-Hindi agitations of Tamil Nadu | QuickiWiki

The Anti-Hindi agitations of Tamil Nadu were a series of agitations that happened in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu (formerly Madras State and part of Madras Presidency) during both pre- and post-Independence periods. The agitations involved several mass protests, riots, student and political movements in Tamil Nadu, and concerned the official status of Hindi in the state and in the Indian Republic

As the day (26 January 1965) of switching over to Hindi as sole official language approached, the anti-Hindi movement gained momentum in Madras State with increased support from college students. On 25 January, a full-scale riot broke out in the southern city of Madurai, sparked off by a minor altercation between agitating students and Congress party members. The riots spread all over Madras State, continued unabated for the next two months, and were marked by acts of violence, arson, looting, police firing and lathi charges. The Congress Government of the Madras State, called in paramilitary forces to quell the agitation; their involvement resulted in the deaths of about seventy persons (by official estimates) including two policemen. To calm the situation, Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri gave assurances that English would continue to be used as the official language as long the non-Hindi speaking states wanted. The riots subsided after Shastri's assurance, as did the student agitation.
By imposing Hindi on Tamils , India is trying to emulate China's language policy but comparing Mandarin with Hindi is a big joke. China was a unified country 2000 yrs ago under Shih Huang Ti but India came into existence just about 60 yrs ago and that too thanks to the British

Then Sri Lanka should also impose Sinhalese on Tamils. We are being to soft on them.
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