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Tamilnadu fights back Modi's Hindi Imposition

Kiran Batni's Blog : Imposition of Hindi as the 'national' language makes me believe that Karnataka is an independent nation

Everyone in the Central government seems to be convinced that Hindi is the national language, and did not hesitate to claim so in television and newspaper interviews. It is only the one-off Tamil or Bengali who dared to point out the error in this assertion, the others having been fully indoctrinated or considered insignificant to deserve media attention
But there are problems when I do that as an Indian. Big problems. For example, every non-Hindi speaking person in India is a foreigner held captive in India, mouth gagged and given a "learn the national language" book. Now, why should we the Kannadigas, the Tamils, the Assamese, the Marathis, etc., that is, the non-Hindi speaking people, that is, the foreigners, continue in this nation? Why should we be second-grade citizens of a nation? Why should we not form our own nations in which we are first-grade citizens?
I hope those who assert that "Hindi is the national language" see the point. The more they assert that, and more importantly, the more they act as if it's that (overtly or covertly), the more they destroy India's political unity and make me believe that Karnataka is an independent nation under attack from Indians

May be she also believes that Mars is inhabited by green aliens who abduct people from Earth. May be it is hard for this language terrorist to digest the fact that most of the people in Karnataka carry no dislike for Hindi, any person living in Karnataka can confirm this fact. Also, most people from North who have made their homes in South can speak the local languages very well.

Truth is that only the politicians and jholawallahs are crying over this issue. If we extend Author's logic further, then we can conclude the India is still a part of the British Empire because English is still the language of the Indian Elite/Ruling-class (Brown Sahibs).

Did we witness any mass agitation or spontaneous protest? NO.
Was the issue resolved amicably? YES.
The English media was the first to convert this one "controversial" advisory into a big Headline.

What do these three facts tell us about the whole controversy?
Hindi is not a problem in AP i guess Karnataka too is a bit like AP.I don't know why Tamil parties especially Dravidian ones are out with pitchforks and cudgels.Times have changed,the dravidian chauvinism is almost in death throes now, they cant milk that issue any longer this is not the 60's world has changed india has changed.People learn hindi just as some north people learn south languages,these dravidian parties still believe in the aryan-dravidian theories put forwards by british indologists,while they were proven false, the western NGOs and USA actively promotes such thinking part of it is the Dalit Freedom Network, whose goal is to make Dravidian a race and then religion so that they can be severed from India and its culture and thereby preparing themselves for evangelization.
All these years the main deterrent to evangelization was the sense of Indianess,culture which were bedrocks they are trying to remove these things by supporting dravidian race theory.
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Hindi is not a problem in AP i guess Karnataka too is a bit like AP.I don't know why Tamil parties especially Dravidian ones are out with pitchforks and cudgels.Times have changed,the dravidian chauvinism is almost in death throes now, they cant milk that issue any longer this is not the 60's world has changed india has changed.People learn hindi just as some north people learn south languages,these dravidian parties still believe in the aryan-dravidian theories put forwards by british indologists,while they were proven false, the western NGOs and USA actively promotes such thinking part of it is the Dalit Freedom Network, whose goal is to make Dravidian a race and then religion so that they can be severed from India and its culture and thereby preparing themselves for evangelization.
All these years the main deterrent to evangelization was the sense of Indianess,culture which were bedrocks they are trying to remove these things but support dravidian race theory.

Even at it's peak the Dravidian Movement was a big flop. But I believe that the central government could avoid this controversy. Hindi has naturally established itself as the preferred link language, it doesn't require any "official" support. It is a fact that many of the Hindi speakers themselves cannot speak and understand the "Official" version of Hindi.

All the drama we witness these days are being orchestrated by the Macaulay's Kids who are feeling threatened by the rise of the "Cattle Class". Hindi is just a symbol of the political rise of the common people of India who take pride in being what they are, they refuse to accept the Aryan Invasion theory, they refuse to accept that the British table manners are superior. Truth is that the majority of the politicians who have spoken against "Hindi Imposition" are more concerned about the status of English than the status of the Indian Languages.
Mr. Modi needs to focus on development, no one in the South voted for him to force Hindi upon us!
Even at it's peak the Dravidian Movement was a big flop. But I believe that the central government could avoid this controversy. Hindi has naturally established itself as the preferred link language, it doesn't require any "official" support. It is a fact that many of the Hindi speakers themselves cannot speak and understand the "Official" version of Hindi.

All the drama we witness these days are being orchestrated by the Macaulay's Kids who are feeling threatened by the rise of the "Cattle Class". Hindi is just a symbol of the political rise of the common people of India who take pride in being what they are, they refuse to accept the Aryan Invasion theory, they refuse to accept that the British table manners are superior. Truth is that the majority of the politicians who have spoken against "Hindi Imposition" are more concerned about the status of English than the status of the Indian Languages.
Exactly, this chest beating of hindi imposition is done by Maculay putras,who feel that their theories will be sidelined and the fracture lines of Aryan dravidian theories will be healed by BJP using pan-hinduism ideologies.
They already know what happened this election was hindu vote consolidation and if its not nipped in bud by any means then they dont have a chance to come to power in future as hindutva and nationalism will take charge in India.
That is why the need to insulate themselves from what they perceive as Hindi/aryan/Hindu influence.They fear by pushing Hindi as national language the importance of english would go down and we would become another nation proud of our identity and language and break off the last colonial shackles of english language.
No matter what the elitists say common people on ground refuse to accept their aryan invasion theories and whatever lies they try to sell to public.
I do not know how many in TN nowadays buy the Aryan/Dravidian myth, but definitely they are not shy of expressing their Hinduness. All official communications in South happens in regional languages. Tamil in TN, Kannada in Karnataka, Malayalam in Kerala. Amongst themselves, people hardly speak in English. It is only when communicating with an "outsider" that people use other languages, again not primarily English. I see a lot of Tamilians and Malayalis speaking good Kannada in Karnataka, even a lot of Kannadigas speaking good Tamil and Telugu. Hindi hardly matters in South, unless one wants to consider only Bangalore as South. Even there not so much.

So this argument that South Indians/Tamils are Maculay's kids or ashamed of Indian identity and language does not really apply to South, both elite or commoner. Far from it.

More than anything Tamils seem to resist Westernization and equating it with modernity and remain rooted to their culture, moreso than North Indians who lap up everything that America dishes out, including Hindi chauvinist.
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I do not know how many in TN nowadays buy the Aryan/Dravidian myth, but definitely they are not shy of expressing their Hinduness. All official communications in South happens in regional languages. Tamil in TN, Kannada in Karnataka, Malayalam in Kerala. Amongst themselves, people hardly speak in English. It is only when communicating with an "outsider" that people use other languages, again not primarily English. I see a lot of Tamilians and Malayalis speaking good Kannada in Karnataka, even a lot of Kannadigas speaking good Tamil and Telugu. Hindi hardly matters in South, unless one wants to consider only Bangalore as South. Even there not so much.

So this argument that South Indians/Tamils are Maculay's kids or ashamed of Indian identity and language does not really apply to South, both elite or commoner. Far from it.

More than anything Tamils seem to resist Westernization and equating it with modernity and remain rooted to their culture, moreso than North Indians who lap up everything that America dishes out, including Hindi chauvinist.

If you go through the posts on this thread there are people justifying the use of English using terms like Free Market, Jobs, Development. Macaulay's kids are those who are proud of the fact that Britishers came to India, exploited the natives, destroyed their self-esteem and imposed the English education system.

My main complaint is that most of the people who are opposing the "directive" are harping more about the importance of English than the importance of the Indian Languages. My claim is that the advisory on use of Hindi in Social Media was controversial, but the primary goal was elevating the National Pride and not elevating the Status of Hindi. However the government must have though about the consequences properly.
If you go through the posts on this thread there are people justifying the use of English using terms like Free Market, Jobs, Development. Macaulay's kids are those who are proud of the fact that Britishers came to India, exploited the natives, destroyed their self-esteem and imposed the English education system.

My main complaint is that most of the people who are opposing the "directive" are harping more about the importance of English than the importance of the Indian Languages. My claim is that the advisory on use of Hindi in Social Media was controversial, but the primary goal was elevating the National Pride and not elevating the Status of Hindi. However the government must have though about the consequences properly.

What is wrong with the argument for Free Market, Jobs, Development? I think they are being polite and working hard to give plausibly valid reasons to why they want to avoid Hindi "imposition by diktat" in their state. There is very little of the ashamed of our culture and identity stuff down South. Except for the British rule, they have not faced much of any other cultural impositions for any lengthier period of time, so they are not as severed from their cultural roots as happened up North.

On the other hand there is much of self-negation and self-hate in Bengal and Delhi and surrounding areas. Much of the denuding of culture happened there for longer and more sustained period. Hence their adoption of English as something of a matter of pride rather than utility and looking down on everything Indian. The disease is up North.

The only two people who seem very proud and intent on preserving as well as spreading their culture even in foreign countries seem to be Tamils and Gujaratis. See their cultural associations there, promoting classical dances and music, and the pomp of Navratri and other celebrations.

If what is happening to Hindi Bollywood, which used to represent Indian culture at one point of time, is any indication, then Hindi is more susceptible to being influenced by Westernization and Islamization than any other Southern Indian language.
RSS agenda, afterall is the first priority, not "devleepment". Sanghparivar is uniting Hindus to be a aggressive force. In the future, India will not remain secular, considering fascism is on the rise particularly in north India. Muslim population increase is not the real issue, mangi parivaar agenda of Hindu rashtra which will be like Saudi Arabia, is the biggest threat.
RSS agenda, afterall is the first priority, not "devleepment". Sanghparivar is uniting Hindus to be a aggressive force. In the future, India will not remain secular, considering fascism is on the rise particularly in north India. Muslim population increase is not the real issue, mangi parivaar agenda of Hindu rashtra which will be like Saudi Arabia, is the biggest threat.

You get on the first boat you can to Australia or Americas if that happens. As a boat Christian, you will find them welcoming you with open arms. So why so much paranoia and worry?
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