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Pakistan Railway Projects.

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Railway coach from France getting unloaded at Karachi Port in 1952 ...


Chinese enterprise supports digital ticketing system in Pakistan​

By Mariam Raheem
Jun 30, 2023

ISLAMABAD- The passenger ticketing system of the RABTA project of the Ministry of Railways, Pakistan was successfully launched last month.

The first two trains running with the system were 107UP and 108DN of the Islamabad Express. Passengers commuting between Islamabad and Lahore can easily book tickets through the system and also can choose appropriate train numbers and seats on the website.

Chinese enterprise supports digital ticketing system in Pakistan

RABTA project page on Pakistan Railways

In 2021, Chinese technology company Easyway Innovation Co., Ltd won the bid for the RABTA project of Pakistan Railways. The company will continue its 12-year operational service to provide Pakistan Railways with a comprehensive and modern information system covering passenger tickets, freight, baggage, and train tracking upon the completion of the RABTA project.

The RABTA ticket section is to build a nationwide ticket and travel platform across Pakistan, offering services including itinerary planning, ticket purchase, and taking in-station services, to continue to provide passengers with full itinerary information services.

Chinese enterprise supports digital ticketing system in Pakistan

window ticketing

In the offline part, manual sales of paper pre- fabricated tickets will be eliminated nationwide, and all commercially operated stations will open electronic ticketing systems and install passenger self- service devices. In the online section, the types and quality of services including the complete itinerary of passengers, such as online booking and refunding, as well as hotels, catering, tourism, and vehicle rental, will be comprehensively improved.

The opening of follow-up lines and train numbers in the system is currently in progress. It is anticipated that by the end of this year, the passenger ticketing system will cover all stations and trains in Pakistan while the luggage system and train tracking system will also be operational.

- Pakistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan have formally entered into an agreement by signing a protocol to commence the construction of a 760-kilometer-long railway track connecting Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan.

- This significant project, known as the Termiz-Logar-Kharlachi railway, is poised to have a substantial impact on regional connectivity and trade in the area.
Pak, Afghan & Uzbek sign 573km connecting railway


Trans-Afghan Railway to provide links from Russia, Uzbekistan through Pakistan to Arabian Gulf
Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan (UAP) signed a joint protocol of railway project on Tuesday at Ministry of Railways Islamabad.

New Rail Links to streamline bulk transportation from Thar Coal mines​

By Tahir Ali
Sep 8, 2023

ISLAMABAD - To ensure the establishment of a dependable and efficient railway infrastructure aimed at overcoming geographical constraints associated with Thar Coal transportation across the country, the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) on Thursday endorsed a Rs 55.97 billion rail connectivity project for submission to the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC).

This project is intended to provide an eco-friendly means of transporting coal while maintaining environmental considerations. The project envisages the construction of a 105-kilometer-long new single line Railway Track infrastructure from Thar Coal Mines to New Chhor Station and the construction of an 18-kilometre Double Line Track which includes 4.20-kilometre-long loop lines from Bin Qasim to Port Qasim.

New Rail Links to streamline bulk transportation from Thar Coal mines​

By Tahir Ali
Sep 8, 2023

ISLAMABAD - To ensure the establishment of a dependable and efficient railway infrastructure aimed at overcoming geographical constraints associated with Thar Coal transportation across the country, the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) on Thursday endorsed a Rs 55.97 billion rail connectivity project for submission to the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC).

This project is intended to provide an eco-friendly means of transporting coal while maintaining environmental considerations. The project envisages the construction of a 105-kilometer-long new single line Railway Track infrastructure from Thar Coal Mines to New Chhor Station and the construction of an 18-kilometre Double Line Track which includes 4.20-kilometre-long loop lines from Bin Qasim to Port Qasim.

The math comes to $1.275 million per Km of single track.

Railway minister announces Pipri Freight Corridor project​

Pakistan Observer
Sep 22, 2023

The Pakistan Railways will construct a freight corridor from Pipri to Karachi to enhance revenue from goods transportation by rail. The project is expected to be completed by October 2023.
Railway Minister Shahid Ashraf Tarar announced approval of the Pipri Freight Corridor project during his visit to the Railway Headquarters in Lahore on Friday.

The minister said that the freight corridor would facilitate movement of goods from Karachi Port to upcountry destinations and vice versa. He said that the project would also reduce congestion and improve efficiency on the main line.

The minister also reviewed a business plan to increase revenue through transportation of goods by train. He sought a report to identify more locations for unloading goods from trains. He said that the Pakistan Railways was committed to providing quality service to its customers and enhancing its share in the transport sector.

The minister also received updates regarding the outsourcing of services in railway hospitals. He directed the railway authorities to open all railway hospitals gradually for public use as per his instructions.

Furthermore, the minister instructed the railway officials to decorate and beautify Lahore Railway Station and make it more attractive for passengers and visitors.

He said that Lahore Railway Station was a historical landmark and a symbol of pride for the nation.
Should Mainline 1 not be touched and a completely new double track line built (a lot of it in the motorway medians or alongside) so it can focus on the movement of freight? Motorways are already grade separated, so trains won’t have to stop or even slow down when going through or by major cities.

Small extensions could be built to allow higher speed and express passenger trains to continue through into major cities where the path deviates significantly.

While the old mainline 1 could continue to serve as a slower service as well as commuter rail from the outskirts of cities into the city centers. With efficient signaling, perhaps these railways could function as metros to satellite cities as we will need soon enough as the population is expected to grow from 250 million to 400 million in 25-30 years.

Real estate along the motorway and near future stations, far enough away from cities can be bought at cheaper prices and be given to the railway (and their investors) to help it keep its operation sustainable. The land could be used for new communities or food processing and storage facilities for food and industrial production.

Also, either if the new track or rebuilding along the same right of way, IMHO, it should be of the standard gauge and electrified to maximize the speed of movement of goods from Central Asia (and China) once a trans-afghan railway is build (hopefully also in standard gauge) to match the standard gauge railway being built from Uzbekistan to Krygyzstan to China.

Standard gauge railway would allow Pakistan to not only buy from international vendors (at the most competitive prices) and even do tech transfers as part of a deal and not have to custom build trains and carriages for our current rail gauge.

With economies of scale, Pakistan could operate a repair and maintenance facility in Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar to service our own as well as the standard gauge trains of Afghanistan and Central Asia, if all the counties share the same rail gauge.

Now the question will be asked, why think about this when the country is basically broke and there is no chance of funding or loans as CPEC projects are being turned down. Well…. If the west wants a route to Central Asia, a rail route is the safest and most efficient one on a commercial basis, once the politics are worked out. Especially if land is given along the rail route and the project is developed on a commercial basis with buy in from Pakistani elites, the diaspora and western and GCC investors.
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Improving PR infrastructure via ‘private investment’​

Existing infrastructure, rolling stock, factories, railway stations to be improved through private sector investments

October 04, 2023


Caretaker Minister for Railways, Communication, and Maritime Shahid Ashraf Tarar on Tuesday said the existing infrastructure, rolling stock, factories and railway stations would be improved through private sector investments.

“The Pakistan Railways is following a three-pronged strategy to revive and expand railways in the country which include safety, efficiency, and self-reliance,” the interim minister said while chairing a high-level meeting at the Ministry of Railways.

The minister said that the Pakistan Railways had taken several initiatives to cut costs and enhance its revenue.
“The improvement in administrative and operational areas are under way in Pakistan Railways which are expected to bring efficiency,” he added.

He said that the journey by train was a great means of connecting people living in different regions of Pakistan besides the preferred mode of a comfortable journey for the masses.

PR to introduce TDAS for improved track visibility in foggy conditions

November 13, 2023


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Railways is set to introduce the “Train Driver Assistant System” (TDAS) to help train drivers a clear view of the railway tracks up to an impressive distance of 700 meters.

“The technology aims to enhance the safety and efficiency of train operations during adverse weather conditions, particularly in the presence of dense smog and fog,” an official in the Ministry told APP.

The system, he said the TDAS is set to revolutionize the way trains navigate through foggy landscapes. It promised not only to avert potential accidents but also to facilitate smooth rail travel when visibility is severely compromised.

He said the capabilities of this digital system extend beyond improved visibility; it can also identify and monitor vital elements such as signals, level crossings, gates, track obstructions, and other potential hazards within the same 700-meter radius.

The official said this comprehensive approach to training management promises to reduce the risk of accidents significantly.

Initially, he said the department was planning to install the anti-fog device in four engines. However, Pakistan Railways has outlined a strategic expansion plan, with the ultimate goal of equipping all trains with this life-saving technology in the coming year.

He said in a move to combat the persistent challenge of fog-related train delays, Pakistan Railways has joined hands with the University of Engineering Taxila (UET) to introduce a cutting-edge “Digital Railway Driving System”.

ML-I groundbreaking by early 2024​

PM seeks reform strategy for Pakistan Railways to maximise benefits of ML-I

Shahbaz Rana
November 16, 2023

it was decided that no fence would be constructed along the ml i route which would help save cost however it will have a direct impact on the rail speed photo file

It was decided that no fence would be constructed along the ML-I route, which would help save cost. However, it will have a direct impact on the rail speed.

The government on Wednesday announced the groundbreaking of the Mainline-I (ML-I) project by early next year, which would be constructed after a drastic revision in its scope that reduced the estimated cost by one-third to $6.7 billion to make it commercially viable.

The decision was made during a meeting chaired by interim Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar, who instructed officials to try to perform the groundbreaking before the end of his government’s term on February 8.

The PM sanctioned the revision in the project with directives to present its revised PC-I to the competent forum for approval in the current week.

The meeting was told that modalities for ML-I were in final stages and the project’s groundbreaking would be performed by early next year, according to a statement issued by the PM Office.

The project will be completed in two phases. In the first phase, a 930-kilometre-long rail track will be laid from Karachi to Multan. Also, the railway infrastructure damaged in the 2022 floods will be upgraded as per international standards.

In the next phase, a 796km-long rail track will be laid from Multan to Peshawar in line with requirements of the future. In 2017, Pakistan and China signed a five-year framework agreement for construction of the ML-I project. The framework has now been extended for another five years.

However, the sources said that the groundbreaking would be contingent on firmed-up financing for the project as so far financing details had remained uncertain. A financing plan will be discussed by both sides next month.

The in-principle understanding is that China will provide 85% of the project cost in the shape of loan while Pakistan will arrange the remaining amount.

Sources said that the project cost was being revised to $6.67 billion, a reduction of $3.2 billion, or one-third, through a reduced scope and design aimed at making it commercially viable.

During the visit of PM Kakar, both countries signed an addendum to the ML-I project, which was part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), reducing its scope and design.

It was decided that no fence would be constructed along the route, which would help save cost. But it will have a direct impact on the rail speed. In the absence of fencing, the operational rail speed will be 120 km to 140 km per hour but in project design the speed may remain at 160 km, according to the sources.

At an event held this week, Chinese Ambassador Jiang Zaidong outlined three key points for future cooperation: consolidation of the current phase of CPEC, deepening cooperation in agriculture and mining, and improving people’s livelihoods through small but impactful projects.

Jiang highlighted the need for consolidation with the completion of projects like ML-I and Karachi Circular Railway. The ambassador did not mention any road projects. According to PC-I of the ML-I project, approved in November 2022, a 1,733km-long route will be rehabilitated and 482 underpasses, 53 flyovers, 130 biker bridges and 130 stations will be constructed along the route. But this plan will now undergo drastic changes.

PM Kakar desired the “formulation of a comprehensive reform strategy for Pakistan Railways to maximise benefits of the ML-1”, said a press statement.

Pakistan Railways does not have the fiscal muscle to take a $5.8 billion Chinese loan on its books, as the entity remains highly mismanaged like other state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

Caretaker Finance Minister Dr Shamshad Akhtar on Wednesday chaired a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on State Owned Enterprises (CCOSOEs). The State-Owned Enterprises (Ownership and Management) Policy, 2023 was re-submitted to the committee for review, after incorporation of the feedback received from members of the committee.

The committee reviewed the changes incorporated into the draft and recommended a revised policy for approval from the cabinet, according to the Ministry of Finance.

It added that the SOE policy marked a crucial step towards enhancing the governance and operations of state-run companies, aligning with the broader objectives outlined in the State-Owned Enterprises (Governance and Operations) Act, 2023.

The IMF has set a condition to get the policy approved and make a central monitoring unit effective before the end of November.

The CCOSOEs made certain changes in the policy pertaining to the board of directors of SOEs, human resources, code of conduct, fit and proper criteria and public disclosure.

After approval of the policy from the cabinet, Finance Minister Akhtar and Adviser to the PM on Establishment Ahad Cheema will have to resign from some of the boards of public sector enterprises where they sit as members. Their continuation will be a violation of the new policy.
*Pakistan Railways Headquarters Lahore*
*Press Release*

Pakistan Railways has signed agreements with two companies for laying optical fiber cable. Under the agreements made with Chinese and Pakistani companies, Pakistan Railways will provide a way for companies to lay optical fiber cables. Chinese company on ML1 from Kemari to Peshawar Cable will be able to be extended to Cantt, in this context Pakistan Railways has been paid an advance payment of Rs twenty six million.

According to the other agreement, the Pakistani company will be allowed to use the right of way from Kamari to Lodhran. In this regard, to the company. Thirteen and a half crore rupees has been paid in advance to the railway. These contracts have been made for a period of three years in which it can also be extended.

Chief Executive Officer Aamir Ali Baloch signed agreements on behalf of Pakistan Railways. On the occasion he said that Railways is working on different avenues to increase its revenue, having optical fiber cable agreement is important to increase the revenue stream of railway. Step. He said the partnership of national and international companies with Pakistan Railways is welcome which will open doors for such positive ventures in the future.
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