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Chinese Stealth fighter J-XX

seele9999 brother; Time will tell concerning China steath fighter.

If i were you i won't waste time debating with some one that having

an one track mind. Sometimes you have to imagine who is really

behind a certain country flag.:cheers::pakistan::china:

yeah,i did some research about this us dude others topic...

seems to be a nationalist and radical。:what:

i think respect each other is the basic rules of a discussion。

so,i won't reply this topic anymore.

time will prove everything.

and thankyou.:smitten:
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yeah,i did some research about this us dude others topic...

seems to be a nationalist and radical。:what:

i think respect each other is the basic rules of a discussion。

so,i won't reply this topic anymore.

time will prove everything.

and thankyou.:smitten:
but the thing is that makes sense in the Argument of JXX is that
1) US intelligent confirmed it
2) China needs a 5th gen to become a true Airforce capable of matching USAF
3)If China was not thinking about JXX why did it no go with the Russian PAK-FA as Russia had invited China and India to the venture:coffee:
Mr. Seele,
hats off to you my friend,,
despite all the efforts by some members to derail the thread you id stiked to main theam, good going!

my point is


non-stealth→stealth tech research→f117→test aircraft for f22→f22

other country,such as rus/chn/india/nato

non-stealth→stealth tech research(late than us)→stealth tech test aircraft→find the problem & fix it(may be repeat years)→5gen aircraft.


other 5gen aircraft prototype RCS is maybe higher than f22 ,but way lower than non-stealth aircraft.still “stealth qualification”。

i can't be more specific...

till now,all so called "Chinese Stealth fighter J-XX "is ps or art work job,i can sure about this.

i will like to add that we can not neglect the need of technology demonstrator, US have worked on there fifth generation project fro decades, they have poured in money and man power, now with all the hard work done, there are many many fatures that are well known to everyone and need not be researched upon by anyone who want to make a stealth fighter, China and all other are surely haveing the benifit of this point, , ,
US have to figure out every thing, from a nut bolt to main fram to make an F22 while other have juust to do something like 50 % of that R&D as rest is available!!!

anyhow, seele. it really was a job well dne by you to keep the thread on track! :tup:
Recently, the German "Air Asia" carried an article Xikeerte Hyde edge 'off of the Chinese Air Force'. 文章中简单概括了中国预期研制的2种神秘的战斗机。 Article, a brief overview of China is expected to developed two kinds of mysterious fighter. 歼13,14。 F 13,14. 以下为部分节选: The followings are some excerpts:

德媒秘密泄露中国两种神秘战机歼13、歼14的最新进展; German media leaked the secret mystery of two Chinese fighter F-13, F-14, the latest progress;

海德力希·科尔特:'中国的战斗机,目前只有从俄国引进的SU27系列,以及其自身开发的:歼10都是属于第3代战斗机。 Hyde force Xikeerte: 'China's fighter, only imported from Russia SU27 series, as well as the development of its own: the F-10 belong to the 3rd generation fighter aircraft. 但是,可以说,中国并不是把这两种战斗机,当作未来的中国主力战斗机。 However, we can say China is not these two fighters, as the main force of China's future fighter.

歼13原始设计为MIG-23M。 F-13 the original design for the MIG-23M. 在1965-1977年之间,不断的进行演变设计。 In the years between 1965-1977, continued to evolve the design. 1978年停止。 End of 1978. 在1996年中国从新启动了'长城95'计划。 In 1996, China launched a new 'Great Wall 95' program. 其主要针对歼13的从新设计,以及最新的歼14的设计启动。 The main focus of the new F-13 design, and the design of the latest F-14 start. 但是,当时中国国内一片'和平'呼声。 However, at that time in China a 'peace' voices. 在随即爆发的'台海危机'中,中国紧急购买了第2批俄国战斗机,因此,致使13,14。 Broke out in the 'crisis in the Taiwan Strait', China has approved an emergency purchase of its first two Russian fighter jets, therefore, result 13,14. 的工程进展速度十分缓慢。 Very slow rate of progress of works. 而有以色列人参与的歼10计划,则是按照很正常的速度逐步进行。 While the participation of Israeli F-10 program, it is in accordance with normal speed gradually.

中国高层当时认为可以在依靠歼10与SU27以及仿制的歼11组成的现代化机群,足可以打败台海美,日,台空军。 High-level Chinese at that time that you can rely on J-10 and SU27 and the imitation of the composition of the modernization of F-11 fleet, enough to defeat the Taiwan Strait, the United States, Japan, and Taiwan Air Force. 随即美国在亨利·泛华尔兹空军基地,首次试飞了F22隐身战斗机,随后不久,JZF也起飞。 Then the United States in the Pan-Henry waltz Air Force Base, the first test flight of the F22 stealth fighter, shortly thereafter, JZF also took off. 随之而来的是以色列人的背信弃义。 Followed by a perfidious Israelis. 由于他们迫于华盛顿的压力。 Because of their pressured by Washington. 因此,不但将歼10的0。1。 Thus, not only the J-10 0.1. 号两个型号战斗机的以色列负责部分,全部交给了华府,而且,还将自己正在参与的成都'中国天鹰'无人远程攻击机计划,也提交给美国海军情报部,五角大楼中央情报据。 No. 2 is responsible for part of the Israeli fighter aircraft models, all handed over to Washington, but will itself is involved in Chengdu 'China Sky' unmanned long-range strike aircraft program, also submitted to the U.S. Navy Intelligence Department, the Pentagon, according to the Central Intelligence . 在中国人看来,他们自身列装的战斗机,绝对不可能把详细资料,交给外人的情况下,在去大批投产。 In the Chinese view, the column filled with their own fighters, is absolutely impossible to details, to the outsider's case, to the mass-produced. 因此,中共在1997年-1998年之间,从新开始研制歼10的1号机。 Therefore, the CPC in 1997 -1998 BC, started to develop the new No. 1 F-10 aircraft. 并且,在此启动了,歼13,14计划。 And, in this launch, and F 13,14 plans.

歼13目前依照《简空军年鉴》分析来看,以及从中国购买法国雷瑟法尔公司的DNC121远程机载雷达来看,歼13是目前,是类似与美国F22同一个级别的,超音速巡航隐身战斗机,而他的新型雷达即:DNC可以在135公里空域,发现截面不足01(M2)的目标。 F-13 is currently in accordance with "Jane Air Force Almanac" analysis point of view, as well as from China to buy French company's DNC121 Fall Lesser long-range airborne radar point of view, F-13 is present, the F22 is similar to the same level with the United States, the supersonic cruise stealth fighter, while his new radar that is: DNC airspace in the 135 km and found that less than section 01 (M2) target. 并且其观察距离,正好与中国装备的R33C 远程中距空空导弹相符和。 And its viewing distance, coinciding with the Chinese equipment R33C remote RAAM line, and. 而美国目前的F22A装备的是APQ/84N。 The current U.S. F22A equipment is APQ/84N. 比法国的雷达探测距离少5公里左右。 The radar detection range than France by 5 km. 这也是布什政府在06-10年度军度军费报告中提到,必须给美国空军额外增加120亿美金,用改进APQ/84N的性能的原因了。 This is also the Bush administration's degree of military forces in the 06-10 year mentioned in the report, the Air Force must be given an additional 12 billion U.S. dollars, with the improved performance of APQ/84N why.

而歼13外观,不同于他的兄弟,歼14。 The F-13 appearance, unlike his brother, J-14. 他是一个几乎整合了中,俄,欧。 He is an almost integrating China, Russia, Europe. 的比较混乱的奇怪的设计。 Comparison of chaotic strange design. 可变后略机翼,去附加前端下前鸭翼。 Variable-little wing, to add front-end before the next canard. 双垂尾布局,矢量2元喷口,但是机翼本身又是半融合类型。 Pairs of vertical tail layout, vector 2 yuan vents, but the wing itself is a semi-fusion type. 可以说他是第四代战斗机中,绝无仅有的一种。 It can be said that he is a fourth-generation fighter, the unique one. 从表面看,它似乎更像美国F23。 On the surface, it seems more like the U.S. F23.

至于说道隐身技术,在1995年,美国打击南斯拉夫武装的时期,南斯拉夫防空部队,击落了一架美国'夜鹰'战斗机(F117)因此,中国人很快利用他的' 友情'外交,获得了中短宽波雷达,以及RX3号隐身吸波涂层。 As said the stealth technology, in 1995, the United States armed forces against Yugoslavia during the Yugoslav air defense forces shot down a United States 'Nighthawk' Fighter (F117) Therefore, the Chinese people will soon use his 'friendship' of Foreign Affairs, received the short-wide radar, and radar absorbing coating stealth No. RX3. 由于这种涂层,应用在美国的B2,F117。 Because of this coating, applied in the United States, B2, F117. 这2种战斗机身上,因此,中国获得了RX3号涂层,就等于把B2隐身轰炸机,拔掉一层皮肤。 This is two kinds of fighters who, therefore, China won No. RX3 coating, it means that the B2 stealth bomber, and pulled out a layer of the skin.

而中国却把它秘密的应用在自己缓慢的'13,14'身上。 China to treat it a secret in applying it in slow '13, 14 'body. 而且还加以改进,使其可以更加有效避免毫米波合成孔径,以及地面平衡波相控阵雷达的探测。 But also to be improved so that it can more effectively avoid the millimeter wave synthetic aperture, and ground balance the wave phased array radar detection.

在2001年中国珠海航空技术博览会上,中国展示一种了完全自行研制的'中国天鹰'隐身远程无人攻击机。 In 2001, Zhuhai, China National Aero-Technology Expo, the Chinese demonstrate a completely self-developed 'China Sky' stealthy long-range unmanned strike aircraft. 虽然他的外观与美国的几乎十分相似。 Although his appearance and the United States is almost very similar. 但是,它具有更加高超的载荷能力,以及配属了中国型的SDP卫星遥感数据传导技术。 However, it has a more superior range payload capability, as well as the attachment of the Chinese-based SDP satellite remote sensing data transmission technology.

由此,美国军方作出了相应的判断。 As a result, the U.S. military to make judgments accordingly. 在未来的10内,中国将出现自行研制开发的,隐身战斗机,并且其重要性能可与美国空军未来的F35匹敌。 In the next 10 years, China will appear on their own research and development, the stealth fighter, and its performance can be important to the future with the U.S. Air Force F35 match. RX3号涂层技术,目前仅有俄国,美国,中国。 No. RX3 coating technology, currently only Russia, the United States and China. 能够研制开发生产。 Research and development to production. 波兰虽然接触了这种技术,但是,由于很多原因造成他们不得已仅限于探测发现。 Poland, while contact with the technology, but because of a number of reasons contributed to their last resort is limited to detection was found.

中国海军目前装备的F025C隐身双体壳护卫舰,就是这种技术的产物。 Chinese Navy is currently equipped F025C stealthy catamaran hull frigate, that is, a product of this technology. 因此,美国付国务卿赖斯访问欧洲期间,她首先就是与法国谈了'关于控制远程航空发动机'输出中国的问题。 Thus, the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice paid a visit to Europe, she is first talked with the French 'on the control of long-range aircraft engines' output of China's problems. 但是法国人一贯以欧洲主人自居,因此,对于赖斯的警告。 But the French have always considered itself the European masters, therefore, Rice's warning. 置之不理。 Ignored.

而俄国早已在其自身的su47,IA42。 And Russia has already in its own su47, IA42. 战斗机上应用了隐身以及矢量喷口技术。 The application of a stealth fighter jet technology, as well as the vector. 但是,俄国在2002年拒绝了出售矢量技术发动机给中国。 However, Russia in 2002 rejected the sale of vector technology engines to China. 但是,由于布什这个牛仔愚蠢的'黑海',中亚阴谋的败落,致使普京在04年出售这种技术以民用形式给中国。 However, due to Bush's folly of this cowboy's 'Black Sea', Central Asia, a defeat for the plot, leading to Putin in 2004 the form of sale of such technologies to civilian use to China. 至此,中国所需要的最大的矢量发动机技术,得到了解决。 So far, China needs the largest vector engine technology, have been resolved. AN33随之也进入中国。 AN33 that accompanied into China. 因此,很快中国2种先进的战斗机,全部进入了高速研制阶段。 Thus, soon two kinds of advanced fighter aircraft in China, all entered the high-speed development phase.

美国海军情报部,提供了一份:中国新型战斗机的报告,其发言人称:美国海军部18号间谍探测卫星,在中国大连上空,发现一架神秘的新型中国战斗机。 Naval Intelligence Department, provided a copy of: the report of China's new fighter, his spokesman said: No. 18 Department of the Navy spy satellites, in Dalian, China over and found a mysterious new Chinese fighter. 由于其带有隐身性能,因此,卫星无法准确拍摄其完全的体态。 Because of its performance with the stealth, therefore, the satellite can not accurately capture the full posture. 只能根据其尾部弱热气流来判断,因大连临近中国最大的的飞机制造企业沈阳飞机制造厂,因此极有可能是中国最新研制的歼14战机。 Only in accordance with its hot air to determine the tail of the weak, as near Dalian, China's largest aircraft manufacturer Shenyang Aircraft Factory, it is likely that China's newly developed F-14 fighter. 同期,中国否认了美国的这份报告,称这是美国的'中国威胁论'。 Meanwhile, China denies U.S. report, saying it is the United States 'China threat theory'. 并且,随即将自己的歼10,2,3号机曝光。 And, then F 10,2,3 own exposure of Unit. 但是,美国关岛基地情报部们,在获得的来自中国内地的情报,多次证实,中国新型歼14,歼13已经在研制的最后进程中。 However, the U.S. bases in Guam Intelligence Department, who obtained the information from the Chinese mainland, has repeatedly confirmed, China's new F-14, F-13 has been in the development of the final process.
interesting article please read after apply Google translator
as far as i can understand the projects mentioned here are not actually the JXX or the chines fifth generation stealth fighter project but the future projects that will be made aroung the J10,,
it may onclude twin engine variants, naval warfare J10 or such advancement but not the JXX!
it is an entirely different project!

however this is only my personal assesment from the difficult to understand article mentioned above!!

well its always good to see new designs but china right now does not even have the capability for producing a powerful airworthy engine...and to develop a engine which is not smokey or with low IR signature is an uphill battle even for countries like russia...so i guess there best bet is to try and get JV with russians pump in a lot of money and see what happens... i mean no offense to anyone tho :)
well its always good to see new designs but china right now does not even have the capability for producing a powerful airworthy engine...and to develop a engine which is not smokey or with low IR signature is an uphill battle even for countries like russia...so i guess there best bet is to try and get JV with russians pump in a lot of money and see what happens... i mean no offense to anyone tho :)

i agree that china's capability in the jet engine design department is quite weak, but we cant say their not trying. already china is working or at least has russian help with designing engines, the likes of ws-10 and ws-10a are meant to jump start china's jet fighter engine design department, ws-10 was made to be very similar to russian engines(they tried) and with the knowledge learned there they can then apply to later designs, learning and discovering is a never ending process, personally i cant wait to see how the likes of ws-15 turns out in the end, whether it is somewhat disappointing like the original ws-10 or prehaps they can surprise the world with a capable engine
i agree that china's capability in the jet engine design department is quite weak, but we cant say their not trying. already china is working or at least has russian help with designing engines, the likes of ws-10 and ws-10a are meant to jump start china's jet fighter engine design department, ws-10 was made to be very similar to russian engines(they tried) and with the knowledge learned there they can then apply to later designs, learning and discovering is a never ending process, personally i cant wait to see how the likes of ws-15 turns out in the end, whether it is somewhat disappointing like the original ws-10 or prehaps they can surprise the world with a capable engine

What's the use of worrying?!

If each of us apply our skills and knowledge, China will be at THE forefront of technological advancement as it has for THOUSANDS of years (less the last 300+ years). I'm working on my own 'project'.... :smitten:
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