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Improved Chinese Stealth Fighter Nears First Flight

i wonder what it's RCS is compared to the F-22 and Pak-FA :undecided:

The PAK FA doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence as the other two aircraft.

The F-22 is an in service aircraft.

The J-20 is most likely in the pre-production stage.

The PAK FA is quite frankly a shoddy looking not very stealthy 'Silent Flanker' tech demonstrator dependent on Indian funding for the program to even continue...

J-20 looks quite bulky and fat. I think it is more of a fighter-bomber rather than a dominance fighter like F-22 or PAK-FA.
Different requirements I suppose.

Wars are won by putting bombs on targets, not dogfights. The F-22 can't take off if the runway has been damaged. An airbase can't maintain high sortie rates if the fuel storage tanks have been blown up. Even better, you hit the hangars and parking ramps directly and destroy the F-22 while it's still on the ground.
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Wars are won by putting bombs on targets, not dogfights. The F-22 can't take off if the runway has been damaged. An airbase can't maintain high sortie rates if the fuel storage tanks have been blown up. Even better, you hit the hangars and parking ramps directly and destroy the F-22 while it's still on the ground.
Wrong. Wars are won by denying the enemy the capability to wage wars. Capability covers resources and methods. If it is possible to deny resources, such as basings and fuel depots, then do so at any opportunity. In the meantime, denial of methods, such as having a superior fighter or sub, must be seen as parallel in importance. Denial of resources is long term or 'strategic'. Denial of methods is immediate or 'tactical'.

Now, as far as denying the F-22 its runways goes...


The US is the world's best in runway denial operations and runway repairs.

Unless China can achieve this...


...The F-22 does not need a full runway length to take off fully armed. More likely it will be the PLAAF whose runways will be denied.
Wrong. Wars are won by denying the enemy the capability to wage wars. Capability covers resources and methods. If it is possible to deny resources, such as basings and fuel depots, then do so at any opportunity. In the meantime, denial of methods, such as having a superior fighter or sub, must be seen as parallel in importance. Denial of resources is long term or 'strategic'. Denial of methods is immediate or 'tactical'.

Now, as far as denying the F-22 its runways goes...


The US is the world's best in runway denial operations and runway repairs.

We're not just hitting runways. We're hitting runways, hangars, parking ramps, and fuel storage tanks. Good luck flying planes that no longer exist with no fuel and runways.


Unless China can achieve this...


...The F-22 does not need a full runway length to take off fully armed. More likely it will be the PLAAF whose runways will be denied.

JDAM? Please...






We're not just hitting runways. We're hitting runways, hangars, parking ramps, and fuel storage tanks. Good luck flying planes that no longer exist with no fuel and runways.
Right...And only China can achieve this?
Right...And only China can achieve this?

Yes. Once GPS is destroyed, only China can achieve this.:lol:


Chinese Anti-Satellite Test?

Chinese Anti-Satellite Test?

A Chinese space launch this week ostensibly for peaceful scientific research may actually have been a test of a new Chinese anti-satellite weapon, according to US press reports. China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported the May 13 launch of a high-altitude sounding rocket from southwestern China that was meant to investigate energy ions and magnetic fields in space. However, the mission was actually a test of the so called Dong Ning-2 missile that China could fire to attack a satellite, reported the Washington Free Beacon on May 14, citing US officials. The test reflects a significant advance in Chinese counterspace capabilities, claimed the Beacon. A Reuters report on Wednesday citing a US defense official made similar claims. Asked for comment, Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col Monica Matoush told the Daily Report on Wednesday: "We detected a launch on May 13 from within China. The launch appeared to be on a ballistic trajectory nearly to geosynchronous Earth orbit. We tracked several objects during the flight, but did not observe the insertion of any objects into orbit and no objects associated with this launch remain in space." China tested an ASAT weapon in 2007 that created thousands of pieces of debris on orbit. The Pentagon's newly issued 2013 annual report on Chinese military developments states that China is acquiring "a range of technologies" to improve its space and counterspace capabilities.

—Marc V. Schanz
Right...And only China can achieve this?

and keep yourselves away from welfare by taking jobs repairing your runways when we can rainstorm our bombs on your runways, one after another and another ...until all runway repair labourers become millionaires!
Yes. Once GPS is destroyed, only China can achieve this.:lol:


Chinese Anti-Satellite Test?

Chinese Anti-Satellite Test?

A Chinese space launch this week ostensibly for peaceful scientific research may actually have been a test of a new Chinese anti-satellite weapon, according to US press reports. China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported the May 13 launch of a high-altitude sounding rocket from southwestern China that was meant to investigate energy ions and magnetic fields in space. However, the mission was actually a test of the so called Dong Ning-2 missile that China could fire to attack a satellite, reported the Washington Free Beacon on May 14, citing US officials. The test reflects a significant advance in Chinese counterspace capabilities, claimed the Beacon. A Reuters report on Wednesday citing a US defense official made similar claims. Asked for comment, Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col Monica Matoush told the Daily Report on Wednesday: "We detected a launch on May 13 from within China. The launch appeared to be on a ballistic trajectory nearly to geosynchronous Earth orbit. We tracked several objects during the flight, but did not observe the insertion of any objects into orbit and no objects associated with this launch remain in space." China tested an ASAT weapon in 2007 that created thousands of pieces of debris on orbit. The Pentagon's newly issued 2013 annual report on Chinese military developments states that China is acquiring "a range of technologies" to improve its space and counterspace capabilities.

—Marc V. Schanz

We just blow up your satellites in response. Still got laser guided bombs to blow up your bases. And trust me even if you don't believe it, your air defense system really has no chance.
Yes. Once GPS is destroyed, only China can achieve this.
:lol: We do not need GPS to hit PLA bases. Bases are fixed and satellite recon mapped them all out already. The purpose of GPS is to ASSIST in navigation to targets, not to hit the target itself. That is the job of the weapon.
We just blow up your satellites in response. Still got laser guided bombs to blow up your bases. And trust me even if you don't believe it, your air defense system really has no chance.

only your adopted country can do that
why are you to be trusted?

:lol: We do not need GPS to hit PLA bases. Bases are fixed and satellite recon mapped them all out already. The purpose of GPS is to ASSIST in navigation to targets, not to hit the target itself. That is the job of the weapon.

you are sounding only your adopted country has all the gadgets!
if satellite are shot down. it would be a nuclear war.
in reality china and USA cant go to war as now the world has one economy.
its not cold war era with two different systems.
its a global village now.

on the other hand war between india,china or japan and china is a distant possiblity
We just blow up your satellites in response. Still got laser guided bombs to blow up your bases.

I have two requests:

1. Post a picture of the F-22 or B-2 dropping a laser guided bomb.

2. Tell me where the EOTS is located on the F-22 and B-2.


:lol: We do not need GPS to hit PLA bases. Bases are fixed and satellite recon mapped them all out already. The purpose of GPS is to ASSIST in navigation to targets, not to hit the target itself. That is the job of the weapon.

I have two requests:

1. Post a picture of the F-22 or B-2 dropping a laser guided bomb.

2. Tell me where the EOTS is located on the F-22 and B-2.
We will response to requests -- when the time comes. :lol:

That is how we feel about Chinese claims and declarations, especially when they have no relevant experience to start, like what you posted about the F-117 intake grill that you jacked from APA. That was hilarious. But we are used to the lack of critical thinking from the Chinese members here.
We will response to requests -- when the time comes. :lol:

That is how we feel about Chinese claims and declarations, especially when they have no relevant experience to start, like what you posted about the F-117 intake grill that you jacked from APA. That was hilarious. But we are used to the lack of critical thinking from the Chinese members here.

Indeed, they think we don't have any other aircraft besides the F22 and B2 and hence responds to saying post pictures of those aircraft that have laser guided bombs if you can. I'm like what?o_O
In the US this type of gung-ho attitude towards war is generally only seen in the uneducated and/or very young. Anyone old enough to live through or witness accounts of war doesn't get excited by the idea.

Is this the same elsewhere?

Why is it that every Chinese citizen I have met who has come to visit the US is extremely nice, and doesn't seem to wish death upon me or my fellow Americans? Something tells me that is closer to reality than some of the armchair generals on the internet.

Anyway US aircraft are obviously the measuring stick by which anything is measured, and nothing looks to threaten the JSF/B-2/F-22, or even the B-1 for now.

I don't think it is insulting to China to say that. They have advanced extremely rapidly, there is no need to use hyperbole and exaggerated estimates for their first go-around.

Indigenous engines are still a problem..
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