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China's software industry revenue is 5+ times of India

I heard, despite China university graduate more student, but the quality is questionable. They usually need to be reeducated again when joining foreign company.

India software is for international market, especially those in developed country.

I think the global innovation index team missed India bag maker I mentioned in the post above.

Yes, you heard you heard, can you have a brain before "heard"

India software is for international market coz their software engineers are cheaper and they speak English. That's all.

Can you tell me what innovation is from India?
I heard, despite China university graduate more student, but the quality is questionable. They usually need to be reeducated again when joining foreign company.
India software is for international market, especially those in developed country.
I think the global innovation index team missed India bag maker I mentioned in the post above.

The Chinese lack English proficiency and English language is mainly confined to place like Hongkong, I don't believe Chinese IT companies can target western countries. The Chinese business tycoons, wherever, they go they carry a translator with themselves.

Yes, you heard you heard, can you have a brain before "heard"
India software is for international market coz their software engineers are cheaper and they speak English. That's all.
Can you tell me what innovation is from India?

Chinese too aren't into innovation either. :sarcastic:
I heard, despite China university graduate more student, but the quality is questionable. They usually need to be reeducated again when joining foreign company.

India software is for international market, especially those in developed country.

I think the global innovation index team missed India bag maker I mentioned in the post above.
If I were a betting man, I would bet that you are an Indian in disguise.
Whatever, India also produces lots of graduates every year. 70% of them pass out of colleges where all they have to do is rote learn the books, pass the exams. But these books have antique syllabus, not to mention they don't even try to think for themselves, in fact thinking for yourself seems to be actively discouraged in Indian culture. Majority of these people are unemployable. Their real learning only comes after they have been hired but that is only for doing grunt work, no real creativity or innovation. Even in top colleges, they still mostly focus on passing exams, not enough creativeness.
The Chinese lack English proficiency and English language is mainly confined to place like Hongkong, I don't believe Chinese IT companies can target western countries. The Chinese business tycoons, wherever, they go they carry a translator with themselves.

Chinese too aren't into innovation either. :sarcastic:

Huawei and Ericcsson are top 2 telecom equipment and solution providers.
They are hand in hand in the Europe market.
Lenovo is also popular in the west.

So you mean they are not IT companies?

The Chinese lack English proficiency and English language is mainly confined to place like Hongkong, I don't believe Chinese IT companies can target western countries. The Chinese business tycoons, wherever, they go they carry a translator with themselves.
Chinese too aren't into innovation either. :sarcastic:

then it depends on how you define innovation. Are Italy, France and Spain innovative?
Lot many Indians actually know English and many college going student know about programming. its true, we need to diversity the employment sectors particularly the manufacturing. I don't want my market to be keep flooding with Chinese goods.
I think you should learn more grammar for your poor English.
1. Taiwan is always superior! Because Taiwan is democracy! Compare with the poor, dirty and backwater non-democracy mainland.

The same narrative is broadcasted in HK, South Korea and Japan too. Taiwan's waste oil... it's mainland fault. Japan's food scandal, mainland fault too. HK's pollution, mainland fault again.

Democracy always right never wrong! That is why Taiwanese love and hugely in-debt to democracy.

2. India economy model designed based on the world most advanced and wealthiest country model. Only master race like Indian can do it!

The illiteracy part of India... Well, because India is democracy, the world largest, that is why India respect traditional culture and they preserve it. Illiteracy, no electricity, no tap water, etc... pure nature!

3. I watch on TV about Indian creativity, where they have a traditional bag industry with highly spirited and very creative young entrepreneur.

Then the journalist compare it with copycat mainland factory, by showing how knocked product was made in the shabby factory, and the working condition look more like a slavery.
1. The so called "democracy" in Taiwan is almost a joke and only Taiwanese regards populist as a treasure.

2. "Illiteracy, no electricity, no tap water, etc... pure nature!", OK, this is the so called democratic life, maybe Indians and some Taiwanese like it, I have nothing to say.

3. So give me a real example of your unique invention manufactured by "India creativity industry", your comment is always useless and without any evidence or example.
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I heard, despite China university graduate more student, but the quality is questionable. They usually need to be reeducated again when joining foreign company.

India software is for international market, especially those in developed country.

I think the global innovation index team missed India bag maker I mentioned in the post above.
I think it is same for Taiwan students, you can check the Twelve national basic education in Taiwan and how many parents and students suffered from this garbage policy.

Why the initial salary of the graduate students in Taiwan is 22K? As the talk shows in many Taiwan television stations show that many Taiwan graduate students only get a level of high school, so the 22k is just what they are worth to.
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They prefer English as second language.

Nobody uses English in their daily life. Just open any website from Germany, France, Italy or Spain and see what language are used. If you have money to travel to Europe, listen how often you see people speak English on the street. Near zero!
China has similar issue with the manufacturing sector.
Not exactly similar IMHO......actually it's a bit incorrect to compare manufacturing sectors with service sectors....

The top/famous foreign brands manufacturing in China have their own manufacturing units, if they decide to shift, they will lay off workers and sell their properties.......this will increase unemployment initially but the presence of domestic firms manufacturing the same products and catering to domestic as well as foreign needs will slowly absorb the freed labour force, thereby reducing the impact of divestment by these huge foreign companies to a large extent....
Microsoft moves Nokia manufacturing from China to Vietnam | ZDNet

Whereas, in case of India, the IT/software firms are mainly catering to the need of foreign clients, they survive on contracts....
If those clients decide to give their contracts to cheaper service providers in some other country then the Indian firms will have no other option but to shut down as IT or software related contracts from within India is insignificant......and the labour force thus freed , will not be employable to other sectors, thereby only increasing unemployment......

Bottom-line is, for a stable economy, there is no alternative to domestic manufacturing and a huge domestic market......only relying on providing service to foreign clients can earn you money in the short run but not stability as you'll always remain dependent on others' discretion......
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Nobody uses English in their daily life. Just open any website from Germany, France, Italy or Spain and see what language are used. If you have money to travel to Europe, listen how often you see people speak English on the street. Near zero!

I am aware of it, I meant to say now a days most of the Europeans countries (except France) prefer studying English as a second language.

Not exactly similar IMHO......actually it's a bit incorrect to compare manufacturing sectors with service sectors....

The top/famous foreign brands manufacturing in China have their own manufacturing units, if they decide to shift, they will lay off workers and sell their property.......this will increase unemployment initially but the presence of domestic firms manufacturing the same products and catering to domestic as well as foreign needs will slowly absorb the freed labour force thereby reducing the impact of divestment by these huge foreign companies to a large extent....
Microsoft moves Nokia manufacturing from China to Vietnam | ZDNet

Whereas, in case of India, the IT/software firms are mainly catering to the need of foreign clients, they survive on contracts....
If those clients decide to give their contracts to cheaper service providers in some other country then the Indian firms will have no other option but to shut down as IT or software related contracts from within India is insignificant......and the labour force freed by these firms will not be employable to other sectors thereby only increasing unemployment......

Bottomline is, for a stable economy, there is no alternative to domestic manufacturing and a huge domestic market....

I got your point but China's manufacturing industry is heavily dependent on the exports instead of domestic market and if any other country started giving challenge to Chinab in manufacturing, moreover China is already $9 Trillion economy, it will interesting to see for how long they keep the status of 'world's Factory' due to low manufacturing cost.
1. Taiwan is always superior! Because Taiwan is democracy! Compare with the poor, dirty and backwater non-democracy mainland.

These are some side effects of tainted oil. Stop eating out for four weeks. You will feel better.

Democracy always right never wrong! That is why Taiwanese love and hugely in-debt to democracy

Taiwan is a land of hopeless and aimless youth, thanks to the idea of democracy which brings in legitimized corruption when left unchecked.

Young people in Taiwan are the victims of clueless populist governments. That's why majority of them want to make the right decision and leave your pathetic island which is important for China only because of its strategic location.

Why China is land of opportunity for young Taiwanese

Well, because India is democracy, the world largest, that is why India respect traditional culture and they preserve it. Illiteracy, no electricity, no tap water, etc... pure nature!

That may be true.

I heard, despite China university graduate more student, but the quality is questionable

What you hear is wrong. Check out the national citation rankings on major scientific journals. In the meantime, Taiwan's only SSCI IR journal has been kicked out from the SSCI index.

They usually need to be reeducated again when joining foreign company.

Orientation is a common practice in companies willing to recruit young graduates. University teaches theory while often ignores practice. Even the practical aspect of university often lags behind the real world development for various reasons, the least of being the established professors' unwillingness/tiredness to follow the latest trends.

If I were a betting man, I would bet that you are an Indian in disguise.

That's my guess, as well.
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If I were a betting man, I would bet that you are an Indian in disguise.
Whatever, India also produces lots of graduates every year. 70% of them pass out of colleges where all they have to do is rote learn the books, pass the exams. But these books have antique syllabus, not to mention they don't even try to think for themselves, in fact thinking for yourself seems to be actively discouraged in Indian culture. Majority of these people are unemployable. Their real learning only comes after they have been hired but that is only for doing grunt work, no real creativity or innovation. Even in top colleges, they still mostly focus on passing exams, not enough creativeness.

Indian graduates are the most seek after in the world.

CEOs, doctors, programmers, scientists, etc.

That lead into a bit of brain drain in India.

Yes, you heard you heard, can you have a brain before "heard"

India software is for international market coz their software engineers are cheaper and they speak English. That's all.

Can you tell me what innovation is from India?

Isn't all programming language written in English?

Mainlander who saw Latin character will hurt their brain so badly.

Not to mention, that they unable to have self-improvising to create a programming language based on Traditional Hanzi that equal to C++, Basic, Java and Phyton.

China will never have a strong and powerful software industry, except mini apps for Android. :lol:
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