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China's new nuclear subs are very silent

Do you see the water line after both ships? It does mean that both ships are sailing at their maximum speed during the military drill.

Meanwhile, the SSN is the vanguard of the carrier battlegroup, it has to sail no slower than the maximum speed of the aircraft carrier itself.

It is a photo op, son. No more, no less. No SSN travels at top speed for a photo op.
It doesn't matter if it's true or not. But still their progress of technology is still amazing. And Chinese people have their right to be proud of it.

I guess if you think hacking tech blueprints and then incorporating it, is impressive ..... but I got to give credit to them for engaging in hacking on a such a massive scale.
Japan doesn't produce nuclear sub nor do they have SSNs in their arsenal. The military race is now shrink to USA, China, and Russia.

you forget France and U.K. we still have one of the best subs in the world. better than China and even Russia.
dont underestimate Japan, since technologically its still ahead of china(its true China is bigger militarily due to its sheer size) and even some european countries. in fact if Japan had the size,resources and manpower of china, it would be an equal match of the U.S or even more bigger than the U.S a while ago. I have been to Japan and i can tell you, they are the most nationalistic people i have ever met. they do love thier country and are quite patriotic. In fact you will hardly see any American/western products that dominates Japan like it does in China. From cars to cosmetics to fashion to architecture etc. Japanese prefer to consume made in Japan even if in some cases it might not be the best compared to other foreign products. This is one reason the U.S and China relationship is still even more important to the U.S than its relation with Japan. the U.S has more stakes/profits it derives from China than Japan. If China was as protective/nationalistic as Japan, then believe me almost all Chinese auto and other companies will be the biggest in the world.
Japan would have been a natural world power/leader in Asia, if not for China(due to its size/influence) and the fact that its occupied by the U.S/was on the wrong side of history during world war II.:agree:
you forget France and U.K. we still have one of the best subs in the world. better than China and even Russia.
dont underestimate Japan, since technologically its still ahead of china(its true China is bigger militarily due to its sheer size) and even some european countries. in fact if Japan had the size,resources and manpower of china, it would be an equal match of the U.S or even more bigger than the U.S a while ago. I have been to Japan and i can tell you, they are the most nationalistic people i have ever met. they do love thier country and are quite patriotic. In fact you will hardly see any American/western products that dominates Japan like it does in China. From cars to cosmetics to fashion to architecture etc. Japanese prefer to consume made in Japan even if in some cases it might not be the best compared to other foreign products. This is one reason the U.S and China relationship is still even more important to the U.S than its relation with Japan. the U.S has more stakes/profits it derives from China than Japan. If China was as protective/nationalistic as Japan, then believe me almost all Chinese auto and other companies will be the biggest in the world.
Japan would have been a natural world power/leader in Asia, if not for China(due to its size/influence) and the fact that its occupied by the U.S/was on the wrong side of history during world war II.:agree:

UK is on a par with Russia but France little behind the Russians.

It is quite possible the Chinese Type-095 SSN will be on a par with the French Barrucuda SSN, since China has the money and the momentum now.

US is the undisputed leader in SSN technology.
UK is on a par with Russia but France little behind the Russians.

It is quite possible the Chinese Type-095 SSN will be on a par with the French Barrucuda SSN, since China has the money and the momentum now.

US is the undisputed leader in SSN technology.

China will soon have the second production line for the SSN.
you forget France and U.K. we still have one of the best subs in the world. better than China and even Russia.
dont underestimate Japan, since technologically its still ahead of china(its true China is bigger militarily due to its sheer size) and even some european countries. in fact if Japan had the size,resources and manpower of china, it would be an equal match of the U.S or even more bigger than the U.S a while ago. I have been to Japan and i can tell you, they are the most nationalistic people i have ever met. they do love thier country and are quite patriotic. In fact you will hardly see any American/western products that dominates Japan like it does in China. From cars to cosmetics to fashion to architecture etc. Japanese prefer to consume made in Japan even if in some cases it might not be the best compared to other foreign products. This is one reason the U.S and China relationship is still even more important to the U.S than its relation with Japan. the U.S has more stakes/profits it derives from China than Japan. If China was as protective/nationalistic as Japan, then believe me almost all Chinese auto and other companies will be the biggest in the world.
Japan would have been a natural world power/leader in Asia, if not for China(due to its size/influence) and the fact that its occupied by the U.S/was on the wrong side of history during world war II.:agree:

I disagree, the reason Japan would have been a leader in Asia is because the Japanese industrialized earlier. They went to Europe and absorb everything which led to their industrialization. In the end China would have caught up just as China is closing in fast on the US at the present. Japan would not have kept the lead forever even if it didn't join WW2.
you forget France and U.K. we still have one of the best subs in the world. better than China and even Russia.
dont underestimate Japan, since technologically its still ahead of china(its true China is bigger militarily due to its sheer size) and even some european countries. in fact if Japan had the size,resources and manpower of china, it would be an equal match of the U.S or even more bigger than the U.S a while ago. I have been to Japan and i can tell you, they are the most nationalistic people i have ever met. they do love thier country and are quite patriotic. In fact you will hardly see any American/western products that dominates Japan like it does in China. From cars to cosmetics to fashion to architecture etc. Japanese prefer to consume made in Japan even if in some cases it might not be the best compared to other foreign products. This is one reason the U.S and China relationship is still even more important to the U.S than its relation with Japan. the U.S has more stakes/profits it derives from China than Japan. If China was as protective/nationalistic as Japan, then believe me almost all Chinese auto and other companies will be the biggest in the world.
Japan would have been a natural world power/leader in Asia, if not for China(due to its size/influence) and the fact that its occupied by the U.S/was on the wrong side of history during world war II.:agree:
Not really. Our newest, and soon to escort our AC, SSBN can equip more advance SLBMs and can cruise faster than France latest Barracuda-class SSBN. Our latest SSBN 095 will rival the US's Virginia class and the thing is we are advancing rapidly and newer, improved model of SSBN will come out in 2020s.

Honestly, I don't understand this idea of Japan as some technologically superior country that can build anything. Are we forgetting they can't build a good 4th gen aircraft themselves and required the US's help, in F2 program, a copy of F-15? Are we forgetting that Japan, this highly technological country, cannot put a manned flight in space and need Russian help to transfer their astronauts to space? Are we forgetting that Japan doesn't have the fastest supercomputer in the world? Are we forgetting they have never been to the Moon in any shape and fashion? Japan is a country that is very good at supplying high-tech material in the commercial realm but in advance technology that require state-of-art cooperation, research, and development, they have never accomplish anything that make you go "WOW"? Are you watching too much Gundam and believe the useless Japanese humanoid robot represents the artificial intelligence level of the Japanese tech industry? Are we forgetting that these robots are so useless they can't fix the Fukishima nuclear reactor? Let be honest and sit back here for a second and ask ourselves why Japan had never done anything remarkable in human achievement.

No I don't believe Japan can rival the US if they are bigger. You simply do not understand how a big country manage population and vast empire. China is a big population, 4x bigger then the US. If we have smaller population, it would be much easier to modernize.
Not really. Our newest, and soon to escort our AC, SSBN can equip more advance SLBMs and can cruise faster than France latest Barracuda-class SSBN. Our latest SSBN 095 will rival the US's Virginia class and the thing is we are advancing rapidly and newer, improved model of SSBN will come out in 2020s.

Honestly, I don't understand this idea of Japan as some technologically superior country that can build anything. Are we forgetting they can't build a good 4th gen aircraft themselves and required the US's help, in F2 program, a copy of F-15? Are we forgetting that Japan, this highly technological country, cannot put a manned flight in space and need Russian help to transfer their astronauts to space? Are we forgetting that Japan doesn't have the fastest supercomputer in the world? Are we forgetting they have never been to the Moon in any shape and fashion? Japan is a country that is very good at supplying high-tech material in the commercial realm but in advance technology that require state-of-art cooperation, research, and development, they have never accomplish anything that make you go "WOW"? Are you watching too much Gundam and believe the useless Japanese humanoid robot represents the artificial intelligence level of the Japanese tech industry? Are we forgetting that these robots are so useless they can't fix the Fukishima nuclear reactor? Let be honest and sit back here for a second and ask ourselves why Japan had never done anything remarkable in human achievement.

No I don't believe Japan can rival the US if they are bigger. You simply do not understand how a big country manage population and vast empire. China is a big population, 4x bigger then the US. If we have smaller population, it would be much easier to modernize.

Also don't forget that JL-2A now is second after Trident II, and well beyond the capability of Bulava and M51.

But Russia still has Shtil and Sineva, so we are basically in parity with Russia in term of the SLBM capability.

France's M51 is still not mature, while UK totally depends on the US.
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I would take China's domestic-consumption claims along with the US Intelligence reports, and say the answer lies somewhere in the middle.
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