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China bans HPC and UAV exports, citing national security


Jun 28, 2012
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China bans HPC and UAV exports, citing national security

In colossal co-incidence, eight-petaflop limit keeps China atop fastest supercomputer charts


China's Tianhe2 supercomputer

3 Aug 2015 at 01:58,

Simon Sharwood

China has banned the unlicensed export of supercomputers and certain types of unmanned aerial vehicles.

The bans, announced here and since shoved through internet translat-o-trons by El Reg, targets machines of eight petaflops or more with 2 Gbps of networking capacity. The June 2015 top 500 supercomputer list records only five computers with eight petaflops of power and lists China's Tianhe-2 as the planet's mightiest number-cruncher at 33 petaflops.

No reason is advanced for the ban, but supers and UAVs are now subject to “dual-use” export controls, a category applied to commodities that have peaceful and military applications. China's therefore probably trying to make sure some of its best domestic technology doesn't fall into foreign hands to prevent it being used against it and also to retain its technological superiority.

The supercomputer ban can also be seen as a tit-for-tat after the USA banned Intel's exports of high-end x86s to China. China retaliated by revealing its own supercomputer silicon.

The Middle Kingdom recently received a wake-up call about its UAV technology after Pakistan shot down an Indian drone suspected of employing Chinese technology. Pakistan's connections to the USA are well-documented, as are the USA's keen interest in China's military. The drone ban impacts craft capable of staying aloft for more than an hour and/or reaching altitudes over 15,000 metres. Few drones with civilian markets in mind would boast the latter spec.

Licensing terms for supercomputer and UAV exports both include a national security and national interest test. ®

China bans HPC and UAV exports, citing national security • The Register
The Middle Kingdom recently received a wake-up call about its UAV technology after Pakistan shot down an Indian drone suspected of employing Chinese technology. Pakistan's connections to the USA are well-documented, as are the USA's keen interest in China's military. The drone ban impacts craft capable of staying aloft for more than an hour and/or reaching altitudes over 15,000 metres. Few drones with civilian markets in mind would boast the latter spec.

Licensing terms for supercomputer and UAV exports both include a national security and national interest test. ®

China bans HPC and UAV exports, citing national security • The Register
The writer has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. Pakistan will never share chinese technology with USA.
that means no UAV to Pakistan now?

Kehtay hain khait ki
Sunatay hain khalian ki

Aren't you have any update regarding UAV shooting at LOC ?? This forum is to keep urself updated and learn to link up events.
It's 2 different occurrences one is between Indo-Pak and other is US-China.
None of them has to do any thing with acquiring technology from China for Pakistan.
It's not baned, more like make it under contral. Export to pakistan is always considered under contral, no mater what UAV it is.:D
But there maybe some other countrys bought the UAV in chinese civilian market and use it on militar purpose. So chinese goverment want to know where did all the militar useable UAV go.
that means no UAV to Pakistan now?

Such a ban on UAV (as well as HPC or any military-grade tech) export should come eventually as tech reserves continue to accumulate so that any potential info leakage must be contained.

P.S.: About Pakistan, we all know what has happened before on even the most sensitive military techs, so you know what I mean, relax bro!
Bad news for DJ's drone business ... so HOT !

I hope the ban doesn't affect export of civilian-grade UAV like what DJI is selling, otherwise that would be a big loss for everyone.

@cirr any more details to share? I hope this news doesn't create panic in the market of UAV consumers and investment bankers.
I hope the ban doesn't affect export of civilian-grade UAV like what DJI is selling, otherwise that would be a big loss for everyone.

@cirr any more details to share? I hope this news doesn't create panic in the market of UAV consumers and investment bankers.

Drones by DJI and the likes are not touched by the current export control policies:

中国限制无人机出口 大疆:产品不在管制范围内|大疆创新|无人机|出口_业界_新浪科技_新浪网
Dear Fellow ban comes when Chinese UAV got in hand by India and India use it against Pakistan.
UAV has the same problem with Germany U boat. Communicatioj encryption. Read enigma for more details.
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