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EU Firms Help Power China's Military Rise

Where is the proof that we are using western tech?

Well so far i saw nothing in Chinese technology that is not western. Submarines, airplanes, helicopters. Thats all western tech. Or do you have something that we don´t have?

I don´t understand the argument here. We live in a globalized world.
Well so far i saw nothing in Chinese technology that is not western. Submarines, airplanes, helicopters. Thats all western tech. Or do you have something that we don´t have?

I don´t understand the argument here. We live in a globalized world.

ASBM.. Does west has equivalent?
Thats technology of the 50th and scrapped here, simply because we don´t need it anymore. Why should we need an ASBM, when we track the entire globe at any time, know any position of any ship and can target and destroy it easily with an overwhelming airstrike. Battle ships are obsolete since WW II.
Well so far i saw nothing in Chinese technology that is not western. Submarines, airplanes, helicopters. Thats all western tech. Or do you have something that we don´t have?

I don´t understand the argument here. We live in a globalized world.
As a fellow european I feel rather sad at your ignorance.

That shows your ignorance and stupidity.

Chinese Inventions | Asia Society

6. The Helicopter Rotor and the Propeller: China, Forth Century CE. By fourth century CE a common toy in China was the helicopter top, called the 'bamboo dragonfly'. The top was an axis with a cord wound round it, and with blades sticking out from the axis and set at an angle. One pulled the cord, and the top went climbing in the air. Sir George Cayley, the father of modern aeronautics, studied the Chinese helicopter top in 1809. The helicopter top in China led to nothing but amusement and pleasure, but fourteen hundred years later it was to be one of the key elements in the birth of modern aeronautics in the West.
As a fellow european I feel rather sad at your ignorance.

That shows your ignorance and stupidity.

Chinese Inventions | Asia Society

6. The Helicopter Rotor and the Propeller: China, Forth Century CE. By fourth century CE a common toy in China was the helicopter top, called the 'bamboo dragonfly'. The top was an axis with a cord wound round it, and with blades sticking out from the axis and set at an angle. One pulled the cord, and the top went climbing in the air. Sir George Cayley, the father of modern aeronautics, studied the Chinese helicopter top in 1809. The helicopter top in China led to nothing but amusement and pleasure, but fourteen hundred years later it was to be one of the key elements in the birth of modern aeronautics in the West.

why was china unable to make a functional helicopter then?
The article is true,European technology fuels Chinese advancement but Chinese money fuels Europe....goes both ways.

All is good,especially as Europe is sharing technology "by the drop" or "yesterday technology".China is happy with that(as i the West knowing that China is always 1-2 steps behind) and Europe is happy with the money...Win=Win

So what can Europe offer China for her latest J20?
Yo retard,i just ignored your stupidity,i don't take garbage seriously,get lost freakozoid.Religious debates are forbidden in PDF read the rules you self declared Einstein.

You're not the first to ignore me because you can't out debate me. Avoidance is your only choice.
Thats technology of the 50th and scrapped here, simply because we don´t need it anymore. Why should we need an ASBM, when we track the entire globe at any time, know any position of any ship and can target and destroy it easily with an overwhelming airstrike. Battle ships are obsolete since WW II.

:lol: Why not you say the grape is sour? If using your theory. All western thing is crap...

Did I hit right on the nail that you can't even have a proper rebuke?
why was china unable to make a functional helicopter then?

Invention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An invention is a unique or noveldevice, method, composition or process. It may be an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an object or a result.

The idea came from the chinese. Europeans build upon that idea. None of that really worth mention. Tech is a prosess. Nothing appears out of thin air.
I only find it odd that someone insist to make this a pissing contest.
So what can Europe offer China for her latest J20?

Nothing, because we simply don´t need it nor is it wanted here. A product is just as much worth as someone wants to pay for it. I see no use for the J20 in our fleet.
:lol: There's a big differences between not able to produce a 5th gen fighter and not wanted a 5th gen fighter. Eat your humble pie! :lol:

Are you kidding me? Airbus can produce anything it gets a contract for. Don´t want to burst your bubble, but we play in a higher league than China. Light years higher. A 5th generation fighter is something totally useless for our defense strategy. What would we need this for? Explain me a single scenario where we would need this type of aircraft and why we should waste money for it?

Beside that, your "5th generation fighter" is based on almost 20 year old technology. Come back when you have something new.

Each normal A 318 has higher developed avionics than China has at hand for their most "advanced" systems.

You will learn a huge lesson soon. Blind nationalism leads to waste of money. We live in the 21st century. The time of fighter planes is long over. Those are only needed to bomb backwarded nations into submission. Who do you want to attack with them? Vietnam?
Are you kidding me? Airbus can produce anything it gets a contract for. Don´t want to burst your bubble, but we play in a higher league than China. Light years higher. A 5th generation fighter is something totally useless for our defense strategy. What would we need this for? Explain me a single scenario where we would need this type of aircraft and why we should waste money for it?

Beside that, your "5th generation fighter" is based on almost 20 year old technology. Come back when you have something new.

Each normal A 318 has higher developed avionics than China has at hand for their most "advanced" systems.

You will learn a huge lesson soon. Blind nationalism leads to waste of money. We live in the 21st century. The time of fighter planes is long over. Those are only needed to bomb backwarded nations into submission. Who do you want to attack with them? Vietnam?

Your talk is so cheap that it smell like fart! :lol:

By your logic. I can say anything without verification? China can produced anything that included super spaceship manned mission to Mars. So sad that Europe or airbus can't even produced a so called 5th gen 20 years old technology to matched China. Didn't realise how backward west is. Pathetic! :lol:
Your talk is so cheap that it smell like fart! :lol:

By your logic. I can say anything without verification? China can produced anything that included super spaceship manned mission to Mars. So sad that Europe or airbus can't even produced a so called 5th gen 20 years old technology to matched China. Pathetic! :lol:

So far China did not manage to build anything that we did not build 50 years ago. :/ Even your small moon rover was something we did already 50 years ago...and you even needed help from us for your Jade Rabbit. But thats ok. I think it is good to help developing countries. And no, you can´t build a spaceship capable to reach mars with a crew. You can´t even achieve a Holtzmann injection. It was ESA who guided your Jade Rabbit to the moon. Chinas spaceprogram is a 100% copy of the russian one. Unfortunately you were not able yet to go beyond LEO.

What you don´t realize is, that there is zero need for such an airplane in Europe. We simply have no enemies who could attack us. We are bound into NATO. We control the entire globe. China is part of our sphere and basicly has become a western country. Russias economy is smaller than Italy and no threat.

Evry investment needs a purpose. It is a sign of stuctural failure if you build something that you don´t even need. But it is also a win to make your enemy wasting money on garbage. So far the J-20 does not impress me. It is useless for anything we do and plan to do.

So far you were not even able to tell me what we would need this garbage for.

Let me try again, why would we need such an airplane and for what purpose? What strategy would follow this?
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