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EU Firms Help Power China's Military Rise

I can ask you the same thing about the chinese weapons.....Truth be told China is so dependent on the US economy that the disaster of the chinese modern fleets of the hand of the japanese in the 19th century might be adverted in this day and age.

i'll say it again...innovate and i'll believe in chinese might..until then,allow me to doubt

people who says innovate, as a verb, don't have any idea what innovation is.

F-22 is an innovation, but it didn't come from no where. It's requirements are not pulled out of a hat, it's design was not the dream of some guy cause he took a walk.

Look at J-20, the first Chinese fighter that completely fits the Chinese requirements. That's innovation. But this is based on 30 years of hard work from 2 generations of people to make this happen.

The fighter's shape, ability, mission and such are the accumulation of decades of work and the assessment of the situation. It's innovation, just like the F-22.

It's not an apple dropping on Newton's head, and even that doesn't mean what you think it means.
Still waiting for the proof :coffee:

i'll send you 10 yuan and you'll make double this night.

people who says innovate, as a verb, don't have any idea what innovation is.

F-22 is an innovation, but it didn't come from no where. It's requirements are not pulled out of a hat, it's design was not the dream of some guy cause he took a walk.

Look at J-20, the first Chinese fighter that completely fits the Chinese requirements. That's innovation. But this is based on 30 years of hard work from 2 generations of people to make this happen.

It's not an apple dropping on Newton's head, and even that doesn't mean what you think it means.

No.It's a russian copied tech....long story short.Harp all you want i have an opinion,could be wrong vut i'm sticking to it and i'm not going to fight the whole China STRONK!! over it so i'm out of this thread. TA DA...
i'll send you 10 yuan and you'll make double this night.

No.It's a russian copied tech....long story short.Harp all you want i have an opinion,could be wrong vut i'm sticking to it and i'm not going to fight the whole China STRONK!! over it so i'm out of this thread. TA DA...
Do you know what the T-50 looks like? The T-50 is basically a fifth gen flanker, J-20 and 31 are no longer flankers.

Also Russia don't have a mature fifth gen engine either so, are we so good that we copied before they even had it?
Do you know what the T-50 looks like? The T-50 is basically a fifth gen flanker, J-20 and 31 are no longer flankers.

Also Russia don't have a mature fifth gen engine either so, are we so good that we copied before they even had it?

Except that you don't have an own engine for an array of "domestic"(wink,wink) fighters belonging to 4++ gen ,yet you have one for the T50....tell it to the judge.:lol:
Except that you don't have an own engine for an array of "domestic"(wink,wink) fighters belonging to 4++ gen ,yet you have one for the T50....tell it to the judge.:lol:

first we do, and I'll admit it's an improved version of the Russian engine for the fourth gen.

Fifth gen, at most it's that SU-35 engine and we don't have any SU-35.

Are we so good that we just look at a engine in a picture and we can copy?

The Fifth gen engine is going to be tested in 2015.

Your information is not solid.

Learn to read, kid.

Another ship involved in recent tensions — a Jiangkai-class vessel — uses engines made by SEMT Pielstick, a French diesel engine manufacturer owned by German firm MAN Diesel and Turbo, according to analysts and specifications posted on Chinese military websites.

MAN told AFP that its Chinese licensees have supplied about 250 engines to China’s navy.

MTU said it “acts strictly according to the German export laws,” without elaborating.
Yeah ,that's why..you've just pulled a sub AIP/engine out your brilliant minds not some german 90's tech :lol:

Sure friend,whatever makes you happy.Anyway ,China is so intertwined with the US economy that you seem siamese twins.That's why the US would sanction Russia but never China and vice versa.As i've said..google is you're friend,if you're allowed,i mean.,

Even without Europe help, China will still moves forward. The most is just a 3-4 years delay. No big deal. Its truth the earlier electric submarine and our 054A frigates uses German and French technology. But they are not our top notch product. They are meant for mass produced, cheap weapon. Top pier weapon like 052D destroyer uses home design QC-280 engine. Same as our Type 094B SSBN uses home made/design pumpjet propulsion system. Same as our tp notch WZ-10 attack helo uses home made WZ-9 turbo shaft. While low grade Z-9 uses european provided engine technology.

The Type 094 SSBN with pump-jet

All China top notch sub weapon are produced by ourselves. European are also no idiot to sell their best sub system to China. What they provide is just to equip our second tier medium grade weapon. They speed up our mass produced process. While nobody will give you the best. India is a great example.
I was using an example of making a point in reference to rebutting the article.

unless you want t turn this thread into a troll fest,you shouldn't diverge from the topic using the word "India/Indian"..choose another example.
Well of course China used some Western technology. You use the available technology at hand, whether it's obtained legally or otherwise. China was really behind a few decades ago and needed Western and Russian expertise to modernize and provide a base to build their own military industrial complex. Why spend more than you have to, to R&D things that are already available. But these are just some of the technology China requires, as Europe won't sell anything that is critical to their own security and that is where China's own military R&D takes over and the advances Chinese researchers have made on their own should not be trifled or lessened in significance, because some Euro-centric/Western nut-hugger decrees that China is a technologically backwards nation that suckles on the West's and Russia's technological teets, so to speak.

China used what they could get hold of, to quickly catch up and now they almost have in most areas, they are starting to enhance and develop, ,i.e. innovate, new classes of weapons, based on technologies they have obtained from the West and Russia and what their own scientists have learned. China, with its size and industrious, but also increasingly educated, workforce are going to become the most dominant nation on the planet, no matter who dislikes it. Unless the US wants to destroy the World in a nuclear conflict with China, then this will come to be, as this will be the only way the US can stop China. But then everbody loses. I'm a little worried, as some of the racial supremacist elites in the West might see this as more preferable to living in a World dominated by people they deem inferior to themselves (their views, not mine).
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Summary of the article
The usual suspects from the biased Japanese gossip media acting like a defense paper baselessly paint China as incompetent and reliant on European technology imports and attempts to undermine Chinas proficiency and selfsufficiency, because of some minor role of foreign tech imports we find in practically every other major military power except maybe Japan it self which ironically relies heavily on American tech exchange. No competent analysis or factual news about Chinese Military to be found.

Good enough to feed some of the usual PDF candidates inferiority complex and delusions about China.

Airbus Helicopters and China’s Avicopter sign joint production agreement for 1,000 EC175/AC352 helicopters

20-year industrial output is launched for new-generation medium twin-engine rotorcraft
Paris, France, March 26, 2014Airbus Helicopters and China’s Avicopter (the helicopters business unit of AVIC) today signed a joint agreement for the production of 1,000 newgeneration EC175/AC352 rotorcraft, in the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President François Hollande at the Elysée Palace in Paris. The agreement cements the industrial partnership between Airbus Helicopters and AVIC on their jointly-developed EC175/AC352.

“Today’s agreement results from several years of close collaboration between our teams. It sets the stage for an unprecedented full-scale production framework by both partners and adds a new dimension to the relationship with Avicopter,” said Airbus Helicopters CEO Guillaume Faury.

“The production contract’s signature will allow both of us to satisfy the Chinese and worldwide market needs in the medium helicopter segment," added Li Fangyong, AVIC

Airbus Helicopters and China’s Avicopter sign joint production agreement for 1,000 EC175/AC352 helicopters - Airbus Helicopters

1000, yo! :coffee:

Also, SIPRI lists engine contracts from 1990's to 2010 from MTU, Germany to China for use in subs destroyers, tanks.

SIPRI 1981-2010
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Forget about that Romanian loser. I challenge to debate him about his own fake religion, he is not willing to because he will lose.

Yo retard,i just ignored your stupidity,i don't take garbage seriously,get lost freakozoid.Religious debates are forbidden in PDF read the rules you self declared Einstein.
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