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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

  • Total voters
One thing I like to do is research and read up on history for topics of interest. Found a few magazines from the early 1980s with articles on the PAF. For example, the Mirages and F-6s both required 50-60 maintenance man hours per flight hour, however, the Mirages cost 6 times as much due to spare being much more expensive from France vs China for the Farmer.
Similarly, the first Mirages went through an overhaul at 1000 flight hours, which by 1981 was already improved and done at 11yrs or 1,800 flying hours for the air frames.

And lastly, a nice tidbit; PAF regarded the Mirage 3/5s in such high regard that even as far back as in November of 1980, it sent a team to France for extended test flight eval on a dual-seat Mirage 2000B back then! Alas it was not meant to be =)
Just a curious question if any 1 care to answer..!
Why PAF did not go for Mirage F1..??
I personally think that it would have performed and served much better then Mirage 3

There was an agreement in principle reached between arab countries and Pakistan to to put in place an F1 full production line in Pakistan but Egypt fucked it up by voicing opposition. That was the end of it.
There was an agreement in principle reached between arab countries and Pakistan to to put in place an F1 full production line in Pakistan but Egypt fucked it up by voicing opposition. That was the end of it.

There was an agreement in principle reached between arab countries and Pakistan to to put in place an F1 full production line in Pakistan but Egypt fucked it up by voicing opposition. That was the end of it.
Why would Egypt voice its opposition for F-1s that they did not even operate? And why would France care? They had no problem selling us equipment for the MRF? I would take this claim with a pinch of salt.
One thing I like to do is research and read up on history for topics of interest. Found a few magazines from the early 1980s with articles on the PAF. For example, the Mirages and F-6s both required 50-60 maintenance man hours per flight hour, however, the Mirages cost 6 times as much due to spare being much more expensive from France vs China for the Farmer.
Similarly, the first Mirages went through an overhaul at 1000 flight hours, which by 1981 was already improved and done at 11yrs or 1,800 flying hours for the air frames.

And lastly, a nice tidbit; PAF regarded the Mirage 3/5s in such high regard that even as far back as in November of 1980, it sent a team to France for extended test flight eval on a dual-seat Mirage 2000B back then! Alas it was not meant to be =)

Mirage 2000 was indeed evaluated in the 80's and they were not impressed with the look down/shoot down capability of it's radar however they were quite impressed with Mirage 2000-5,it's another story why we didn't get them in the 90's.
Mirage 2000 was indeed evaluated in the 80's and they were not impressed with the look down/shoot down capability of it's radar however they were quite impressed with Mirage 2000-5,it's another story why we didn't get them in the 90's.
Yes I recall reading that the base version did not impress the PAF as much. At the same time frame, they were also looking at F-20s and other offerings from the US and clearly preferred a US solution to be technically more advanced.
Why would Egypt voice its opposition for F-1s that they did not even operate? And why would France care? They had no problem selling us equipment for the MRF? I would take this claim with a pinch of salt.

As an Arab leader, they wanted the Plant / Factory to be in Egypt. Masari suffered from a huge ego issue and have always considered themselves as the leader of the Arab World. That changed for short while when Saddam was at his peak and GCC regarded him as their savior, he regarded himself as the modern day 'Salah Uddin'
As an Arab leader, they wanted the Plant / Factory to be in Egypt. Masari suffered from a huge ego issue and have always considered themselves as the leader of the Arab World. That changed for short while when Saddam was at his peak and GCC regarded him as their savior, he regarded himself as the modern day 'Salah Uddin'

Thank you for the addition.

Not everything is documented online but I believe it was briefly mentioned on global security.
Mirage 2000 was indeed evaluated in the 80's and they were not impressed with the look down/shoot down capability of it's radar however they were quite impressed with Mirage 2000-5,it's another story why we didn't get them in the 90's.
Mr 10% upto his tricks.
In this case he had his fingers in the pie. The file lay on BBs desk for 3 months.

Any evidence or a credible source that can be academically cited? (otherwise, it might be passed over as hearsay). This might be helpful for my research work.
Any evidence or a credible source that can be academically cited? (otherwise, it might be passed over as hearsay). This might be helpful for my research work.
I talked at length to the man who was involved with the deal a d whose family was threatened by Mr 10%. He used to come to this forum as well. However I have no contact with the gentleman for the last many years. He was ??air attache to BB during the first govtt air commodore rank. The matter was complicated further by the fact that when the BB Gvtt was chucked out by Leghari and the papers were sent over the French refused to abide by the deal saying the PAF had not responded to the deal in time. Which makes me think there were share takers in the deal from both sides.
Any evidence or a credible source that can be academically cited? (otherwise, it might be passed over as hearsay). This might be helpful for my research work.
It was stated by Son of PAF officer who assigned Mirage file at MOD. Son is ex PAF pilot too. BB threw file on floor ask extra money added
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