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Can IRAN reach to the Moon ?

He is a liar. India does not accept dual nationality at all as per their laws. And neither does Saudi Arabia. The moment you get another citizenship, you lose your Indian or Saudis one. He is now standing exposed. He is either an Indian or an Arab, posing the other way.
Hey sherlock Holmes!
It doesn't concern you where I am from.

Because Indians want to be an American proxy

Did they not have to get some Russian parts for that

and is it not true that relatively Arjun tank is a failure as is Teja jet so you have to import

When you build a missle with a range >50m then talk.
Now stop diverting this thread and lets get back to Persian science fiction.
He is a liar. India does not accept dual nationality at all as per their laws. And neither does Saudi Arabia. The moment you get another citizenship, you lose your Indian or Saudis one. He is now standing exposed. He is either an Indian or an Arab, posing the other way.

Yea I agree we have established he is dishonest no good can come out of debating with a liar
Iran would most probably be able to send a human to the moon by around 2030 if it really wanted to.

The issue would be the cost as it would likely cost a few percent of Iran's entire GDP for around a decade leading up to the mission.

The country would most likely send a human into Earth orbit sometime in the next decade but no further due to the immense cost.
two things cash hard cash and lots and lots and lots of it and a ver good icbm these are the important tings but i dont think so that iran can get that much cash considering all the sanctions and stuff bcz its hard enough to make weapons and keep a steady growth in sanctions but if iran did it under sanctions then it would be the best bcz the prestige just cant be beaten away
why not , without any question it's possible .If we put enough money into our space program with a clear aim and also a good management we will have reached moon by 2025 .
You jealous of Iranian achievements?? Its a shame you do not have the population to compete in this department but if Saudis concentrate on better relations with Iran maybe Iranians could take a Saudi into space?

HA HA HA :rofl:
No need ! they have three stage camels :mamba:

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