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BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

Why do you say that? Haven't they been passing on some American military tech to you guys?
I don't know either.Maybe just because Israel is US's ally?But honestly ,most chinese has no love or hate feeling on Israel ,just neutral,including me, china already has enough problems to deal with,middle east is still not in our radar
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Why do you say that? Haven't they been passing on some American military tech to you guys?
During the later part of the Cold War, when USA was allied with China against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan (you guys were there too on the same side), Israel sold some weaponry to China. It was not free. The Jews control the US media and the US media rabidly whips up anti-China and anti-Chinese sentiments. Actually I don't have a huge issue with Israel per se but mainly hate Jews like Rupert Murdoch and Mark Zuckerberg.
No rescue operation? they just send fighter jet to bomb without cover? or it happened too fast?
You are Jewish Hindu now? Hindu fanatics are no different either, Jews kill in the name of God, and you kill for a cow. LOL. I understand monotheism more than you understand your own primitive religion bhai.

:lol: failed..... I ain't even a Hindu, and my preference is beef :rofl:
How is the organ harvesting coming up in China..?? If you don't bow down to ccp I guess it's your liver that'll be pulled next :omghaha:

So you are taking credit.

You will find out soon enough what happens next. Obviously, the Russians aren't going to sit idle. Just have a little patience. Things just got a little more ugly now.

Didn't you say the same when mortar fire took out few planes and Russian soldiers!! What had changed?? Russians will do nothing other than barrel bomb the density areas
Yes, I myself wrote that Sayyid Musa al-Sadr was the one that declared them to be Muslims (I even wrote this some time ago - just ask @SALMAN F ) but it was a misplacement by my part.

I am sure that you know the history of Al-Husseini. He was more of an Arab nationalist (politically active figure) than a scholar. Nor was he particularly famous for his scholarly work. He is most famous for his politics.

BTW those decisions were politically motivated (both of them). Before that you will struggle to find a single Muslim scholar of the time (Sunni as well as Shia) that considered Alawites (Nusayris as they are also known) to be Muslim. If you take a look at their teachings it is impossible for them to be Muslims. If they are Muslims Baha'i are Muslims too.


If you take a look at leading Shia forums (Shiachat) prior to the Syrian civil war you will see most ordinary Shias on that forum agree with Alawites not being Muslims due to their beliefs and practices. BTW the old pre-Al-Assad constitution of Syria stated that Nusayris are a religious minority of their own separate from Muslims and Christians.

But let us return to the topic our we both might risk a ban for discussing religious topics.:o:
Sadly politics are involved in many decisions that it was better that they discussed them outside politics.

But that aside I heard basharr and his father worked to made alawite changed their beliefs to be more in line with the rest of Shia and Sunni sects.
Reports say it was shot down with the Igla MANPAD. How ironic, russian plane shot down by russian MANPAD

January 31, 2018

Syrian backed forces showing the Igla SA-18 MANPAD launcher captured from the Kurdish YPG
Highly sought after MANPAD equipment has been almost entirely off the table when it came to the Syrian civil war in fear that civilian air traffic could come under attack. Today Turkish backed Syrian rebels captured an advance SA-18 Igla MANPAD system which is capable of taking down military jets, helicopters and any civilian plane within a 3.2 mile range from the launcher. Especially concerning is the likely-hood that there are more launchers in the Kurdish forces stocks as smuggling between several regions and black markets offers many potential sources.

:lol: failed..... I ain't even a Hindu, and my preference is beef :rofl:
How is the organ harvesting coming up in China..?? If you don't bow down to ccp I guess it's your liver that'll be pulled next :omghaha:

It's going great, we make sure those 'executed' prisoners are made to good use, they need to pay for the bullet we use to execute them. How's your organ harvesting going bhai? Heard you need to use 4 year old kids now?


A four-and-a-half year old girl got operated upon at a hospital in Delhi in March. Two months later, her father alleged that one of her kidneys disappeared after the surgery

:D. Is your pooja going well with that toddler's head?:rofl:

Need a kidney? Inside the world’s biggest organ market
Guess where is the largest organ market on earth? What is BJP doing? NOTHING.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), South Asia is now the leading transplant tourism hub globally, with India among the top kidney exporters. Each year more than 2,000 Indians sell their kidneys, with many of them going to foreigners.

Indian outsourcing is amazing, maybe we can get some Indian kidneys after our executed prisoners run out of supply.:rofl:
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My highest repsect to the heroic Russian pilot.

If the pilot were an American, he would have surrendered to the terrorists with knees on ground and hands high up in the air.
My highest repsect to the heroic Russian pilot.

If the pilot were an American, he would have surrendered to the terrorists with knees on ground and hands high up in the air.

Speaking of which , i wonder what would be the response here if it was the Americans who where bombing Arab civilians on a daily basis in order to keep some dictator in power and not the Russians ...

You are putting words in my mouth now? I have no affinity with Israel.

I pointed out to you who is responsible for destruction of Syria and how Syrian Civil War started. However, your brain is stuck at blaming Israel for matters that do not concern it directly. You need to pull your head out of the sand and learn to look at things objectively.

Of-course, in geopolitical context, Israel is a beneficiary of unrest in Syria due to history of hostility between the two countries. However, Isreal did not invade and destroy Syria; Syrian leader Assad destroyed Syria instead.

Now, if I say that Assad colluded with Netanyahu for destruction of Syria, would you believe me?

Stop being an brainwashed pawn.
Interesting to see there are some Pakistani /muslim members here who have a more objective view of the current situation of the region. UnfirtUnfortu people in the regionrare all to hapoy to blame all the west. I think its expected, sincesits the easy way out and it makes it possible to avoid taking any resresponsibil for your actions or introspecting.

The last time the Turkish Air Force shot down the Russian SU24, the Russians lit up Latakia and bombed the Turkmen with such ferocity that they were screaming genocide. Most of the villages were bombed to the ground, and the area is only a shadow of itself
LOL Poor Turkmens

Speaking of which , i wonder what would be the response here if it was the Americans who where bombing Arab civilians on a daily basis in order to keep some dictator in power and not the Russians ...

LOL It definitely won't be the same. :D
Anyway, who cares? Russia can carry in barrel bombing syrians in syria, if the ur fellow muslim brethrens are cheering the Russian on, why should we care? :p:. Me personaper I have nothing against russian intervention in syria .
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Speaking of which , i wonder what would be the response here if it was the Americans who where bombing Arab civilians on a daily basis in order to keep some dictator in power and not the Russians ...


They were Al-Quida, they execute children and random civilians for no reason. Remind everyone what happened to Israeli pilots that were downed or Israeli soldiers that were captured? Remind everyone what happened to the Jordanian pilot that was shot down? At least this pilot died a hero fighting to the end and killing Al-Quida militants while Israel treats wounded Al-Quida militants--this according to the ex Mossad chief.

In any case you're Israeli, you should be the last person crying crocodile tears over civilians. Israeli devastated Lebon in 2006 and is ethnically cleansing Palestinians. Who has Israel not attacked?
Al Qaeda released a video showing a downed Russian pilot (Major Roman Filipov ) shouting 'This is for our guys!' before killing himself with a grenade to avoid being captured by jihadists.

Salute Russian

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