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BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

Good riddance. However they should not have executed him but tried to capture him alive (apparently he resisted so they had little choice) and used him as a bait for further negotiation.

Obviously no fan of Israel at all but 90% of Russia's modern-day territory was conquered through the use of systematic genocide (Russia is number 1 in the world in this category and Russian regimes have been particularly good at mass-murdering their own people - one just need to look back at the horrors of the USSR and the German Tsars) and oppression and conquest of non-Russian ethnic lands. From Caucasus to Siberia.

So actually Israel and Russia have a lot in common which is why their relations have mostly always been good and why there are so many Israelis of Russian descent.

Here on this forum you have one Russian representative that boots about a Russian tradition of killing 100 times the "enemies" if they lose one of their own. This gives a very good idea of their mentality and why everyone in their neighborhood (people not regimes) dislike them. With good reason.

Looking at history they are nothing more than beats. Only the few Russian scientists are an exception and ironically a lot of them were Jews.
Russians are a tough people. Gotta admit.

And all nations on this Earth were established through conquest. But Israel was established unlike any other country in the history of humanity; deciet.
You're entire country is built on the bodies of millions of innocent civilians whom you call "terrorists".
Thats pure nonsense. Total number of casualties in 30 years of Intifada is about 10K.

Russians drop cluster bombs on Maasaran village tonight. Thats nothing but war crime and terror:

Thats pure nonsense. Total number of casualties in 30 years of Intifada is about 10K.

Russians drop cluster bombs on Maasaran village tonight. Thats nothing but war crime and terror:

LOL cry rivers buddy. You instigate terror. You will get terror.

You don't give a hoot about Syrians dying.
Russians are a tough people. Gotta admit.

And all nations on this Earth were established through conquest. But Israel was established unlike any other country in the history of humanity; deciet.

All people are tough when the conditions require them to be. Inuits are tough too. They live in the arctic and survive on barely anything.

BTW I see nothing "tough" about bombing unarmed civilians in Syria. The tough ones are the Syrians on the ground (civilians or fighters). For such a supposed "superpower" Russian ground troops are doing little or close to no work either. It's all the Syrian Arab Army almost. That I have little respect for.

Israel was funded through mass-migration and military conquest. Aided by foreign entities (West). Including leading Russian Jews.

Russia just 200-150 years ago conquered, committed genocide, occupied (until eventual annexation - sounds similar to Israel) Caucasus and prior to that (200 years before that under the original ethnic Russian Romanovs and later German Tsars) they did the same to the locals of Siberia. So really, I struggle to see much difference.

That is why some Chinese nationalists (for instance) consider parts of modern-day Russia to be occupied Chinese territory. Same with Mongols, Koreans and Manchu people.

Look Arabs have absolutely no reason to be enemies with Russia or Russians. We have had no historical conflicts with them. When we ruled Caucasus for close to 500 years the Slavic Russians were living in and around Moscow. I personally have nothing against the country as such or people but just stating some historical facts. Obviously I am no fan of Russia helping to mass-murder Syrians and help the Al-Wahhish regime stay in power against the will of the Syrian people. If they want to retain influence in Syria they could easily have made a deal with the successors of Al-Wahhish. I am sure that anti-Al-Wahhish Arab regimes could make a deal with Putin seeing that relations are cordial nowadays.

All this mess in the region (Daesh, Kurdish terrorist, delusional fanboys dreaming of long gone empires, Iranian Mullah involvement, rash decisions by Arab regimes etc.) could all have been avoided if Al-Wahhish had acted wisely and that useless and failed peasant dynasty. Syrians were living under a martial law for almost 45 years prior to the Syrian revolution. Messed up.
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All people are tough when the conditions require them to be. Inuits are tough too. They live in the arctic and survive on barely anything.

BTW I see nothing "tough" about bombing unarmed civilians in Syria. The tough ones are the Syrians on the ground (civilians or fighters). For such a supposed "superpower" Russian ground troops are doing little or close to no work either. It's all the Syrian Arab Army almost. They I have little respect for.

Israel was funded through mass-migration and military conquest. Aided by foreign entities (West). Including leading Russian Jews.

Russia just 200-150 years ago conquered, committed genocide, occupied (until eventual annexation - sounds similar to Israel) Caucasus and prior to that (100 years before that under the German Tsars) they did the same to the locals of Siberia. So really, I struggle to see much difference.

That is why some Chinese nationalists (for instance) consider parts of modern-day Russia to be occupied Chinese territory. Same with Mongols, Koreans and Manchu people.

Look Arabs have absolutely no reason to be enemies with Russia or Russians. We have had no historical conflicts with them. When we ruled Caucasus for close to 500 years the Slavic Russians were living in and around Moscow. I personally have nothing against the country as such or people but just stating some historical facts. Obviously I am no fan of Russia helping to mass-murder Syrians and help the Al-Wahhish regime stay in power against the will of the Syrian people. If they want to retain influence in Syria they could easily have made a deal with the successors of Al-Wahhish. I am sure that anti-Al-Wahhish Arab regimes could make a deal with Putin seeing that relations are cordial nowadays.

All this mess in the region (Daesh, Kurdish terrorist monkeys, delusional fanboys dreaming of long gone empires, Iranian Mullah involvement etc.) could all have been avoided if Al-Wahhish had acted wisely and that dynasty. Syrians were living under a martial law for almost 45 years prior to the Syrian revolution. Messed up.
Okay I get your point.

BTW I'm no fan of Assad. Assad like all Muslim leaders is a despot.

Muslim world has a history of despotic rulers and power hungry men clinging on to the throne at all costs. Whoever you think should replace Assad will be no different, only he might be Israels lapdog.
Israel is China's enemy too! They have done too much evil since the WW2. No need to sympathize with them anymore.
Why do you say that? Haven't they been passing on some American military tech to you guys?
Hmmm. finally stingers are becoming part of the plan in Syria. well this is bad many will now travel to Lebanon soon. This is going to hurt every one. Mainly USA.
It'll take the ramifications to the next level in all fronts - Syria, Afganistan etc...
It'll take the ramifications to the next level in all fronts - Syria, Afganistan etc...
here look what happened the site where the plan had crashed, when rebels were making video.

These rebels will feel the pain now. The last time the Turkish Air Force shot down the Russian SU24, the Russians lit up Latakia and bombed the Turkmen with such ferocity that they were screaming genocide. Most of the villages were bombed to the ground, and the area is only a shadow of itself. Except intense Russian retaliation, i believe they have already fired multiple cruise missiles.

RuAF/Assad had already striked to Turkmen mountain in Syria before Russian/Turkish crisses. In those times before incident, Turkish Republic warned Russian officials multiple times not to strike Turkmens in this place but Russia played How they wanted to listen. As a consequences, The Russian aircraft dropping bomb to Turkmen mountain, violated Turkish airspace and TurAF hit Russian aircraft. That's the actual point. Both side issued trade/tourism embargo after this incident.
I've heard from some Iranian those who shot down Russian jets are American/Israeli groups:
The purpose of this action is blackmailing Russian/Turkish relation in Syria. Americans are really afraid of what will happen in Manbij If Turks successfully capture Afrin.
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