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Breaking: China says it 'completely & extraordinary' supports Pakistani government in against American intervention.

Of course the threats would be backed by the US but, according to Pirzada, the threat was delivered by a US ally.
Well, we can tell the Messenger to F#*K OFF.

Maybe they can carry that message to the Land of the Free.
if you had read the article prior to making this useless effort it would have done everyone a favor

Tell me where did you get the false information that China will send the Army to fight PAKISTAN ARMY?

First tell why do you think the Army is US backed?
What else is militarily support against a coup?
Coup = army takes over
Militarily against it = fighting Pakistan army regime
What else is militarily support against a coup?
Coup = army takes over
Militarily against it = fighting Pakistan army regime
Where did it say military support against Coup? The above article said military support against American intervention. Although this above news can be fake.
China will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, including Pakistan. This is the principle of China's diplomacy. This is fake news. I didn't see the report in China.
We are not looking for interference either from anybody but on a general note will China be ok with having a US puppet regime installed in one of its closest allies throwing Pakistan under the bus? China has a lot at stake in Pakistan.....no?
China will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, including Pakistan. This is the principle of China's diplomacy. This is fake news. I didn't see the report in China.

Definitely fake. China will never intervene like this.

We are not looking for interference either from anybody but on a general note will China be ok with having a US puppet regime installed in one of its closest allies throwing Pakistan under the bus? China has a lot at stake in Pakistan.....no?

China will build an alternative to CPEC through Afghanistan and Iran Chahbahar.
Lol almost every person on some powerful seat has done similar treachery at least once in his lifetime. How many treason cases are you willing to run in the courts? And how would you run treason cases against the ever ready to be sold and serve judges in the courts!

Just politicians aren't the only one who commit these crimes. There's a whole lot of status quo involved including your beloved IK and his cabinet members, all other political leadership, MNAs, MPAs, lawyers, judges, bureaucrats, civil servants, Military's elite/top brass, political wings of intelligence agencies etc etc. They all are the guarantors and protectors of each other and help grow each other. Anyone of them can't be neutralized individually while other is present and strong, well dug into it's position. They have each other's seeds, they would keep springing up each other like a never ending plague.
There are different levels. Start with those that are knowingly and willingly become part of it. Record their confession and trail of event. Prosecute than to set examples for others.
There are different levels. Start with those that are knowingly and willingly become part of it. Record their confession and trail of event. Prosecute than to set examples for others.
Oh so you meant to say that start from DG ISI and the COAS! 😜😂😂🤣🤣. As they have the most clear picture and understanding of what's going on and taking part in it by staying "neutral" and quiet 🤫. 🙈🙉🙊
Yeah, it's not the US. It's Canada.

Please..., who are they trying to fool?!!

When someone says 'West' - it is by default the United States.

Listen to Moeed Pirzada he says it is not USA. It is an European country. And this message has been sent by consensus of a group of countries. Means a country representing NATO. It can be France? It can be UK?
I’m not familiar with Imran Khan’s policies, but from the few interviews I’ve seen of him he seems genuine in his efforts to bring change to the country.
every single corrupt has joined hands against him. His fall is inevitable now! HE was a good man but at the wrong time perhaps! :cry:
Listen to Moeed Pirzada he says it is not USA. It is an European country. And this message has been sent by consensus of a group of countries. Means a country representing NATO. It can be France? It can be UK?
Other sources already reported name of ex-Pakistani ambassador to US, who was called for this meeting.
Any invader can try. Russian and Chinese troops in Pakistan fighting Pakistanis?
How beghairat does one have to be to allow foreigners to kill your soldiers?
We will solve our issues our selves
stfu dude!
....Again Imran Khan has to fight this alone.
His government no more. He has to fight on main street by calling out masses.
Army is + Positively Neutral.
I’m not familiar with Imran Khan’s policies, but from the few interviews I’ve seen of him he seems genuine in his efforts to bring change to the country.
Agreed. Pakistan has many problems in politics and economics, and it would take more than a generation to solve them.
IK wants to change his country and he have setbacks, but at least he has a good willing.
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