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Breaking: China says it 'completely & extraordinary' supports Pakistani government in against American intervention.

This makes sense

Army needs to know there is no "Business as Usual"
It is self explanatory take the side of Good against enemy of state

Below = Gang of Thieves
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I don't know how I feel about this - all this makes us look like a bunch of fools
IK did us nasty by not keeping it quiet and under the table (your response to the threat, diplomacy with friendly nations to ward of the threat - all of it should have been handled privately, under the table)
also the role of the establishment is a bit shady- communication between GOP and them could have been better

Both China and Russia have warned of a coup in Pakistan, emphasizing that they will support the government if there is US intervention.

China says it will use the army to support the government of Pakistan if the United States intervenes in the country.

Officials of the Biden administration and the US State Department have told the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the US several times orally and at least once in writing that they are deeply concerned about the deterioration of bilateral relations between the US and Pakistan, particularly with regard to the major foreign policy of the administration of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.

And on at least one occasion, these US officials warned the ambassador that relations had deteriorated to the point that it was "irreversible under the current government in Islamabad". The officials also warned of the consequences that Pakistan may face if it does not adhere to the US line on these issues and is consistent with its position.

Which explains the increasing number of meetings between US diplomats and opposition leaders in Pakistan. These warnings came in late February to early March, possibly triggered by Khan's visit to Moscow on the eve of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as subsequent agreements to purchase Russian natural gas and wheat at prices favorable to Pakistan.

The Ambassador conveyed these discussions to the Foreign Minister of Pakistan via secure and encrypted channels in the form of a message, and the Foreign Minister transmitted this “top secret” message to the Prime Minister.

The ambassador was summoned to return to Islamabad and to dispatch a new ambassador in his place.

This Prime Minister has viewed this as a direct and explicit threat to the Government of Pakistan from a foreign government on issues of sovereignty and sovereign decision. The Prime Minister informed the Pakistani people of this hostile external pressure on Pakistan's sovereign foreign policy decisions.

In short, the Biden administration threatened the Khan administration with further deterioration in US-Pakistan relations and economic pressure if it did not reflect the sovereign decisions taken in Pakistan's best interest.

The situation and the ambassador's message were also shared with the Pakistani military leadership, which despite the cold bilateral relations, the United States still engages in a widely undisclosed but very cordial military relationship.

The Prime Minister is ready to submit the said letter which may or may not include the US State Department's written warnings, before the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

The issue is not only Russia/Ukraine and Afghanistan, but also Kashmir, India, Israel, Iran and others.

It is likely that the case began with the refusal to provide military bases for the US military in Pakistan to target Afghanistan.

A federal minister said the "document" that was "officially" transmitted to Pakistan state and states categorically that if Prime Minister Imran Khan is not removed "there will be dire consequences for Pakistan".

"The threats are direct and target Pakistan in the areas of critical issues," the minister added.

Chinese-Pakistani meeting

Meanwhile, Pakistan's foreign minister met with the Chinese foreign minister. The two sides discussed strategic, security and economic cooperation. The two ministers also agreed to expand the cooperative partnership and projects of the second phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

"We reject US interference in Pakistan's internal politics, the White House should not play with fire," the Chinese foreign minister said.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi reiterated Pakistan's firm adherence to the "one-China" policy and its consistent support for issues of core concern to China. He thanked China for its continuous support for Pakistan's sovereignty, territorial integrity, political stability and social and economic development.

An imminent coup?

And former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, attacked the commander of the armed forces, General Bajwa. He was accused of rigging the 2018 elections to facilitate Imran Khan's victory.

The head of the Central Ahl al-Hadith Association, Sajid Mir, also called for a revolt against Imran Khan, saying that it is a "religious duty and I stand today on the side of the opposition to perform this duty."

Is Pakistan approaching the brink of a new military coup?

Website: www.defense-arabic.com
The news was first published on: 03-30-2022 16:37:12

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Coup or not, this is Pakistan’s internal issue. Any country sending their military to intervene against any government in Pakistan be it American puppets as well, will suffer what any invader will. If American puppets are installed we Pakistanis have enough power to oust them HOWEVER if any country be it our closest ally even sends 1 foreign soldiers to our soil with the intention to harm any soldier of our be it American puppet soldiers, we’ll cut their heads off and destroy the invaders.

Support us diplomatically and financially that’s all we want. Send your army to Pakistan and we’ll cut the heads of every invader!
Coup or not, this is Pakistan’s internal issue. Any country sending their military to intervene against any government in Pakistan be it American puppets as well, will suffer what any invader will. If American puppets are installed we Pakistanis have enough power to oust them HOWEVER if any country be it our closest ally even sends 1 foreign soldiers to our soil with the intention to harm any soldier of our be it American puppet soldiers, we’ll cut their heads off and destroy the invaders.

Support us diplomatically and financially that’s all we want. Send your army to Pakistan and we’ll cut the heads of every invader!

Stop the cap
According to Moeed Pirzada, many of these details above are not correct.
The country was not the US but a close ally.
The 'letter' was not from a Pakistani official but from that country.
He was part of the panel of journalists who were briefed directly by Imran Khan yesterday.

Coup or not, this is Pakistan’s internal issue. Any country sending their military to intervene against any government in Pakistan be it American puppets as well, will suffer what any invader will. If American puppets are installed we Pakistanis have enough power to oust them HOWEVER if any country be it our closest ally even sends 1 foreign soldiers to our soil with the intention to harm any soldier of our be it American puppet soldiers, we’ll cut their heads off and destroy the invaders.

Support us diplomatically and financially that’s all we want. Send your army to Pakistan and we’ll cut the heads of every invader!
there is a clear military divide at this point. I dont think China is going to send any military but suppose even if they do, it will be to cater the 'rogue elements' of establishment who have decided to side with the coup.

Any invader can try. Russian and Chinese troops in Pakistan fighting Pakistanis?
How begharit does one have to be to allow foreigners to kill your soldiers?
We will solve our issues our selves
how beghairat does one have to be to leave their Prime Minister hanging in the dry?

According to Moeed Pirzada, many of these details above are not correct.
The country was not the US but a close ally.
The 'letter' was not from a Pakistani official but from that country.
He was part of the panel of journalists who were briefed directly by Imran Khan yesterday.

hr koi apne speculations laga rha hai, no one has seen the actual letter but 'contents of the letter'.
there is a clear military divide at this point. I dont think China is going to send any military but suppose even if they do, it will be to cater the 'rogue elements' of establishment who have decided to side with the coup.

how beghairat does one have to be to leave their Prime Minister hanging in the dry?

hr koi apne speculations laga rha hai, no one has seen the actual letter but 'contents of the letter'.
We want Chinese and Russian DIPLOMATIC help not military

They all make the excuses of “helping” when they invade
Once a single foreign troop invades Pakistan they’ll destroy us and denuclearize us
They’ll use our political instability as a excuse to steal our nukes

there is a clear military divide at this point. I dont think China is going to send any military but suppose even if they do, it will be to cater the 'rogue elements' of establishment who have decided to side with the coup.
Using “rouge elements” as a excuse they’ll occupy us and denuclearize us while installing their puppet government
China is like any country cares about interests and if you give them that much power they’ll truly make us their colony
China is our ally I respect that but they should only focus on diplomatic and economic help and military help against India only
We will not tolerate any foreigners killing any Pakistani on Pakistani soil
We want Chinese and Russian DIPLOMATIC help not military

They all make the excuses of “helping” when they invade
Once a single foreign troop invades Pakistan they’ll destroy us and denuclearize us
They’ll use our political instability as a excuse to steal our nukes
no ally is going to help by sending in troops, they pretty much know the effect for this.

my point is our cause is already lost if our military is not mentally strong enough to take on the world power diplomatically let alone physically in the battle ground. What if tomorrow they write us a letter to not use F-16s against India in any conflict? Will we send the jets to the scrapyard as well?
no ally is going to help by sending in troops, they pretty much know the effect for this.

my point is our cause is already lost if our military is not mentally strong enough to take on the world power diplomatically let alone physically in the battle ground. What if tomorrow they write us a letter to not use F-16s against India in any conflict? Will we send the jets to the scrapyard as well?
Puppets don’t rule forever. One day someone genuine will rise and take over the military establishment. Do not lose hope. In Sha Allah better days will come

Both China and Russia have warned of a coup in Pakistan, emphasizing that they will support the government if there is US intervention.

China says it will use the army to support the government of Pakistan if the United States intervenes in the country.

Officials of the Biden administration and the US State Department have told the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the US several times orally and at least once in writing that they are deeply concerned about the deterioration of bilateral relations between the US and Pakistan, particularly with regard to the major foreign policy of the administration of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.

And on at least one occasion, these US officials warned the ambassador that relations had deteriorated to the point that it was "irreversible under the current government in Islamabad". The officials also warned of the consequences that Pakistan may face if it does not adhere to the US line on these issues and is consistent with its position.

Which explains the increasing number of meetings between US diplomats and opposition leaders in Pakistan. These warnings came in late February to early March, possibly triggered by Khan's visit to Moscow on the eve of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as subsequent agreements to purchase Russian natural gas and wheat at prices favorable to Pakistan.

The Ambassador conveyed these discussions to the Foreign Minister of Pakistan via secure and encrypted channels in the form of a message, and the Foreign Minister transmitted this “top secret” message to the Prime Minister.

The ambassador was summoned to return to Islamabad and to dispatch a new ambassador in his place.

This Prime Minister has viewed this as a direct and explicit threat to the Government of Pakistan from a foreign government on issues of sovereignty and sovereign decision. The Prime Minister informed the Pakistani people of this hostile external pressure on Pakistan's sovereign foreign policy decisions.

In short, the Biden administration threatened the Khan administration with further deterioration in US-Pakistan relations and economic pressure if it did not reflect the sovereign decisions taken in Pakistan's best interest.

The situation and the ambassador's message were also shared with the Pakistani military leadership, which despite the cold bilateral relations, the United States still engages in a widely undisclosed but very cordial military relationship.

The Prime Minister is ready to submit the said letter which may or may not include the US State Department's written warnings, before the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

The issue is not only Russia/Ukraine and Afghanistan, but also Kashmir, India, Israel, Iran and others.

It is likely that the case began with the refusal to provide military bases for the US military in Pakistan to target Afghanistan.

A federal minister said the "document" that was "officially" transmitted to Pakistan state and states categorically that if Prime Minister Imran Khan is not removed "there will be dire consequences for Pakistan".

"The threats are direct and target Pakistan in the areas of critical issues," the minister added.

Chinese-Pakistani meeting

Meanwhile, Pakistan's foreign minister met with the Chinese foreign minister. The two sides discussed strategic, security and economic cooperation. The two ministers also agreed to expand the cooperative partnership and projects of the second phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

"We reject US interference in Pakistan's internal politics, the White House should not play with fire," the Chinese foreign minister said.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi reiterated Pakistan's firm adherence to the "one-China" policy and its consistent support for issues of core concern to China. He thanked China for its continuous support for Pakistan's sovereignty, territorial integrity, political stability and social and economic development.

An imminent coup?

And former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, attacked the commander of the armed forces, General Bajwa. He was accused of rigging the 2018 elections to facilitate Imran Khan's victory.

The head of the Central Ahl al-Hadith Association, Sajid Mir, also called for a revolt against Imran Khan, saying that it is a "religious duty and I stand today on the side of the opposition to perform this duty."

Is Pakistan approaching the brink of a new military coup?

Website: www.defense-arabic.com
The news was first published on: 03-30-2022 16:37:12

What's the source of Chinese statements? Any credible Chinese source reporting these kinds of statement??? Because Chinese official stance comes from state controlled Chinese media outlets not from some shady Arabic news.

Puppets don’t rule forever. One day someone genuine will rise and take over the military establishment. Do not lose hope. In Sha Allah better days will come
Well it's never happened in past 3 quarters of the century. And not gonna happen anytime soon. So you would die while hoping to see that happen 😜. And after one's demise it's irrelevant for him that his country is run by rabbits or the rodents.
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