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Breaking: China says it 'completely & extraordinary' supports Pakistani government in against American intervention.

Some of us were commenting that Imran Khan was very unwise to go to Moscow and also he should have been careful about what he said afterwards.

Pakistan simply does not have the society, culture and economy yet that can withstand heavy pressure from the West.

.. Pakistan also allows drone bombs on its own people for some $$ and a house in London. ... We do not have a society, culture, and economy to stop it :(
Death for the dynastic clans needs to be swift and brutal. Otherwise there is no hope for this land of ours.
Only if we get rid of aprox. corrupt 4500 people, this country will start becoming a normal one.

Zardari/Sharif/Mullah clans must be crushed! That will be the beginning.

I dont care whether IK remains in power or not, but we should do everything to stop these corrupt people from coming back to power!

Putin raised Russia from the abysmal situation in the early 1990s to much greater heights. He maybe falling/failing now but for many years he single-handedly saved Russia. But in case of Pakistan---even its military 'dictators' have been soft and perhaps that's needed because of the multi-ethnic and pluralistic Pakistani society.
Did you know Pakistani's love to pretend as Chai Walas, at certain times ?
What a disgusting generalization. A single incident where people lied to save themselves from being killed by racist whites are is being used to show that Pakistanis loved to larp as Indian? Did you know many sikhs also shaved their beard and stopped wearing turbans after 9/11 because they were being hunted by white Americans?
Being Indian is considered as an insult.
Nothing offends Pakistan more than being called Indian by ignorant westerns unless it is being done to save ones life.
For God Sake bro learn to read the post properly I said China has not given any statement about "Giving Support Militarily" to Pakistan in this regime change operation that's it.

The source you have quoted is unreliable as it twisted the words of Chinese Statement. plz don't argue on this.
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