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Breaking: China says it 'completely & extraordinary' supports Pakistani government in against American intervention.

As good as Dr. Pirzada is in relations to Foreign Affairs - he is just pointing out the information that has been handed out to him and a handful of journalists.

Pakistan does not give importance to either of the two NATO Members you mentioned.

Certainly neither of 'em have enough juice to threaten Pakistan.

Pakistan has a lot of trade with Europe, close to 30% of our trade volume is with Europe. Pakistan enjoys GSP+ status for preferential trade with Europe. Europe means EU. EU means Nato countries as well, overlaps. Hence we absolutely do care. If Pakistan looses even 15% of its exports and there is no more IMF support, we will 200% default. Not to forget 21% trade volume with USA.

There's a no confidence motion going on in Pakistan like in anyother parliamentary democracy
We think foreign hands are involved in our internal democratic affairs

There's -50% chance of coup our concern is only that foreign powers are interfering in our democracy (allegedly)

That's all

I wish friendly foreign countries be a little more careful when talking about our internal democratic procedures
As Chomsky notes;
"So when you go to graduate school in the natural sciences, you're immediately brought into critical inquiry—and, in fact, what you're learning is kind of a craft; you don't really teach science, people sort of get the idea how to do it as apprentices, hopefully by working with good people. But the goal is to learn how to do creative work, and to challenge everything.… People have to be trained for creativity and disobedience—because there is no other way you can do science. But in the humanities and social sciences, and in fields like journalism and economics and so on … people have to be trained to be managers, and controllers, and to accept things, and not to question too much."

@Joe Shearer ( after your dentist visit ) @DrJekyll, this is like we were discussing - education that will include apprenticeship. The rest of Chomsky's words are good too.
China will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, including Pakistan. This is the principle of China's diplomacy. This is fake news. I didn't see the report in China.
I appreciate this policy
Everyone needs to get one thing straight.


You can try.
Pakistan has a lot of trade with Europe, close to 30% of our trade volume is with Europe. Pakistan enjoys GSP+ status for preferential trade with Europe. Europe means EU. EU means Nato countries as well, overlaps. Hence we absolutely do care. If Pakistan looses even 15% of its exports and there is no more IMF support, we will 200% default. Not to forget 21% trade volume with USA.


This is the achilles heel of China-Pakistan relationship.

If Pakistan is to become a independent actor, free to pursure its own interest, without external intervention, it cannot be economically dependent on the very same external powers who most likely to intervene.

From a purely geostrategical POV, Pakistans goals align less and less with the current hegemon and more and more with China.
Therefore its puzzling to discover that Pakistan-China relations are strongest in the field of defence and probably weakest in the economic realm.

If China had wanted to do so, it could become top destination for Pakistani exports. Which would make it much easier for both nations to pursure common goals, with little fear of western sanctioning.

That this is not the case, proves that Pakistan and China (vis a vis India) is trying to play a balanced game, not comitting entirely to either power centers. The problem is that Pakistan next door competitor; India, is also playing the same game, and with a much deeper experience in this field. To Pakistans disadvantage, India because of its geography and population size, is able to pursure independent policies without any significant sanctions from the west.

The solution to this problem is to play the book of Deng Xiao Ping; Keep low and bide your time.

Stay quiet and take defensive actions only when it really matters. Otherwise talk sweet to everybody and especially the current hegemon. Play optics while you build your strength in secret. Only reveal your strength in suprise moves, when it really matters. Most of all, diversify your economy and become more self suficient.

Xiao Ping had the luxury of CPC and Chinese discipline. In order to succed Pakistan also need cohesive and centralized political body in order to implement the aforementioned policies in the best manner.
This is the achilles heel of China-Pakistan relationship.

If Pakistan is to become a independent actor, free to pursure its own interest, without external intervention, it cannot be economically dependent on the very same external powers who most likely to intervene.

From a purely geostrategical POV, Pakistans goals align less and less with the current hegemon and more and more with China.
Therefore its puzzling to discover that Pakistan-China relations are strongest in the field of defence and probably weakest in the economic realm.

If China had wanted to do so, it could become top destination for Pakistani exports. Which would make it much easier for both nations to pursure common goals, with little fear of western sanctioning.

That this is not the case, proves that Pakistan and China (vis a vis India) is trying to play a balanced game, not comitting entirely to either power centers. The problem is that Pakistan next door competitor; India, is also playing the same game, and with a much deeper experience in this field. To Pakistans disadvantage, India because of its geography and population size, is able to pursure independent policies without any significant sanctions from the west.

The solution to this problem is to play the book of Deng Xiao Ping; Keep low and bide your time.

Stay quiet and take defensive actions only when it really matters. Otherwise talk sweet to everybody and especially the current hegemon. Play optics while you build your strength in secret. Only reveal your strength in suprise moves, when it really matters. Most of all, diversify your economy and become more self suficient.

Xiao Ping had the luxury of CPC and Chinese discipline. In order to succed Pakistan also need cohesive and centralized political body in order to implement the aforementioned policies in the best manner.
Good luck.

Apparently, IK may not head the country, going forward.

There are clear and obvious vacancies.
Good luck.

Apparently, IK may not head the country, going forward.

There are clear and obvious vacancies.

The will be elections and re elections. So no worries for Imran Khan. As a neutral observer, it is obvious that Pakistan has been warned with severe consequences if it pursue its own geopolitical goals. There would be no consequences to threaten with, if Pakistans economy was much less dependent on western economy. Which of course is a huge task.

Tbh even economic powerhouses like Germany and France has to bow to the US so why not just play nice while Pakistan quietly progress with its own goals in incremental steps.

The most imporant is that no nations always goes forward in a steady climb. When you zoom in youll always find smaller setbacks on the journey. You take three steps forward and sometimes have to take one step back, then take 2 steps forward. As long as long term trajectory is forward there is no shame in this.
For the 1000th time a mullah movement has become the puppet of the Western Crusader governments. @Bravo6ix, this is you, a CIA agent.
For the last time I will say this you retarded faggot I neither support Taliban, TLP or "TJs" nor your filthy proggie murtad kind stop tagging me in bullshit like this you fucking fag
bro plz don't use unauthentic sources nothing like this was ever said by China.
In the same article: maybe they tried to interpret it in a different way also..

"We reject US interference in Pakistan's internal politics, the White House should not play with fire," the Chinese foreign minister said.
In the same article: maybe they tried to interpret it in a different way also..

"We reject US interference in Pakistan's internal politics, the White House should not play with fire," the Chinese foreign minister said.
- Source is unreliable

- Chinese Government only extended Diplomatic support that's it nothing more
For the last time I will say this you retarded faggot I neither support Taliban, TLP or "TJs" nor your filthy proggie murtad kind stop tagging me in bullshit like this you fucking fag

Stop your pretence, filthy CIA agent. You are neither a leftist nor a centrist like Musharraf so what are you ?
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