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Breaking: China says it 'completely & extraordinary' supports Pakistani government in against American intervention.

Other sources already reported name of ex-Pakistani ambassador to US, who was called for this meeting.

No Ex-ambassador was called. It was an official meeting. With official note takers from Pakistan. It wasn't a single person. It was a delegation vs delegation. We were invited for this meeting. The notes were then compiled into a triple security coded document and sent to Pakistan. Everything is official here. Off course USA and its will is involved in all of this.
Pakistan does not deserve good peoplev, including Imran khan.. it belongs to thugs and the corrupt… see the history of Pakistan
The head of the Central Ahl al-Hadith Association, Sajid Mir, also called for a revolt against Imran Khan, saying that it is a "religious duty and I stand today on the side of the opposition to perform this duty."

For the 1000th time a mullah movement has become the puppet of the Western Crusader governments. @Bravo6ix, this is you, a CIA agent.

Any invader can try. Russian and Chinese troops in Pakistan fighting Pakistanis?
How beghairat does one have to be to allow foreigners to kill your soldiers?
We will solve our issues our selves

HOWEVER if any country be it our closest ally even sends 1 foreign soldiers to our soil with the intention to harm any soldier of our be it American puppet soldiers, we’ll cut their heads off and destroy the invaders.

What do you say about Pakistani TTP and Lal Masjid criminals killing Pakistanis ? If you are so ghairatmand and want to cut off people's heads why don't you form a group of your like-minded people and raid the Lal Masjid ? :)
Price of keeping the masses over excited, dumb and engaged in menial and trivial. Pakistan has a large backyard, huge population, that, if guided rightly is an immense asset! Youngest population, that if given the right confidence and purpose will and can bring the world to Pakistan.
Closest power centers rest in far east, up north and around Atlantic. Neighbor is inherently and purposefully built as an unstable state. But Pakistan manages to slip on every banana peel along the way...

It is not easy! Nothing substantial ever is... get off the menial, stop being/becoming labor, human capital, human resource in other words pawns, slaves and mercenaries for others...
Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get going!
Understand the whole deck of cards Pakistanis have been served is rotten, that includes the current disposition! This has everything to do with a machiavellian system and regime that has been installed on it's masses... with propped up puppets singing tunes to the liking of the puppeteer(s). These people are inherently unrepresentative... they have no constituency!
The Fraud most call democracy is a veneer of legitimacy so dearly sought after by the puppeteer(s), this is the mandate "they" use for their benefit and discard the used and useless, as desired. Educate yourself about the real matters and get out of the farce, the distraction, modern education system... who's sole purpose is to beat or coerce the rebel out of you!!! True intuition, knowledge is inherent to humans... our basic urge! Becoming yes men and bots for the system doesn't make you enlightened, it protects the masters!

As Chomsky notes;
"So when you go to graduate school in the natural sciences, you're immediately brought into critical inquiry—and, in fact, what you're learning is kind of a craft; you don't really teach science, people sort of get the idea how to do it as apprentices, hopefully by working with good people. But the goal is to learn how to do creative work, and to challenge everything.… People have to be trained for creativity and disobedience—because there is no other way you can do science. But in the humanities and social sciences, and in fields like journalism and economics and so on … people have to be trained to be managers, and controllers, and to accept things, and not to question too much."

All of this to say that True Freedom and pure Purpose is something you endeavor... once let go, you'd drift right back in!

Time is coming, correct your course.
We are not looking for interference either from anybody but on a general note will China be ok with having a US puppet regime installed in one of its closest allies throwing Pakistan under the bus? China has a lot at stake in Pakistan.....no?
China also opposes foreign interference in Pakistan's internal affairs.
If you can be subdued or neutralized on a single phone call, no one's gonna need to waste their precious time and lives to get that job done. Don't you worry no foreign soldier is gonna waste his precious life on your land anyways when people amongst you are already itching to slit each other's throat. And PAK Army's "To let" billboard never turns off. So they may hire your own generals to do the dirty work for them whenever they deemed necessary.
Me kisi se darta warta nahi hoon.
The US records shows when the call was made to him "you are with us or agains us", The Commando , literally soiled his trousers and accepted every demand of US without even a single objection.
The Americans were expecting tough negotiations and may acceptance of some demands after negotiations.
But the Commando was very very brave, US didn't needed negotiations and to apply any pressure.
I am sure Bajawa already compliant.
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Listen to Moeed Pirzada he says it is not USA. It is an European country. And this message has been sent by consensus of a group of countries. Means a country representing NATO. It can be France? It can be UK?
As good as Dr. Pirzada is in relations to Foreign Affairs - he is just pointing out the information that has been handed out to him and a handful of journalists.

Pakistan does not give importance to either of the two NATO Members you mentioned.

Certainly neither of 'em have enough juice to threaten Pakistan.
Coup or not, this is Pakistan’s internal issue. Any country sending their military to intervene against any government in Pakistan be it American puppets as well, will suffer what any invader will. If American puppets are installed we Pakistanis have enough power to oust them HOWEVER if any country be it our closest ally even sends 1 foreign soldiers to our soil with the intention to harm any soldier of our be it American puppet soldiers, we’ll cut their heads off and destroy the invaders.

Support us diplomatically and financially that’s all we want. Send your army to Pakistan and we’ll cut the heads of every invader!
My man
I want to give you a virtual hug for this 🥰
We are not looking for interference either from anybody but on a general note will China be ok with having a US puppet regime installed in one of its closest allies throwing Pakistan under the bus? China has a lot at stake in Pakistan.....no?
Of course we are not happy with Pakistan having a US puppet regime. All political parties in Pakistan have good relationship with China, so we have to respect Pakistani people will in the coming election.
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