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#BoycottUAE also trending in Pakistan after a Turkish guy started it

Pakistanis should be the last to take sides. We beg everyone from GCC to Malaysia. Instead try to difuse the situation between two muslim countries. Its not helping when non mulims are celebrating about it.
Irfan Sahab, I'm shocked that you made this comment.

In order for them to retain India as a major oil customer, and wean them of Iranian oil, plus the following incident, UAE hands over India's most wanted terrorist to Pakistan they gave modi a pacifier.

They have done the same with Japan, by awarding them exploration and extraction rights, and are now working on the Chinese, they have also been given a block.

You conveniently remember only the threat, but forget the Billions they have given over the years, as well as recently. Compared to the draconian IMF T&C's this is a very big help by any standard.

As to the threat that was made, came via UAE from KSA. You should know by now, that UAE and Bahrain, do not have an independent foreign policy when it comes to Pakistan.

As to the war in Yemen, I'm not a religious man at all, but Ballistic Missiles over Makkah seems to be proving the Saudis right.

Besides when the Soviets were knocking at our door, our involvement / response in Afghanistan was Halal, but when the Saudis do the same it is Haram. Honorable Sir, I Fail to see the logic.

On this thread, it already has.

Oil from both KSA & UAE :lol:
very true
these turks r worms
i have dealt with them personally
people in pakistan doesn’t know anything about them yet
very true
these turks r worms
i have dealt with them personally
people in pakistan doesn’t know anything about them yet

BS !!

Pakistanis and Turks are same stuff rolled in different melanin.

Both Baniya to the Bone just little less Baniya than Arabs and Indians
BS !!

Pakistanis and Turks are same stuff rolled in different melanin.

Both Baniya to the Bone just little less Baniya than Arabs and Indians

Genetically most Pakistanis are Turks. We are descendants of Mughals.
BS !!

Pakistanis and Turks are same stuff rolled in different melanin.

Both Baniya to the Bone just little less Baniya than Arabs and Indians
brother mine
have u ever dealt with turks one on one?
i did infact with dozens
my father own a many properties in industrial area in oman
soo many tenants we have
iranians turks indians bangali’s
i m confident to to tell u turkish r A class Aholes
harami to core
my dad had to go to coart to throw them out
and besides they r no muslims
just by name only
warna they r worse them kafirs
my dad once gave this turk mechanik our new land cruiser for service
at night we got call from police station that our car is impounded
this fuker took my dads car to a bar grabed a bitch and was banging her while drunk
my dad had to report car stolen cos we weren’t sure wht other activities he did
so our car was with police for 2 weeks
imagine that
and we here supporting these looters again our only brother nations who actually some time help us

Genetically most Pakistanis are Turks. We are descendants of Mughals.
i m no turk
r u?
all i can see is a dis allusioned qureshi(qasai)

These emiratis are butthurt because we built Gwadar.
and now gawadar is built
where is streams of milk and honey
go work basics first then talk about UAe or india or america
brother mine
have u ever dealt with turks one on one?
i did infact with dozens
my father own a many properties in industrial area in oman
soo many tenants we have
iranians turks indians bangali’s
i m confident to to tell u turkish r A class Aholes
harami to core
my dad had to go to coart to throw them out
and besides they r no muslims
just by name only
warna they r worse them kafirs
my dad once gave this turk mechanik our new land cruiser for service
at night we got call from police station that our car is impounded
this fuker took my dads car to a bar grabed a bitch and was banging her while drunk
my dad had to report car stolen cos we weren’t sure wht other activities he did
so our car was with police for 2 weeks
imagine that
and we here supporting these looters again our only brother nations who actually some time help us

Yes i have had personal and professional experience with Turks in 3 different continents.

And this could have happened anywhere in Pakistan as well with Pakistanis involved.

Crime cannot be associated with any nation of people.

These petty things don't translate into politics. These are just people being people.
Loans, prior to which we got actually grants, which ended up in western banks.

They are running out of oil, seriously? Please do a bit of homework.
Yes i have had personal and professional experience with Turks in 3 different continents.

And this could have happened anywhere in Pakistan as well with Pakistanis involved.

Crime cannot be associated with any nation of people.

These petty things don't translate into politics. These are just people being people.
alright fair enough
answer me this
turks had huge corruption contracts with sharif family
they loted billions through metros and waste management and we’re collaborating sharif family for stashing all that money laundering
2.they had mega backstabbing done by that electric ship they sent to pakistan.in zaradri time.when they didn’t even produced single MW there contract was terminated by coarts
now these worms went to international coart to ask for 1.6 billion randsom.
eventually isi found that ppp jyala who took the cash from turks and delivered to big boss.
now tables were turned.and they ran like dogs right left.asking ik to let it go and pressuring through establishment
eventually ik let it go.
3.when we were begging for bailout money arabs helped ur but turks increased there terif on our products.
4.they torpedoed our defense purchases from italy.
sent kickbacks on atak hellis and milgem ships.
but actually they r just giving us re branded old french italian stuff
go check with some military guy and then tell me if i m wrong
i still owe many turks money and yet to receive
stashing all that money laundering
The money is not gone. Its there traceable. relax
international coart
cut throat business world formalities
bailout money
they were going through it as well
go check with some military guy and then tell me
why bother when its business as usual
i still owe many turks money and yet to receive
are you all equal on debts with everyone else? i can't believe that only Turks would crack your code.
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