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Bin Laden Letter: “Iran is Our Main Artery for Funds, Personnel, and Communication”

If those claims were true, we must consider that americans must be retard, I mean what did they
do in Afghanistan for 15 years :D
Iran will play any side of the fence just to poke the Great Satan in the eye.:usflag:
Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan had used Iranian smuggling routes to Turkey,Central Asian Republics, and Iraq and back---for movement of personnel, funds, and supplies. There was an understanding between the Al-Qaeda and the Iranian authorities. The latter tolerated the passage of the former through Iran. (Now whether that tolerance was a result of an official policy or corruption by the Iranian officials is a separate debate). However, when Abu Musab Al-Zarqavi initiated attacks against the Shiites in Iraq, Al-Qaeda was no longer tolerated by the Iranian authorities. The artery was hence clogged.

In order to clear a path through this clogged artery, Al-Qaeda came up with a cunning plan.....
In 2008, some militants abducted Iranian diplomat Heshmatollah Attarzadeh from Peshawar, Pakistan where he had worked for the previous three years. He was taken to South Waziristan---The home of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) at that time.
Typically in such abductions, ransom demands soon follow however in this case, there was only silence. There followed long negotiations between Al-Qaeda and Iran during which time, some rapport between the two developed. The negotiations between Al-Qaeda and Iran over the release of the Iranian diplomat helped build that rapport.
As a result of this rapport, Iran released Iman Bin Laden, the daughter of Osama bin Laden, and then released several other AQ members it had detained after 9/11, when several of them had tried to get out of Afghanistan through Iran. In return, AQ released the captured diplomat in March 2010. These Iran-AQ ties were useful for the movement of pro-Al Qaeda militants in the region as well. As a backup, inorder to have some sort of leverage over Iran, Al Qaeda had also maintained ties with Jundullah, the seperatist organization which operates in Seestan, Iran.
Now whether a rapport still exists between Iran and Al Qaeda today is a mystery.

Bin Laden Letter: “Iran is Our Main Artery for Funds, Personnel, and Communication”
by TheTower.org Staff | 03.02.16 1:29 pm

Osama bin Laden ordered his al-Qaeda deputies not to attack Iran, which he called a “main artery” for his terror organization’s operations, recently-disclosed documents from his Pakistan compound reveal.

The order was part of a collection of 112 letters taken from bin Laden’s compound by U.S. special ops forces after he was killed in 2011. The collection was made public Tuesday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

In a 2007 letter, bin Laden criticized an operative for threatening to attack Iran. “We expect you would consult with us for these important matters, for as you are aware, Iran is our main artery for funds, personnel, and communication, as well as the matter of hostages,” he wrote.

Ties between Iran and al Qaeda have been reported for years, with numerous ways by which Iran served as al-Qaeda’s “main artery.”

The Weekly Standard reported in 2012 on the trial of an al-Qaeda terrorist who had been caught while planning terror attacks in several European cities. The plans were inspired by the November 2008 terror attacks and siege in Mumbai, which had been ordered by bin Laden.

In testimony before the court, [Ahmad Wali] Siddiqui described how he and his co-conspirators planned different travel routes in order to avoid suspicion beginning in early 2009. But their travels had a common theme: Iran was their principal gateway to jihad.

According to Siddiqui, two of his co-conspirators—Rami Makanesi and Naamen Meziche—traveled from Vienna to Tehran in order “to not get caught.” Their trip was booked in a Hamburg travel office by an unknown Iranian. Siddiqui explained that the pair could not travel directly to Pakistan because they are Arabs. Pakistani authorities would have questioned the duo’s intentions and perhaps detained them, but by traveling through Iran they avoided such scrutiny.

In 2014, Bill Roggio of the Long War Journal cited a Treasury Department ruling that affirmed the ties between al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic.

Although [ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani] didn’t explicitly state that al Qaeda had a deal with Iran “to safeguard its interests and supply lines,” the U.S. government has said it has evidence of such an agreement. The U.S. Treasury Department noted in the July 2011 designation of six al Qaeda operatives who were based in Iran that the Iranian government had a “secret deal with al Qaeda allowing it to funnel funds and operatives through its territory.”

That same designation declared that Iran is “a critical transit point for funding to support al Qaeda’s activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“By exposing Iran’s secret deal with Al Qaeda allowing it to funnel funds and operatives through its territory, we are illuminating yet another aspect of Iran’s unmatched support for terrorism,” Treasury under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence David S. Cohen said when the Treasury made its 2011 announcement.

Other government and news sources have also reported on ties between Iran and al-Qaeda. The Canadian government announced in 2013 that two suspects in a plot to attack a passenger train had been supported by members of al-Qaeda who were based in Iran. An spokesman for ISIS, an offshoot of al-Qaeda, said in 2014 that al-Qaeda did not target Iran so that it could leave its network inside Iran intact. The pan-Arab newspaper a-Sharq al-Awsat reported in February of last year that Saleh al-Qarawi, a senior member of al-Qaeda who operates in Iran, had been targeting American interests in the Gulf since 2007.

[Photo: The Times of India / YouTube ]

Bin Laden Letter: “Iran is Our Main Artery for Funds, Personnel, and Communication” | The Tower

Why don't Iran give 5 billion dollar oil free to US every year? That will to a good robbery once for all or may be offer Iran its 51 state?
Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan had used Iranian smuggling routes to Turkey,Central Asian Republics, and Iraq and back---for movement of personnel, funds, and supplies. There was an understanding between the Al-Qaeda and the Iranian authorities. The latter tolerated the passage of the former through Iran. (Now whether that tolerance was a result of an official policy or corruption by the Iranian officials is a separate debate). However, when Abu Musab Al-Zarqavi initiated attacks against the Shiites in Iraq, Al-Qaeda was no longer tolerated by the Iranian authorities. The artery was hence clogged.

In order to clear a path through this clogged artery, Al-Qaeda came up with a cunning plan.....
In 2008, some militants abducted Iranian diplomat Heshmatollah Attarzadeh from Peshawar, Pakistan where he had worked for the previous three years. He was taken to South Waziristan---The home of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) at that time.
Typically in such abductions, ransom demands soon follow however in this case, there was only silence. There followed long negotiations between Al-Qaeda and Iran during which time, some rapport between the two developed. The negotiations between Al-Qaeda and Iran over the release of the Iranian diplomat helped build that rapport.
As a result of this rapport, Iran released Iman Bin Laden, the daughter of Osama bin Laden, and then released several other AQ members it had detained after 9/11, when several of them had tried to get out of Afghanistan through Iran. In return, AQ released the captured diplomat in March 2010. These Iran-AQ ties were useful for the movement of pro-Al Qaeda militants in the region as well. As a backup, inorder to have some sort of leverage over Iran, Al Qaeda had also maintained ties with Jundullah, the seperatist organization which operates in Seestan, Iran.
Now whether a rapport still exists between Iran and Al Qaeda today is a mystery.

Why wasn't bin laden hiding in Iran and was hiding in Pakistan? Haha.

Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan had used Iranian smuggling routes to Turkey,Central Asian Republics, and Iraq and back---for movement of personnel, funds, and supplies. There was an understanding between the Al-Qaeda and the Iranian authorities. The latter tolerated the passage of the former through Iran. (Now whether that tolerance was a result of an official policy or corruption by the Iranian officials is a separate debate). However, when Abu Musab Al-Zarqavi initiated attacks against the Shiites in Iraq, Al-Qaeda was no longer tolerated by the Iranian authorities. The artery was hence clogged.

In order to clear a path through this clogged artery, Al-Qaeda came up with a cunning plan.....
In 2008, some militants abducted Iranian diplomat Heshmatollah Attarzadeh from Peshawar, Pakistan where he had worked for the previous three years. He was taken to South Waziristan---The home of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) at that time.
Typically in such abductions, ransom demands soon follow however in this case, there was only silence. There followed long negotiations between Al-Qaeda and Iran during which time, some rapport between the two developed. The negotiations between Al-Qaeda and Iran over the release of the Iranian diplomat helped build that rapport.
As a result of this rapport, Iran released Iman Bin Laden, the daughter of Osama bin Laden, and then released several other AQ members it had detained after 9/11, when several of them had tried to get out of Afghanistan through Iran. In return, AQ released the captured diplomat in March 2010. These Iran-AQ ties were useful for the movement of pro-Al Qaeda militants in the region as well. As a backup, inorder to have some sort of leverage over Iran, Al Qaeda had also maintained ties with Jundullah, the seperatist organization which operates in Seestan, Iran.
Now whether a rapport still exists between Iran and Al Qaeda today is a mystery.

Why wasn't bin laden hiding in Iran and was hiding in Pakistan? Haha.
Why wasn't bin laden hiding in Iran and was hiding in Pakistan? Haha.

Why wasn't bin laden hiding in Iran and was hiding in Pakistan? Haha.
Did I deny that Al Qaeda had no presence in Pakistan? Besides, your post was nothing more than a rant.
Better accept the ugly truths about your country like we do.
tim osman gone rogue. forget blame game pak and iran better kiss up and hold hands tight back each other up. if saudis get upset just tell them hold sumthing else.
no iran is not sponsoring hamas (even they hate sunnis even they would love to see them crushed down) and no they wont never sponsor bin laden or taliban to hurt pakistan or other sunni countries.. no never iran, iran would never do this..
The Sunni-Zionist Alliance is getting more and more desperate.

yeah sure no one blame Iran for 9/11. then what is this ruling by US district court of New York that order Iran and Hezbollah And mr. Khamenei to pay 6 billion to victims of 9/11, I expected as an American you know how absurd your country have become in last 2 decades .

Prison Planet.com » Judge Rules al-Qaeda and Iran Must Pay Billions to 9/11 Families
Al Qaeda, the Taliban and Iran should pay US$6bn compensation for 9/11: judge | The National
US Judge Orders Iran And Al-Qaeda To Pay $6 Billion Compensation To Victims Of 9/11 - Business Insider

Why are you replying to that Zionist?
Whats the big deal? right from US to Pakistan to KSA to Iran all played a role one way or the other to use OBL and Co as much as they can for own interests.

no iran is not sponsoring hamas (even they hate sunnis even they would love to see them crushed down) and no they wont never sponsor bin laden or taliban to hurt pakistan or other sunni countries.. no never iran, iran would never do this..

When Iranian leaders were fooling their common Iranians by spewing venom against US at the same time they were cooperating and doing business with the US.
iran worked with usa against iraq although saudis gave bases to usa aswell. durng iraq-iran war iran purchased isreali weopens. but i am sure pakistan too accepted weopen made in isreal labeled on the box which was taken off before mujadeen taliban got it. general zia and ayotollah played it well.

friday sermons we are muslims need union tuba etc. saturday - transfering black money in milions to swiss account and getting green card. mashallah.

i just embered pak too gave bases usa drones to attack, afghanistan. tut tut.

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