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Complex double game: Iran supporting Assad AND al-Qaeda?

The article was written by an Iranian-American. Can you debunk what has been written or your intellectual ability preventing you from do so?

Why would Saudis be obsessed with a backward and isolated country like Iran?
You guys breath, eat and dream Iran.

It's not me saying it, it's your arab cousins that say this mostly. We can't speak or read arabic so 99% of your bull shit stays in your borders as far as we're concerned, but other arabs in the region can of course understand the drivel that comes out of sandistan and they're the first to acknowledge the unhealthy ludicrous obsession that you guys have with us. Iran is your one and only concern in the world.
Guys, have you seen pickpockets , when every thing goes wrong mix with the crowd and cry catch the thief .
this articles about Iran and Al-Qaeda are exactly so.
The article was written by an Iranian-American. Can you debunk what has been written or your intellectual ability preventing you from do so?

Why would Saudis be obsessed with a backward and isolated country like Iran?
Then you Saudi terrorists losers stop mention Iran every time and look who speak about backwardness a Saudi if Someone read your post he/she will think that your country is Japan a slaves of the slave bandar bin shiatan
Saudi Arabian members on this forum are going into over drive with their desperate propaganda to deflect attention away from Saudi Arabia being the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world. Al Qaeda is a Sunni organization that hates Shia Iran. There is no way Shia leaders of Iran would help help someone who wants to kill them, it's just common sense.

over here in America, Americans think Saudi Arabia and al Qaeda are one and the same.

It's to late Saudi Arabians everyone knows al Qaeda is your baby. The cat is out of the bag.
The article was written by an Iranian-American. Can you debunk what has been written or your intellectual ability preventing you from do so?

Why would Saudis be obsessed with a backward and isolated country like Iran?
it is not because he is an Iranian that means he is an expert.

he already said a lot of crap, bullshit imagination things

i can remember very well this guy a few years ago that Iran had the nuclear weapon and was targetting Israel very soon

he is half Syrian and very much pro Arab and anti Iran (the group of fanatics who believe that if you are Arab you should hate Iranians)
Saudi Arabian members on this forum are going into over drive with their desperate propaganda to deflect attention away from Saudi Arabia being the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world. Al Qaeda is a Sunni organization that hates Shia Iran. There is no way Shia leaders of Iran would help help someone who wants to kill them, it's just common sense.

over here in America, Americans think Saudi Arabia and al Qaeda are one and the same.

It's to late Saudi Arabians everyone knows al Qaeda is your baby. The cat is out of the bag.
I don't remember any sunni beheading and blaming Allah TMM for that

Al Qaeda is a zionist satanist sect anti-sunnis anti-everything, except JEWS of course that they protect
You guys breath, eat and dream Iran.

It's not me saying it, it's your arab cousins that say this mostly. We can't speak or read arabic so 99% of your bull shit stays in your borders as far as we're concerned, but other arabs in the region can of course understand the drivel that comes out of sandistan and they're the first to acknowledge the unhealthy ludicrous obsession that you guys have with us. Iran is your one and only concern in the world.

Retards call the others Safavids for pointing out their obsession, this only tells me they’re fearing Iran 24/7, never seen such obsession with any state.
Guys, have you seen pickpockets , when every thing goes wrong mix with the crowd and cry catch the thief .
this articles about Iran and Al-Qaeda are exactly so.

Why should i believe you?

What does Pakistanis have to say about it?

Then you Saudi terrorists losers stop mention Iran every time and look who speak about backwardness a Saudi if Someone read your post he/she will think that your country is Japan a slaves of the slave bandar bin shiatan

That's your habitual hate speech... again, gone unnoticed.

Retards call the others Safavids for pointing out their obsession, this only tells me they’re fearing Iran 24/7, never seen such obsession with any state.

Hate speech....... another one of them showing signs of belly burn.
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Hate speech....... another one of them showing signs of belly burn.

Well your the doctor,
last time I remember you wanted to nuke Iran for their helicopter violating ur airspace and nuke us as well for some militia firing a mortar on Saudi Arabia.:yay:
Well your the doctor,
last time I remember you wanted to nuke Iran for their helicopter violating ur airspace and nuke us as well for some militia firing a mortar on Saudi Arabia.:yay:

I'm no doctor but you seriously need one..... i did want to answer your lies but that would be of topic, lets keep it to the subject matter not personal matter.
I'm no doctor but you seriously need one..... i did want to answer your lies but that would be of topic, lets keep it to the subject matter not personal matter.

You saudis have a very unhealthy obsession with us Iranians. Of course you will reply by saying that "we don't give a shit about you," but this is more obvious than the roundness of our planet.

99.999999% of the human population will associate Al Quida with Saudi Arabia. Its members are all saudis, its leaders, its backers, its ideology, its history...

Lose the obsession, stop eating malakh and wear a hat when you go outside in the saudi sun (your brain seems to have cooked from the inside out).

Listen, it is your Mullahs and thus you Iranians that are obsessed with Arabs’ affairs. You have been trying to make your case against us – not the other way around. You have been trying to cure that 1400 years old wound without success. Billions and billions are spent by your Mullahs to make themselves celebrities in the Arab world.

The world’s money can’t make you look any better in our eyes. You will always be dismissed, hated, isolated, and looked down upon. See how much the average fighter of any of these groups (Houthis, Hezobllah Lebanon, Badr troops, Al Mahdi Army, Hezbollah Iraq) get paid monthly and compare that with the average pay of Iranian teachers, policemen, and soldiers.

Get yourself some dignity.
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Listen, it is your Mullahs and thus you Iranians that are obsessed with Arabs’ affairs. You have been trying to make your case against us – not the other way around. You have been trying to cure that 1400 years old wound without success. Billions and billions are spent by your Mullahs to make themselves celebrities in the Arab world.

The world’s money can’t make you look any better in our eyes. You will always be dismissed, hated, isolated, and looked down upon. See how much the average fighter of any of these groups (Houthis, Hezobllah Lebanon, Badr troops, Al Mahdi Army, Hezbollah Iraq) get paid monthly and compare that with the average pay of Iranian teachers, policemen, and soldiers.

Get yourself some dignity.

Listen, it is your Mullahs and thus you Iranians that are obsessed with Arabs’ affairs. You have been trying to make your case against us – not the other way around. You have been trying to cure that 1400 years old wound without success. Billions and billions are spent by your Mullahs to make themselves celebrities in the Arab world.

The world’s money can’t make you look any better in our eyes. You will always be dismissed, hated, isolated, and looked down upon. See how much the average fighter of any of these groups (Houthis, Hezobllah Lebanon, Badr troops, Al Mahdi Army, Hezbollah Iraq) get paid monthly and compare that with the average pay of Iranian teachers, policemen, and soldiers.

Get yourself some dignity.

The users on this forum, not the politicians.
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