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Al Qaeda in Iran, Why Tehran is Accommodating the Terrorist Group?

You know better that this is nonsense.

Al-Qaeda will spare no time to target any Iranian interests they find around the world, like in Syria, Iraq and southeastern borders of Iran. They have killed our soldiers, citizens and sabotaged our construction plans in Iraq. We are now helping to kill them in masses in Syria and perhaps even in Iraq. We have also killed many of them attacking from Southeastern borders (Jundallah).
So here's what you are saying: Iran funds Al-Qaeda and at the same time helps to kill them in big numbers and also Al-Qaeda targets Iranian interests.

Criminals do exist in all countries, including Iran, but why don't we see random Iranian criminals joining Al-Qaeda? Because joining Al-Qaeda requires proper brainwashing and also the potential should exist in people they try to recruit. Some of them tried and (successfully) brainwashed illiterate Sunni Baluch people from Iran and Pakistan which led to formation of Jundallah and it lost most of its power after capture and execution of its leader Rigi. Iran and Al-Qaeda/Taliban go against each other in ideology and everything. We have killed or helped to kill too many of them. That's why they absorb members from Arab countries much more easily compared to Iran.

I don't expect to convince you here , because your judgement is based solely on hate and spreading propaganda against Iran, not a meaningful discussion, but people should be enlightened when someone is trying to spread lies and fabrications here.

PS: Keep those articles to yourself, do you want me to post tons of articles from supporting from some Arab countries/ millionaire individuals for Al-Qaeda? If I'm not posting them here doesn't mean they don't exist.
Jundullah is different from Qaeda, just like the FSA is different from them. Iran is the least targeted among regional and international countries by Qaeda.

It's true that Qaeda targeted Shia and that was with the consent of Iran to keep Iraq in mess, instigate sectarianism and yet keep it under Iranian control and that what happened, in short divide and rule.

Most of Qaeda arms in Iraq and Afghanistan are Iranian-made, Iraqi defence minister confirmed this and accused Iran of supporting them as well as America, and that's why some of the sanctions were passed on you. Please check out the articles, as all of this is explained in details.
The fact that BLACKEAGLE's main sources up to this point have been FOX news (I mean, really?) and other shady sites, pretty much says it all. Post an article where American intelligence is referenced, rather than taking any article at face value as long as it throws accusations at Iran supporting Al-Qaeda. Fact of the matter is, the biggest sponsor to Al-Qaeda, Jundullah, ISIL (etc etc) are Saudi princes, and the Saudi auhtorities are not doing much to prevent them, because they perceive it in their interests to support such groups in order to flame sectarianism.
Jundullah is different from Qaeda, just like the FSA is different from them. Iran is the least targeted among regional and international countries by Qaeda.

It's true that Qaeda targeted Shia and that was with the consent of Iran to keep Iraq in mess, instigate sectarianism and yet keep it under Iranian control and that what happened, in short divide and rule.

Most of Qaeda arms in Iraq and Afghanistan are Iranian-made, Iraqi defence minister confirmed this and accused Iran of supporting them as well as America, and that's why some of the sanctions were passed on you. Please check out the articles, as all of this is explained in details.

Of course Jundallah is different from Al-Qaeda for you, because it's targeting Iran so it's a good thing, isn't it? Thanks for this amazing logic. and FSA and Jundallah are the same? Are you admitting that FSA is a murderous terrorist group that savagely kills civilians and blows them up just like Jundallah? Not necessarily a bad thing.

You know we never learn, we should never have a discussion no matter what, because it's not going to work when someone's logic is: "Okay, I deeply hate the opposite side from bottom of heart, let's see what we can talk about". It's never going to work.

Actually Iran is Al-Qaeda itself. The name 'Iran' is a translation for the word Al-Qaeda in the Martian language actually. You can be happy now.
Retards are those who refuse to see the truth.

You haven’t proven any of it yet, just assuming.

This group killed Iranian engineers just a month or something ago and ask some Iranians members, Al Qaeda from Pakistan or Afghanistan ambushed Iranian checkpoints lately, vids show it not to mention the guards they killed.

Maybe there is the chance that they hate all regimes in the world ? Private funders.
I remember that you said in some other topic that you don't care about Iran? So, what's up? Apparently the only thing that you care about is Iran! :D
Speaking of retards, can you please check what I said again? And plz pay attention to the conditional clause. I'm just trying to tell the truth.
Speaking of retards, can you please check what I said again? And plz pay attention to the conditional clause. I'm just trying to tell the truth.

"Truth" :lol:
The truth is that a year ago you were cheering ISIS like a good Jihadi, and now you are back pedalling hilariously.
Gambia severs ties with Iran

West African nation orders those representing its former ally Iran to leave the country within 48 hours.


Iran and Gambia have previously declared support for each other and exchanged high-level delegations [EPA]

Gambia has severed its ties with Iran, ordering all the Iranians representing their government to leave the country within 48 hours.

The west African nation’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Monday that "all government of the Gambia projects and programmes, which were implemented in co-operation with the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been cancelled."

Gambia gave no reason for cutting ties with Iran, which has been involved in many projects in what is said to be the smallest country on the African continent.

"The Gambia government hereby requests all Iranian nationals representing the interest of the government of Iran in the Gambia to leave the country within 48 hours from the effective date stipulated through a notification issued to the government of Iran," the statement said.

Former allies

Both ostracised internationally, with Iran under sanctions for its nuclear programme and Gambia accused of rights abuses, the two nations have repeatedly declared their support for each other.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president said in 2006 that both nations were under pressure from "bullying" powers while Gambia has supported Iran's right to develop its nuclear capabilities.

Ahmadinejad paid a visit to the country in November 2009 to cement ties.

The two countries were mentioned in conjunction last week when Nigeria reported the discovery of an illegal arms shipment from Iran, including rockets and grenades, to the UN Security Council.

Iran, under four sets of UN sanctions over its disputed nuclear programme including a ban on arms sales, said the shipment was by a private company and was on its way to a west African country, later named as Gambia.

Gambia severs ties with Iran - Africa - Al Jazeera English

"Truth" :lol:
The truth is that a year ago you were cheering ISIS like a good Jihadi, and now you are back pedalling hilariously.
I dare you to prove that, and I dare you twice. Terrorism is Iran and Iran is terrorism.
Oh puh puh pleeease. Its so well documented in Syrian civil war thread. Dont try to wiggle out :omghaha:
Then please show me the post, I beg ya :dirol:

Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN

Nigeria has reported its seizure of a shipment of arms from Iran to the United Nations Security Council.

The Nigerian authorities discovered the weapons, including rocket launchers and grenades, last month in containers labelled as building materials.

They had said they would report the seizure if it was shown that UN sanctions had been broken.

Iran said the weapons were the subject of a "misunderstanding", which had been cleared up.

Nigeria's foreign minister, Odein Ajumogobia, said: "Following preliminary investigations, our permanent mission in New York has reported the seizure and inspection of the arms shipment from Iran."

Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, who visited Nigeria last week, said: "A private company which had sold conventional defence weapons to another country in West Africa had transferred the shipment via Nigeria which raised some doubts with relevant officials."

He said an Iranian representative of the company in Nigeria "had offered explanations and I believe the misunderstanding has been cleared up".

The France-based shipping company CMA CGM which transported the shipment said it was hidden in containers labelled as building materials and attempts were made to send it to Gambia before the Nigerian police seized it.

Iran is under UN sanctions because of its nuclear programme and is banned Iran from supplying, selling or transferring arms. Tehran denies accusations that its programme is aimed at developing nuclear weapons.
BBC News - Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN
Then please show me the post, I beg ya :dirol:

Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN

Nigeria has reported its seizure of a shipment of arms from Iran to the United Nations Security Council.

The Nigerian authorities discovered the weapons, including rocket launchers and grenades, last month in containers labelled as building materials.

They had said they would report the seizure if it was shown that UN sanctions had been broken.

Iran said the weapons were the subject of a "misunderstanding", which had been cleared up.

Nigeria's foreign minister, Odein Ajumogobia, said: "Following preliminary investigations, our permanent mission in New York has reported the seizure and inspection of the arms shipment from Iran."

Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, who visited Nigeria last week, said: "A private company which had sold conventional defence weapons to another country in West Africa had transferred the shipment via Nigeria which raised some doubts with relevant officials."

He said an Iranian representative of the company in Nigeria "had offered explanations and I believe the misunderstanding has been cleared up".

The France-based shipping company CMA CGM which transported the shipment said it was hidden in containers labelled as building materials and attempts were made to send it to Gambia before the Nigerian police seized it.

Iran is under UN sanctions because of its nuclear programme and is banned Iran from supplying, selling or transferring arms. Tehran denies accusations that its programme is aimed at developing nuclear weapons.
BBC News - Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN

Not gonna be bothered with accomodating such a silly request. Not when it is so well documented for everyone else to see themselves about your evident support for ISIL, whether its by expressing verbal support for ISIL or showing videos of their "achievements"

Btw why are yo posting artilces that are like 3-4 years old? lmao
You are quite obsessed for someone who does "not give a damn" about Iran. lol
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