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Al Qaeda in Iran, Why Tehran is Accommodating the Terrorist Group?

I remember that you said in some other topic that you don't care about Iran? So, what's up? Apparently the only thing that you care about is Iran! :D
Oh, here it is..:toast_sign:
I don't care about Iran or Iranians, they are non of my business just like Uruguay or Mongolia. But since your regime doesn't seem to mind his own business, we have the right to be hostile toward you.

Give him the finger for me plz

Not gonna be bothered with accomodating such a silly request. Not when it is so well documented for everyone else to see themselves about your evident support for ISIL, whether its by expressing verbal support for ISIL or showing videos of their "achievements"

Btw why are yo posting artilces that are like 3-4 years old? lmao
You are quite obsessed for someone who does "not give a damn" about Iran. lol
There is nothing so called obsession with an enemy, especially when this enemy disturbs many peaceful people life and spread death, hatred and sectarianism in the region. Everyone who cares about human rights is entitled to expose the hideous face of your regime.
Oh, here it is..:toast_sign:

Give him the finger for me plz

There is nothing so called obsession with an enemy, especially when this enemy disturbs many peaceful people life and spread death, hatred and sectarianism in the region. Everyone who cares about human rights is entitled to expose the hideous face of your regime.

Stop obsessing and go out for some fresh air. Life is too short to focusing on an enemy (which doesnt really exist, except your perverted mind). :)
There are other things in life than looking spitefully at your eastrn neighbour Iran, and you should not deprive yourselves in life by wasting time on hating on Iran.
Iran is eternal, and here to stay. Adapt to this fact. :)
Al Qaeda are your creation you and Americans train them in Amman not us so don't throw your filth on iran like your ancestor yazid killed imam Hussein and blame the shia for it
@ResurgentIran Please tell him that it still counts as obsession :D Its unhealthy and dangerous! Tell him to get a life while he is at it :D

Sometimes I feel we gonna have the same fate as "The Jews", anything from the climate change to earthquake is our fault!
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@ResurgentIran Please tell him that it still counts as obsession :D Its unhealthy and dangerous! Tell him to get a life while he is at it :D

I already have a life, but thank you for the suggestion though.
Sometimes I feel we gonna have the same fate as "The Jews", anything from the climate change to earthquake is our fault!
No it's not, but saying that won't change the fact that you created terrorism.
No it's not, but saying that won't change the fact that you created terrorism.

I dare you, find one Iranian who ever blew himself up (Beside Fahmide, the comparison that you Arabs make between Fahmide and your typical terrorist is stupid, but I play along).

@Abii Pleae enlighten him.

Because I could dedicate a 300 page thread of YOU GUYS to it. Why don't you want to acknowledge that terrorism is rooted in your religion and culture? I love my life, I know that this is it, you guys want to get the virgins, that's why you blow yourselves up, We don't!
I dare you, find one Iranian who ever blew himself up (Beside Fahmide, the comparison that you Arabs make between Fahmide and your typical terrorist is stupid, but I play along).

There are hundreds of thousands of Iranian terrorists who were used as mine sweepers against Saddam if you're looking for suicide attackers. However, you are as dumb all Iranians I've known, being terrorist is not just blowing yourself off but he is the one who threats innocents lives and terrorizes them, the thing that Terrorist State of Iran has been doing for 34 years, disturbing peaceful people life, spreading death blood and lunatic religious thoughts everywhere, and that what's called terrorism.

@Abii Pleae enlighten him.

Because I could dedicate a 300 page thread to it. Why don't you want to acknowledge that terrorism is rooted in your religion and culture? I love my life, I know that this is it, you guys want to get the virgins, that's why you blow yourselves up, We don't!

Nonsense, the world say otherwise:

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Iran responsible for 1998 U.S. embassy bombings


It went virtually unnoticed (and unreported by this newspaper), but last week a federal court found the government of Iran liable for the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Wait, you say, wasn’t al-Qaeda responsible for the embassy bombings?

Al-Qaeda carried out the attack, but the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia found that the bombings would not have been possible without “direct assistance” from Tehran as well as Sudan. “The government of Iran,” Judge John D. Bates wrote in his 45-page decision, “aided, abetted and conspired with Hezbollah, Osama Bin Laden, and al Qaeda to launch large-scale bombing attacks against the United States by utilizing the sophisticated delivery mechanism of powerful suicide truck bombs.”

Iran’s assistance was not peripheral to the plot, Bates found. “Al Qaeda desired to replicate Hezbollah’s 1983 Beirut Marine barracks suicide bombing, and Bin Laden sought Iranian expertise to teach al Qaeda operatives about how to blow up buildings,” Bates wrote. “Prior to their meetings with Iranian officials and agents Bin Laden and al Qaeda did not possess the technical expertise required to carry out the embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. The Iranian defendants, through Hezbollah, provided explosives training to Bin Laden and al Qaeda and rendered direct assistance to al Qaeda operatives . . . n a short time, al Qaeda acquired the capabilities to carry out the 1998 Embassy bombings, which killed hundreds and injured thousands by detonation of very large and sophisticated bombs.”

These facts are worth some reflection in light of a report released this week by Tom Donnelly, Danielle Pletka and Maseh Zarif, my colleagues at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), on the tremendous difficulties of “Containing and Deterring a Nuclear Iran.” They warn that Iran could very well have a weaponized nuclear capability when the next president takes office in January 2013. Imagine what this means. If Iran helped al-Qaeda attack the United States without a nuclear umbrella to protect it from retaliation, what might the regime do once it possesses nuclear weapons?

Even without nuclear weapons, Iran has been difficult to deter. Iran was almost certainly behind the 1996 attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 U.S. airmen. Tehran has provided training and lethal bomb-making equipment to insurgents in Iraq, including “explosively formed penetrators” capable of breaking through the thickest armor in American military vehicles. And to this day, Iran continues to cooperate directly with al-Qaeda’s senior leadership.

Five months ago, the Obama Treasury Department named six al-Qaeda facilitators operating in Iran under a “secret deal” between al-Qaeda and the Iranian regime. “This network serves as the core pipeline through which al-Qa’ida moves money, facilitators, and operatives from across the Middle East to South Asia,” the Treasury Department said.

One of the key operatives in this Iranian al-Qaeda network was Atiyah Abd al-Rahman. Rahman was the operational commander of al-Qaeda (the same position held by Khalid Sheik Mohammed when he planned the Sept. 11 attacks) and following bin Laden’s death rose to become al-Qaeda’s second in command before being killed himself in August. As David Ignatius reported this year, most of the documents found in bin Laden’s compound were communications between bin Laden and Rahman, who was bin Laden’s link to the outside world, including plans for an attack on the United States that “would match, if not outdo, the impact of 9/11.”

So until he was killed a few months ago, Iran was working directly with al-Qaeda’s operational commander — a terrorist with whom bin Laden was plotting to outdo the destruction of the Sept. 11 attacks. Of course, the obvious way to outdo that destruction is to use a nuclear weapon. Would Iran share nuclear weapons with al-Qaeda? Iran was willing to help al-Qaeda blow up two American embassies using conventional explosives. With a nuclear arsenal to deter American retaliation, what is to stop it from helping al-Qaeda carry out a far-deadlier attack using a weapon of mass destruction? As the AEI report notes, “It is likely that the Iranians value nuclear weapons not only for their deterrent purposes but also, if delivered by a suicide terrorist, for the intoxicating promise of devastating effect and potential deniability.”

Even if Iran were unwilling to risk aiding al-Qaeda with such an attack, a nuclear umbrella could embolden the regime to carry out what Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called a “Beirut-like moment” in an effort to drive the United States out of the region. Think about the audacity of Iran’s actions in facilitating al-Qaeda’s bombings of two U.S. embassies in 1998, and imagine how hard it will be to deter the regime from similar attacks once it has the bomb.

Iran responsible for 1998 U.S. embassy bombings - The Washington Post
There are hundreds of thousands of Iranian terrorists who were used as mine sweepers against Saddam if you're looking for suicide attackers. However, you are as dumb all Iranians I've known, being terrorist is not just blowing yourself off but he is the one who threats innocents lives and terrorizes them, the thing that Terrorist State of Iran has been doing for 34 years, disturbing peaceful people life, spreading death blood and lunatic religious thoughts everywhere, and that what's called terrorism.

Nonsense, the world say otherwise:

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let me talk a little bit about myself, see, since my work is academic-related I gained this skill that I can skim through a whole long paragraph at an extremely fast pace, I might not be able to understand it 100% but it enables me to extract information to see whether I need them, or they're just plain garbage, extras, etc... simply put, my brain is trained to ignore garbage as well as nonsense, so after getting to know you for a while, my brain has adapted the same concept for your posts.

You are just another delusional terrorist religious nut who doesn't deserve my valuable time. You are welcome to quote me, but I will simply ignore you. Had I ever wanted to talk to likes of you, I would talk to a tree.

Talk to me when you joined the human race.
Iran Accommodating AQ is like Saddam Hussien sheltering WMD.

Were kamikazi pilots terrorists?

And for the nth time. There weren't "thousands" of "mine sweepers." They did that in one battle and the regime used it as a source of propaganda. Only an imbecile like you will try to compare what they did to second rate creatures such as yourself and your kin.

Trying to compare kamikazi pilots and "mine sweepers" to arab suicide bombers that blow up in buses, markets and schools/mosques (among other arab civilians most of the time) is the most idiotic thing in the world. But you're what you're so it's what it's I guess.

Were kamikazi pilots terrorists?

And for the nth time. There weren't "thousands" of "mine sweepers." They did that in one battle and the regime used it as a source of propaganda. Only an imbecile like you will try to compare what they did to second rate creatures such as yourself and your kin.

Yes they were, and Khamenai gave each and everyone of them a paradise key:


Trying to compare kamikazi pilots and "mine sweepers" to arab suicide bombers that blow up in buses, markets and schools/mosques (among other arab civilians most of the time) is the most idiotic thing in the world. But you're what you're so it's what it's I guess.
Dumbo, what I was trying to say blowing up things is not the only thing that defines you as a terrorist (although you invented it) but killing and terrorizing others is also terrorism. It's like you dumb Iranian terrorists say that blowing up a couple of people is an evil terrorist act while slaughtering more than 150 thousand innocent Syrians is something else.

Anyway, you created them both :)
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