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US: Here's More Evidence That Iran Is Helping al Qaeda In Syria

Well as always, arguing is a waste of time.
I'm saying UN is a useless organization that is unable to do anything real unless some powers come to an agreement, and you are quoting ban ki moon for me? You really think Ban ki moon's words matter here? well I don't, you can be happy with those words and repeat them to yourself.

Actually Iran not only supports Al-Qaeda, but also Neo Nazis, Nusrats, IF, Chechens and others, not to forget Martian mercenaries.

And a last note, it makes people wonder that how Iran supports Al-Qaeda, but we are yet to see one single Iranian member of Al-Qaeda and ironically, Saudi nationals are one of largest groups recruiting Al-Qaeda. :lol:

Also, let's have a look on Al-Qaeda leaders, for people who are not blind, it's inspiring:

USAMA BIN LADEN, Saudi, supreme leader: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list.

AYMAN AL-ZAWAHRI, Egyptian, bin Laden's doctor, spiritual adviser: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list.

MOHAMMED ATEF, Egyptian, military chief: Killed in U.S. airstrike.

KHALID SHAIKH MOHAMMED, Kuwaiti, suspected mastermind of Sept. 11 attacks: Captured.

ABU ZUBAYDAH, Palestinian-Saudi, terrorist coordinator: Captured.

SAIF AL-ADIL, Egyptian, bin Laden security chief: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list.

SHAIKH SAIID AL-MASRI, Egyptian, bin Laden chief financier: At large.

ABD AL-RAHIM AL-NASHIRI, Saudi, Persian Gulf operations chief: Captured.

TAWFIQ ATTASH KHALLAD, Yemeni, operational leader, suspected mastermind of USS Cole bombing in October 2000: At large.

QAED SALIM SINAN AL-HARETHI, Yemeni, Yemen operations chief: Killed in U.S. airstrike.

OMAR AL-FAROUQ, Kuwaiti, Southeast Asia operations chief: Captured.

IBN AL-SHAYKH AL-LIBI, Libyan, training camp commander: Captured.

SAAD BIN LADEN, Saudi, bin Laden's son: At large.

ABU MOHAMMAD AL-MASRI, Egyptian, training camp commander: At large, on FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list as Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah.

TARIQ ANWAR AL-SAYYID AHMAD, Egyptian, operational planner: Killed in U.S. airstrike.

MOHAMMED SALAH, Egyptian, operational planner: Killed in U.S. airstrike.

ABD AL-HADI AL-IRAQI, training camp commander: Captured.

ABU MUSAB ZARQAWI, Jordanian, operational planner: At large.

ABU ZUBAIR AL-HAILI, Saudi, operational planner: Captured.

ABU HAFS THE MAURITANIAN, operational and spiritual leader: At large.

SULAIMAN ABU GHAITH, Kuwaiti, al-Qaida spokesman: At large.

MOHAMMED OMAR ABDEL-RAHMAN, Egyptian, operational planner and trainer: At large.

MIDHAT MURSI, Egyptian, chemical and bioweapons researcher: At large.

MOHAMMED JAMAL KHALIFA, Saudi, financier: At large.

SAAD AL-SHARIF, Saudi, financer: At large.

MUSTAFA AHMED AL-HISAWI: Sept. 11 financer: At large.

HAMZA AL-QATARI, financier: Killed.

AHMAD SAID AL-KADR, Egyptian-Canadian, financier: At large.

ZAID KHAYR, operational leader: At large.

ABU SALAH AL-YEMENI: logistics, Killed.

ABU JAFAR AL-JAZIRI, aide to Abu Zubyadah: Killed.

ABU BASIR AL-YEMENI, Yemeni, aide to Osama bin Laden: At large.

ABD AL-AZIZ AL-JAMAL, aide to al-Zawahri: At large.

RAMZI BINALSHIBH, Yemeni, planner and organizer of Sept. 11 attacks: Captured.

ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI, charged as conspirator with Sept. 11 hijackers: Captured.

ZAKARIYA ESSABAR, member of cell with chief Sept. 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta: At large.

And where are the Iranian leaders and members? Unless you can show me some, U.S officials' words regarding transfer of funds to Al-Qaeda does't worth crap, they won't waste any time to blame Iran for everything on this planet.

Also one of the bigger ironies is that Iran funds Al-Qaeda, but helps to kill them in masses in Syria? Makes too much sense.

Tell these jokes to your friends and laugh all together, but not here please.
I don't even understand this accusation. Doesn't the US want Al-Qaeda to triumph over Assad? So Iran's purported support is a good thing for the US, right?
Just the Jordanian sweet lips? The webmaster needs to reshuffle his moderators that are allowing Blackeagle and well known others to troll freely..with their none sense.
Actually they are annoying but it's better that they stay, i was just joking about his ban

But when they post BS like this, it needs to be removed immediately
Dude, seriously, don't post these jokes for me, some people may fall for them, but not me. Posting links on internet is not the hardest thing to do.

Saudi Arms Shipments to Al Qaeda Rebels Waiting behind Iraq’s Borders with Syria | Global Research

Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists:

Saudi Bankrolling of al-Qaeda Well Known to U.S. Government

WikiLeaks: Saudis Largest Source of Terror Funds - CBS News

So spare me of these 'anti terrorism' nonsense. UN is a useless organization from the base.
I agree, some of the funding used to come from Saudi Arabia, but it used to come from ordinary people behind the government's back, those people sympathize with Qaeda as there are many all around Islamic world. The difference between those in Saudi Arabia and other countries, is that the ones in KSA still strictly adhere to Islam which affect their judgment and also they have money. However, those get extreme punishment when caught by the government which also pursue them relentlessly, all cash transfer is monitored and tracked. Recently, Saudi Arabia has criminalized even showing sympathy to any extremest group anywhere. I personally know Saudis whose relatives have been in jail for 7 years only for having an indirect relationship with Qaeda members although the court ordered for his release for lack of proofs.

Another thing, those reports don't accuse Saudi regime but numbered of it's people.

And eventually, I would like you to always remember that the OP accuse Iranian regime of supporting, financing/ offering shelter to Qaeda members. Unlike the case with Saudi Arabia.

Actually they are annoying but it's better that they stay, i was just joking about his ban

But when they post BS like this, it needs to be removed immediately
Oh god! what a relief! I thought you were serious, I almost crapped my pants..:cry:
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And the lastly, I would like you to always remember that the OP accuse Iranian regime of supporting, financing/ offering shelter to Qaeda members. Unlike the case with Saudi Arabia.
Like they suddenly realized, after 12 years that it was actually Iran who helped Al-Qaeda execute 9/11 attacks and backing off after understanding the level of stupidity in their claim?

And if you think the 'regime' is supporting Al-Qaeda, you are very very welcome to come here in Tehran and start propagating Al-Qaeda's ideology openly and see what happens, okay? That's a totally fair deal by me.

And lastly Blackeagle, Iran openly admits its support to other groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, and they are also considered 'terrorists' by western countries, so there is no need to hide this 'Al-Qaeda support' fantasy.
Like they suddenly realized, after 12 years that it was actually Iran who helped Al-Qaeda execute 9/11 attacks and backing off after understanding the level of stupidity in their claim?

And if you think the 'regime' is supporting Al-Qaeda, you are very very welcome to come here in Tehran and start propagating Al-Qaeda's views here openly, okay? That's a totally fair deal by me.

And lastly Blackeagle, Iran openly admits the helps its suppirt to other groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, and they are also considered 'terrorists' by western countries, so there is no need to hide this 'Al-Qaeda support' fantasy.
The explanation Qaeda odd relation with Iran is well and lengthly narrated in the other thread.
Well as always, arguing is a waste of time.
I'm saying UN is a useless organization that is unable to do anything real unless some powers come to an agreement, and you are quoting ban ki moon for me? You really think Ban ki moon's words matter here? well I don't, you can be happy with those words and repeat them to yourself.

Actually Iran not only supports Al-Qaeda, but also Neo Nazis, Nusrats, IF, Chechens and others, not to forget Martian mercenaries.

And a last note, it makes people wonder that how Iran supports Al-Qaeda, but we are yet to see one single Iranian member of Al-Qaeda and ironically, Saudi nationals are one of largest groups recruiting Al-Qaeda. :lol:

Also, let's have a look on Al-Qaeda leaders, for people who are not blind, it's inspiring:

And where are the Iranian leaders and members? Unless you can show me some, U.S officials' words regarding transfer of funds to Al-Qaeda does't worth crap, they won't waste any time to blame Iran for everything on this planet.

Also one of the bigger ironies is that Iran funds Al-Qaeda, but helps to kill them in masses in Syria? Makes too much sense.

Tell these jokes to your friends and laugh all together, but not here please.

Stupidity at its best, that what Khomeini breeds so no wonder.

Why don't you use your brain if its still functions and not drained. You should know that here we are talking about a state sponsor of terrorism so please shove this crap you wrote up your hole. Now the international community became Ban Ki moon? The 22 members of the UN counter terrorism and the other UN members are ban ki moon? Let me remind you that Bin Laden and some of his family were sheltered by the mullas as well as many Al-Qaeda members like abu Hafs the third man behind OBL and Ayman Al-Zuahri. Does that ring any bill?

Claiming that Saudi Arabia support Al-Qaeda when it is at war with them is laughable. KSA has suffered several attack done by Al-Qaeda on its territory.

But have you asked yourself this why Al-Qaeda has not launch an attack against Iran? The Syrian revolution and the fall of Gaddafi exposed Iran and Al-Qaeda relationship.
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Stupidity at its best, that what Khomeini breeds so no wonder.

Why don't you use your brain if its still functions and not drained. You should know that here we are talking about a state sponsor of terrorism so please shove this crap you wrote up your hole. Now the international community became Ban Ki moon? The 22 members of the UN counter terrorism and the other UN members are ban ki moon? Let me remind you that Bin Laden and some of his family were sheltered by the mullas as well as many Al-Qaeda members like abu Hafs the third man behind OBL and Ayman Al-Zuahri. Does that ring any bill?

Claiming that Saudi Arabia support Al-Qaeda when it is at war with them is laughable. KSA has suffered several attack done by Al-Qaeda on its territory.

But have you asked yourself this what Al-Qaeda has not launch an attack against Iran? The Syrian revolution and the fall of Gaddafi exposed Iran and Al-Qaeda relationship.

Seems like I hit a nerve.

well I won't go any lower than this level to argue with you over this ridiculous claim, but Iran has also suffered many casualties from Al-Qaeda and its like minded groups, much more than Saudi Arabia. We have killed more Al-Qaeda members around ME than KSA could ever imagine. Supporting SAA, we have contributed to killing of more than 2,000 ISIL members only, excluding Al-Nusra terrorists which their casualties are much more. We helped U.S to kill and target Taliban militants in Afghanistan when KSA and Pakistan were supporting them by all means. We have killed many Jundallah terrorists who are absolutely no different than Al-Qaeda. So, your argument is invalid.

Now chill out and take a shower, it's not good for your health.
All this BS news is because of the ever growing support for Alqaeda in Arab countries. This is threatening their thrones. The solution is simple, blame the shias. This is part of a plan to stop support for Alqaeda in Arab states after it grew more than they expected.

A pretty lame and desperate accusation. The funny thing is most Arabs actually believe and follow what their kingdoms tell them through the media. Even if they know its somewhat ridiculous, they follow it anyway. It seems they forgot the hundreds of thousands of deaths of Shias on the hands of Alqaeda in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and now Syria. They only woke up to Alqaeda when it started to kill a few sunnis here and their who oppose its ideology. Also these accusations grew and became more serouis when ISIL, Nusra (original ALQAEDA), and FSA started killing each other. only a blind person cant see the pattern.

Look at these ISIL members besieging a shia town in Aleppo. They certainly don't look or sound Iranian.

Seems like I hit a nerve.

well I won't go any lower than this level to argue with you over this ridiculous claim, but Iran has also suffered many casualties from Al-Qaeda and its like minded groups, much more than Saudi Arabia. We have killed more Al-Qaeda members around ME than KSA could ever imagine. Supporting SAA, we have contributed to killing of more than 2,000 ISIL members only, excluding Al-Nusra terrorists which their casualties are much more. We helped U.S to kill and target Taliban militants in Afghanistan when KSA and Pakistan were supporting them by all means. We have killed many Jundallah terrorists who are absolutely no different than Al-Qaeda. So, your argument is invalid.

Now chill out and take a shower, it's not good for your health.

You are not responding to what I wrote earlier. You are taking the argument somewhere else by saying we did this and we did that.

You can't deny your mullas involvement in supporting and sheltering Al-Qaeda because these all are well documented facts. Sheltering OBL, Abu-Hafs, funding Al-Qaeda…etc all these have been done by they mullas. The terror attack on India, Thailand, Georgia, and Kenya.

Now this is not my saying, Iran has been accused many time by many countries for its support to terrorist groups and against-innocent terrorists attack. Support of terrorist militias like hizbo, Mahdi Army, Houthis…etc. Let's not go far though, just recently you have been listed as a state sponsor of terror by Canada.
Saudi nationals are one of largest groups recruiting Al-Qaeda

When it comes to the terror acts committed by the State itself, Iran has drawn a remarkable example of barbarism, savagery, and distastefulness.


Iran is the only country on the planet with wanted-terrorist list who interestingly happen to be state officials. :lol:

Well as always, arguing is a waste of time.
I'm saying UN is a useless organization that is unable to do anything real unless some powers come to an agreement, and you are quoting ban ki moon for me? You really think Ban ki moon's words matter here? well I don't, you can be happy with those words and repeat them to yourself.

Actually Iran not only supports Al-Qaeda, but also Neo Nazis, Nusrats, IF, Chechens and others, not to forget Martian mercenaries.

And a last note, it makes people wonder that how Iran supports Al-Qaeda, but we are yet to see one single Iranian member of Al-Qaeda and ironically, Saudi nationals are one of largest groups recruiting Al-Qaeda. :lol:

Also, let's have a look on Al-Qaeda leaders, for people who are not blind, it's inspiring:

And where are the Iranian leaders and members? Unless you can show me some, U.S officials' words regarding transfer of funds to Al-Qaeda does't worth crap, they won't waste any time to blame Iran for everything on this planet.

Also one of the bigger ironies is that Iran funds Al-Qaeda, but helps to kill them in masses in Syria? Makes too much sense.

Tell these jokes to your friends and laugh all together, but not here please.
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well guys I have a problem here .
the title says something about the evidence but I can't find any evidence in the article only as usual some baseless accusation .
as I may be wrong can some body plase point me to the evidence part of the article.
All this BS news is because of the ever growing support for Alqaeda in Arab countries. This is threatening their thrones. The solution is simple, blame the shias. This is part of a plan to stop support for Alqaeda in Arab states after it grew more than they expected.

A pretty lame and desperate accusation. The funny thing is most Arabs actually believe and follow what their kingdoms tell them through the media. Even if they know its somewhat ridiculous, they follow it anyway. It seems they forgot the hundreds of thousands of deaths of Shias on the hands of Alqaeda in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and now Syria. They only woke up to Alqaeda when it started to kill a few sunnis here and their who oppose its ideology. Also these accusations grew and became more serouis when ISIL, Nusra (original ALQAEDA), and FSA started killing each other. only a blind person cant see the pattern.

Look at these ISIL members besieging a shia town in Aleppo. They certainly don't look or sound Iranian.

The funny thing is most Arabs actually believe and follow what their kingdoms tell them through the media

Telling what and to whom? This report came from the US.

Let just refrain from worshipping the Iranians without even bothering to read the material the OP provided.
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