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Bin Laden Letter: “Iran is Our Main Artery for Funds, Personnel, and Communication”

And how come you are the only person who is aware of this? :lol:

Don't tell me you personally bored him to death with one of your gadaffi speeches! :p:


his death long back is a well-known thing, either of kidney failure or in the bombing of afganistani mountains.

and the abbotabad raid in 2011 came just a day after a nato bombing killed a son and some infants of the gaddafi family in tripoli.

the so-called bin laden killed in the abbotabad raid was not displayed to the world nor was he subjected to dna test by a impartial team but buried at sea.
It's been known for years that Iran was helping Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Iran is the most prolific state sponsor of terrorism in the world by a huge distance.

his death long back is a well-known thing, either of kidney failure or in the bombing of afganistani mountains.

and the abbotabad raid in 2011 came just a day after a nato bombing killed a son and some infants of the gaddafi family in tripoli.

the so-called bin laden killed in the abbotabad raid was not displayed to the world nor was he subjected to dna test by a impartial team but buried at sea.
So you don't accept that the Americans killed him because they didn't release gory photos to the public or let a socialist regime do DNA testing on him , OK :-)

What's your proof that he died of " kidney failure"?
So you don't accept that the Americans killed him because they didn't release gory photos to the public or let a socialist regime do DNA testing on him , OK :-)

What's your proof that he died of " kidney failure"?

and you will propagate a statement that he died in the 2011 "raid", just because the usa government said so??

and below are two links you must read to see about his death in 2001 :



also, a certain interview of benazir bhutto famously has her mentioning bin laden's death.
HAHAHAHA.... @Robinhood Pandey Take a look ...I thought you would enjoy this!

So Global Research website is the source of Jamahirs wisdom. I always wondered where he got his ideas. :lol:

Globalresearch (under the domain names globalresearch.ca(link) and globalresearch.org(link)) is an anti-globalization left wing website that can't distinguish between serious analysis and discreditable junk and so publishes both. The website is run by the Montreal-based non-profitThe Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) founded by Michel Chossudovsky, a tenured professor at the University of Ottawa. Weep for the future.

While many of Globalresearch's articles discuss legitimate humanitarian or environmentalconcerns, its view of science, economics, and geopolitics is broadly conspiracist, with a strong anti-Western bent. It's no surprise that the site has long been a crank magnet formoonbats of all stripes. If you disagree with mainstream sources on 9/11, or HAARP, or vaccines, or Gaddafi, or H1N1, or climate change, or anything published by mainstream "Western" media, then Globalresearch is guaranteed to have a page you can cite in support.

Globalresearch may be best described as the moonbat equivalent to WorldNetDaily. Whenever someone makes a remarkable claim and cites Globalresearch, they are almost certainly wrong.

Hahaha...some great articles on this site

  • North Korea, a Land of Human Achievement, Love and Joy: North Korea Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Victory(saved archive)
  • US Training Nazis, Western Media Providing Cover
  • The Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation”
  • Capitalism and “The Universal Religion”
  • "US Struggles to Keep Asia in Dark Age. US-Funded 'Newspapers' and 'Activists'".
FBI Refuses to Uncover Plot to Assassinate Occupy Leaders

HAHAHAHA.... @Robinhood Pandey Take a look ...I thought you would enjoy this!

So Global Research website is the source of Jamahirs wisdom. I always wondered where he got his ideas. :lol:

Globalresearch (under the domain names globalresearch.ca(link) and globalresearch.org(link)) is an anti-globalization left wing website that can't distinguish between serious analysis and discreditable junk and so publishes both. The website is run by the Montreal-based non-profitThe Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) founded by Michel Chossudovsky, a tenured professor at the University of Ottawa. Weep for the future.

While many of Globalresearch's articles discuss legitimate humanitarian or environmentalconcerns, its view of science, economics, and geopolitics is broadly conspiracist, with a strong anti-Western bent. It's no surprise that the site has long been a crank magnet formoonbats of all stripes. If you disagree with mainstream sources on 9/11, or HAARP, or vaccines, or Gaddafi, or H1N1, or climate change, or anything published by mainstream "Western" media, then Globalresearch is guaranteed to have a page you can cite in support.

Globalresearch may be best described as the moonbat equivalent to WorldNetDaily. Whenever someone makes a remarkable claim and cites Globalresearch, they are almost certainly wrong.

Hahaha...some great articles on this site

  • North Korea, a Land of Human Achievement, Love and Joy: North Korea Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Victory(saved archive)
  • US Training Nazis, Western Media Providing Cover
  • The Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation”
  • Capitalism and “The Universal Religion”
  • "US Struggles to Keep Asia in Dark Age. US-Funded 'Newspapers' and 'Activists'".
FBI Refuses to Uncover Plot to Assassinate Occupy Leaders


As mentioned already this site attracts a specific kind of mindset.

No wonder the guy is deluded to the core.

Anyway lets leave this thread for greater good , u know what i mean ;)
It's been known for years that Iran was helping Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Iran is the most prolific state sponsor of terrorism in the world by a huge distance.
Israel and Saudi Arabia are the most peaceful and love spreading countries in the world and should receive Nobel peace prizes every year.
everything that comes out of the collective nostrils and bogs of these two brotherly countries is pure love, honey and sweetness.

both Pakistan and Iran are responsible for causing climate change and demise of the Klingon empire as well and they have been secretly funding the Aliens as well because when a UFO was shot down by NASA on the Moon, it had a notebook with mobile numbers of Irani Ayatullah and a Pakistani General.

yeah sure no one blame Iran for 9/11. then what is this ruling by US district court of New York that order Iran and Hezbollah And mr. Khamenei to pay 6 billion to victims of 9/11, I expected as an American you know how absurd your country have become in last 2 decades .

Thanks for the correction.
not only me who says that, according to this Shiite guy, Iran was funding some Shia groups in Iraq to bomb other Shia just to control Iraq no matter who is bombing who.

If what this Yasir say is real then no doubt the Iranian leaders going to hell to join Saddam and his terrorists for eternity.

No Muslim kill innocent people what so ever look at Iraqis the Shiite they don't treat baathist the same way just because they afraid some innocent people get killed in the way.

Praise to Allah I'm Shiite and I follow Imam Sistani he is really god send to us in this filthy world that ruled by killers and son of hookers.
Whenever America has a problem with someone, the "evidence" mysteriously appears out of nowhere. For example Saddam's nuclear WMD.

the desperate they already trying to sue iran for 9/11. i think iran should break the ice and just say rothschild did it.
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