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Barbed wire fence is a symbol of hostile relation

Mohammad Ali Akanda


New Recruit

Jul 4, 2007
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While two family become hostile to each other, they build a wall between them. Then this wall or fence is treated as the symbol of suspicion, disbelief and hostile relation. On the same way, the barbed wire fence, which is being constructed by India violating the norms of International laws between India and Bangladesh indicates a hostile relation between the two country. Not only the barbed wire fence is a symbol of hostile relation, but also it a insulting, dishonor and disrespect to Bangladesh. India has no right to insult or dishonor or disrespect to Bangladesh.
Good for India, We cannot develop or handle the extra 150 million Bangladeshi who wants to come to India for a better living, Their government has to do something for them.
If there are international laws pertaining to this situation then Bangladesh has every right to object. This seems to be the convenient easy way out for the Indian center but I doubt its a popular decision in the Indian region either.

The weird thing is you can see houses so close the fence. The border between the two countries is not clear and the fencing would definitely be a major issue with the locals on either side.

I would like to hear from the Indian Bangalis. Salim?
Didnt you just start a similar thread today only.
As long as their is no contortion of the border-line I feel it is the best way out. If two neighbors are locked in an altercation it is better to close the doors and mind their personal matters.
Centre sets new fencing deadline - Decision angers AASU

Guwahati, July 11: The Centre today set a new deadline, March 2008, to complete the task of fencing the Indo-Bangladesh border, much to the chagrin of the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU).

The decision was taken during a tripartite meeting involving the Centre, Dispur and the AASU at the Administrative Staff College to review the implementation of the 1985 Assam Accord.

U.N. Panjiar, the secretary of border management in the Union home ministry, represented the Centre, while Assam chief secretary Prafulla Chandra Sharma headed the team of bureaucrats representing the state.

Adviser Samujjal Bhattacharyya, president Shankar Prasad Ray and secretary Tapan Gogoi represented the AASU.

A senior official said the National Buildings Construction Corporation and the PWD had already been informed that the March 2008 deadline was “absolutely sacrosanct”, but the students’ union was in no mood to accept it.

Accusing the Centre of showing little interest in checking the influx of migrants from Bangladesh, the students’ organisation said all that it has been receiving are promises.

Bhattacharyya said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had given an assurance during the last tripartite meeting in March 2005 that the entire border would be fenced by December 2006.

“We are receiving assurances but no result,” he said.

Questioning the government’s sincerity, the AASU adviser asked that if the country’s western sector could be entirely fenced in just three years, why was it taking so long time to seal the eastern border.

Bhattacharyya also pointed out that 54 Bangladeshis were detected under the repealed IM(DT) Act in five months just before the act was repealed and not a single one was deported.

“Already 18 fundamentalists groups are operating in the Northeast — the time is not far when the Assamese will become minorities in their own state,” the AASU leader said.

The other issues discussed at the meeting were: the position of the National Register for Citizens, deployment of two battalions of India Reserve Battalion as second line of defence after the BSF and the sanction of Rs 3.3 crore for Jyoti Chitraban studio.

For those who think the fencing is a show of hostility by GoI towards BD, please read post carefully. GoI itself is under pressure from the local people and student groups to stop the influx from BD. In any case i think this is the right move, we have enough problems of our own.
We arent Canada and USA, or the European Union, We are all poor. India cant handle the 150 million Bangladeshi poor trying to take advantage of the Indian Economic success in the recent times. We have our own 300 million to look after. They can deal with their problem, we aint going to do that for them. Then plus there is the added fact, there are ISI terrorist cells working in Bangladesh who uses the porus border to terrorize indian cities.
Barbed wire. We will remove it when we everything is happy and hunky in south asia.
There is another theory about. A coupla states in that region wish to separate themselves from India too.

I seriously doubt 150 million from Bangladesh are ready to cross over into India for economic successes. As you said, you ain't Europe or the North Americas. Removing the porous nature of the border is the main issue here, IMO. Separating villages and families. This has been the case of objection for the separation of the Punjabs, Balochistans, Kashmirs, Pashtun territories, etc.

Except for the Punjabs (which is not fenced) all other regions have had issue local objections towards separation.
There is no coupla states who want to seperate from India, couple of individuals wants too, do we have to talk about pashutnistan and balochistan movements, maybe they are true movements too.
Honestly there are a lot of similarities. The amount of support the LTTE has will reflect on how effective an organization it is.

Separation of Pashtun and Kashmiri territories with fencing have pissed off locals.
Honestly there are a lot of similarities. The amount of support the LTTE has will reflect on how effective an organization it is.

Separation of Pashtun and Kashmiri territories with fencing have pissed off locals.

There is no similarities asim
Pakistan is a more of a loose confederation in the present state than India. The central government of India is very stronger than the state governments and its people. Therefore making the break-away of states near impossible. Kashmir fencing is already over in number of areas, even installation of motion sensors, camera's and other gadgets. LTTE after the Rajiv Gandhi assassination is being hunted down by our Navy, it is a banned organization in India, and any support to it even vocally will land you in jail, just like a Tamil Nadu Minister who said something pro-ltte and got 8 months in jail and stripped of his post.
Pakistan tribal areas and indian states cannot be compared. The level of control Indian government excersises over these states far exceeds the level by Pakistan, which i believe is its ultimate flaw. Musharraf has to fence afghan border as well as indian border in my opinion. If you want a strong Pakistan, a strong internal structure is needed.
The comparison was made by you not me. India may have more strength in controlling them, but it lacks the popularity from the locals. After all with a weaker center we still don't have a clear militant group fighting us over there (except the Taliban/AQ combo which is not local) but you have the LTTE locals fighting your strong center.

It's all about local support. That's why a "loose confederation" has survived without "controlling". If the Indian center feels the need to control the locals of its troubling states then I see a very big flaw in the nationhood concept right then and there.
The fact that Bangladeshis are complaining is more than obvious that they want a porous boundry to support their cause, why else would they be bothered about Indian constructing a fence on its own side?

If it is really a show of " high handedness on India's part" as they put it. why dont Bangladeshi go ahead and construct a fence on their side, atleast in the parts where India hasnt yet finished fencing? That way they can show us down too and not to mention save us millions

And, if it is a show of hostility as they claim, dont you think this fence would put an end to hostilities arrising out of border clashes and claims of border incursions and trafficing?

The only logical reason one can think of, to be objecting to this project, is to have in place cross border operations which otherwise will not be possible... please correct if i am wrong

Simply put there are 2 options for GoI

1. No Fencing - In which case GoI has to put up with agitation at home specially from Assamese and other north-eastern states, it will certainly please the Bangladeshis, who would certainly rant about something else (india bla bla...)

2. Fencing - GoI can forget back border migration, unnecessary border clashes, and apply themselves to a better cause. Indians happy, Bangladeshies unhappy as ever.

Like it or not, it WILL be done!!! In the mean while Bangladeshis can post a few more articles, suggesting thier version of why it is being done, but then, that's all that they can do ....
There is another theory about. A coupla states in that region wish to separate themselves from India too.

I seriously doubt 150 million from Bangladesh are ready to cross over into India for economic successes. As you said, you ain't Europe or the North Americas. Removing the porous nature of the border is the main issue here, IMO. Separating villages and families. This has been the case of objection for the separation of the Punjabs, Balochistans, Kashmirs, Pashtun territories, etc.

Except for the Punjabs (which is not fenced) all other regions have had issue local objections towards separation.

Couple of corrections.

Punjab has a boundary fence.

Visit Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai or any metros, there is a whole lot of Bangladeshis, who work as labour or artisan and they come cheap!

Would India like to have a fence with Bangladesh if Indians were to sneak into Bangladesh for a job; that is if Bangladesh was a more affluent a country than India?

Why do illegals from India and Pakistan make a beeline to Europe? Not because they are fed up of baking in the sub continental heat!

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