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Great Wall of India: Centre plans 10m high embankment along Jammu-Pakistan border

There are 10,000 news outlets in India. If you look for stuff to generalise with, you will find lots.

But this not your neighborhood daily is it ?.. It's a national broadsheet.. More journalistic aptitude is expected than like a tabloid.. And from my experience majority of the Indian media seems to be very pretentious maybe akin to your film industry which is quite escapist, over hyping and far from ground reality at most times..

It is very difficult to gauge the actual situation from most reports emanating from Indian media these days

Sorry if i derailed the thread
But this not your neighborhood daily is it ?.. It's a national broadsheet.. More journalistic aptitude is expected than like a tabloid.. And from my experience majority of the Indian media seems to be very pretentious maybe akin to your film industry which is quite escapist, over hyping and far from ground reality at most times..

It is very difficult to gauge the actual situation from most reports emanating from Indian media these days

Sorry if i derailed the thread

The comparison with Tel Aviv wall or Berlin wall and metion of cold war era is very very clearly negative. You see hype in that?

I however agree with you indian media is immature and not objective. Currently its about fierce competition and power and corporate interests. Hence despite 10000 media outlets india's rank on press freedom is pretty bad. Not because of govt but because of corporate interference.

Hopefully things will improve, but not anytime soon.
What is it with Indian media and their stupid catchphrases borrowed from elsewhere ?? The great wall of India!! Seriously ?? Did'nt they call a missile a Beijing Killer or something as well ?? And lets not even get started on their cricket!!! o_O

They also have knack for hyper bole, jingoism. They are all noise and no substance
So you guys think Pakistan Army will let you build a Permanent Structure over disputed land. Who will build the Wall when they are being fired upon ?
Does not seem to be a Viable or for that matter an Executable Plan. Probably thought by same GENIUSES who thought up the " Cold/Frozen Start ".

Ummmm....there are lot of permanent structures being build in kashmir; both in Indian as well as Pakistan side and nobody can do anything about it apart from crying out loud. Secondly, there is a code freeze along LOC and i am sure sanity will prevail...
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