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Why do Pakistanis complain about Indian 'aggression'? What India is doing is furthering its national agenda and protecting its national interests.

If friendship for Pakistanis mean Kashmir, then sorry there cannot be any rapprochement.

So is Pakistan... at least what it perceives are its national interests. However, National interests cannot deter additional positives that come from rapprochement. Kashmir has nothing to do with Kashmiris.. they can all die of indigestion of Wazwan for all Pakistan cares. ensuring critical water supply and ensuring key nodes is the main point. Water you deal with by keeping Kashmir hot.
However, lately the more business-minded and rather realistically grounded people have realized that there is much more to be gained from milking the proverbial gorging cow that is India rather than being trampled under it. That does not go down well when milking the cow needs letting the water cool down in Kashmir as that means the certain elements in the establishment with with their aspirations on certain strategies will be left at square one. i.e facing an essentially failed situation regarding its efforts vis-a-vis Kashmir. After all, what India does through its efforts in Afghanistan needs to be avenged there and in Kashmir. On the other side of the border, it means for the Indian Military to downplay its efforts in maintaining the upper hand in this game for Kashmir. Considering all the blood lost in the 90's and the tireless hours spend cooking strategy after strategy to win by sheer effort and determination....end up being bookmarked and kept on a shelf. After all, bring it down to the common soldier sitting in those heights.. and tell them..that the three comrades they lost.. one to cold.. one to being shot..and the other to a ravine.. all to keep an enemy at bay.. are now old news and they must go and hug the same fellow they literally froze their buns off to keep in vigil at. Could you, as a military leader.. do that?
So the militaries of both nations have a lot of role to play(despite the high horse of Indian Army's subservient nature.. it does have opinion that is listened to). These opinions come to the press(pushed or otherwise) and then to your ears. That cycle then repeats and so on. Now, unless one takes the steps to break the cycle despite the hurdles(and Manmohan Singh deserves credit for it regardless of him being called spineless and what not) it comes to pass that despite differing National interests.. there is still the grey and detached area where progress for the benefit of each other can be made. How does one get to that commitment to the cautious rapprochement process? Well, I see only one way and that is interaction. Unless you meet and greet.. get to know the people you hate that much.. you cannot be anything but nuclear in your thoughts.
Oh the Indians built a fence and put massive light bulbs to guard the border, oh the audacity! Indians keep building fences and Pakistan and Bangladesh keep opposing it, why do you think is that? Y
We r not China we know that but we definitely r yr ex masters who ruled u for a 1200 years time period.

So Status Quo will always remain.

This tells how stupid you are and what you are learning in text books. Why are you claiming 1200 years ruling on us. they were Arabs and turks etc. You can't even make supply pur milk or fresh meat to your own muslims and you are claiming that you ruled us 1200 years. Don't u listen Hasan nisar? Take some lessons from your Hasan nisar?? He will show you right way that you are belong to a failed state..lol
So is Pakistan... at least what it perceives are its national interests. However, National interests cannot deter additional positives that come from rapprochement. Kashmir has nothing to do with Kashmiris.. they can all die of indigestion of Wazwan for all Pakistan cares. ensuring critical water supply and ensuring key nodes is the main point. Water you deal with by keeping Kashmir hot.
However, lately the more business-minded and rather realistically grounded people have realized that there is much more to be gained from milking the proverbial gorging cow that is India rather than being trampled under it. That does not go down well when milking the cow needs letting the water cool down in Kashmir as that means the certain elements in the establishment with with their aspirations on certain strategies will be left at square one. i.e facing an essentially failed situation regarding its efforts vis-a-vis Kashmir. After all, what India does through its efforts in Afghanistan needs to be avenged there and in Kashmir. On the other side of the border, it means for the Indian Military to downplay its efforts in maintaining the upper hand in this game for Kashmir. Considering all the blood lost in the 90's and the tireless hours spend cooking strategy after strategy to win by sheer effort and determination....end up being bookmarked and kept on a shelf. After all, bring it down to the common soldier sitting in those heights.. and tell them..that the three comrades they lost.. one to cold.. one to being shot..and the other to a ravine.. all to keep an enemy at bay.. are now old news and they must go and hug the same fellow they literally froze their buns off to keep in vigil at. Could you, as a military leader.. do that?
So the militaries of both nations have a lot of role to play(despite the high horse of Indian Army's subservient nature.. it does have opinion that is listened to). These opinions come to the press(pushed or otherwise) and then to your ears. That cycle then repeats and so on. Now, unless one takes the steps to break the cycle despite the hurdles(and Manmohan Singh deserves credit for it regardless of him being called spineless and what not) it comes to pass that despite differing National interests.. there is still the grey and detached area where progress for the benefit of each other can be made. How does one get to that commitment to the cautious rapprochement process? Well, I see only one way and that is interaction. Unless you meet and greet.. get to know the people you hate that much.. you cannot be anything but nuclear in your thoughts.

It is in national interest of India too to settle Kashmir. India has bigger trophies to catch,than to have tu-tu may-may with Pakistan. India will agree to any solution on Kashmir that involve no change to borders. If water and Afghanistan are your concern, India would be more than willing to go the extra mile to accommodate Pakistan;'s concerns , but ,alas, your position is not the position of the Pakistan state.
there is a difference between aggression and keeping silence on Aggression ......
for our PM , Jab esi Govt aur log hun , tu dushman ki kia zarorat hai :pissed:
It is in national interest of India too to settle Kashmir. India has bigger trophies to catch,than to have tu-tu may-may with Pakistan. India will agree to any solution on Kashmir that involve no change to borders. If water and Afghanistan are your concern, India would be more than willing to go the extra mile to accommodate Pakistan;'s concerns , but ,alas, your position is not the position of the Pakistan state.
Neither is yours to an extent. The position of the state is at the whim of those in power. In India it is the elected representatives and the opinions they hold(and are forced on them through peer pressure or otherwise). In Pakistan its somewhat elected representatives who are influenced directly and indirectly by opinions and whims of the establishment and certain powerful quasi-religious/industrialist and feudal personalities.

An interesting observation I saw in a Pakistani news program of impromptu coverage of the PM's visit to Swat. He asked a question regarding Gen Bikram's statement from the PA Chief; especially since there has been contact within the two armies recently. The reply recorded of that conversation was that all is ok at the lines.. and that hotline(between DGMOs and other contacts) will be used to ascertain why that statement emerged. Perhaps that is a better way rather than various statements filtering out through the various channels.
Oh the Indians built a fence and put massive light bulbs to guard the border, oh the audacity! Indians keep building fences and Pakistan and Bangladesh keep opposing it, why do you think is that? Y

I suspect that on the other side, the fencing along LOC is sold as another attempt by India to separate the two halves of Kashmir.

Nothing that India does can ever be in the interests of kashmiris. :partay:
Teriii toooo ! :mad:

Bhai keh saaath aisaa kareiii gaaa ? :cray:
Mein kya karoon ga??.. This is deep state policy.
Im part Kashmiri as well.. but that has little to do with how Pakistan's core interests are in the area

I guess you're a Kashmiri, right?

I've had this question for a while now. I hope you don't mind that I addressed it to you.

Why is it that Kashmiris (on both sides) have aspirations for an independent country? Surely, if the Punjab and Bengal were partitioned and the people have accepted it, what makes the Kashmiris think they are any different from these two provinces?

If Kashmiris, have a right to self determination as many on both sides believe, how is it that the same logic isn't extended to the Sindhis, Tamils, Balochis, Punjabis,Biharis, Marathis, Bengalis etc? Rather, if these people have found a way to coexist in Federal structures, what's preventing the Kashmiris from thinking on similar lines?
Comparing your grammar and the one from the blog you posted , are they written by the same person?
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Mein kya karoon ga??.. This is deep state policy.
Im part Kashmiri as well.. but that has little to do with how Pakistan's core interests are in the area

You are part Kashmiri ! :blink:

In your face @Secur ! :bunny:

I guess you're a Kashmiri, right?

I've had this question for a while now. I hope you don't mind that I addressed it to you.

Why is it that Kashmiris (on both sides) have aspirations for an independent country? Surely, if the Punjab and Bengal were partitioned and the people have accepted it, what makes the Kashmiris think they are any different from these two provinces?

If Kashmiris, have a right to self determination as many on both sides believe, how is it that the same logic isn't extended to the Sindhis, Tamils, Balochis, Punjabis,Biharis, Marathis, Bengalis etc? Rather, if these people have found a way to coexist in Federal structures, what's preventing the Kashmiris from thinking on similar lines?

Perhaps being offered the chance to actually decide that themselves is whats preventing them from thinking on similar lines & the way in which Kashmir was dealt with at the time of the Partition has left deep scars & a deep....deep sense of injustice !

Additionally unlike Bengal or the Punjab where a sense of us vs them was created when Muslims & Non Muslims parted ways; the Kashmiris are or at least were overwhelmingly so Muslims without an us vs them thing & they were well integrated with their Non Muslim counterparts !

At the right to decide was indeed extended to all of the above either through their elected representative or through the Jirgas - In Baluchistan's case the Sibi Darbar & in FATAs case the Jirgas decide it as such !

Mir to be precise. But then the whole debate of Syed and all that ancestry props up.. that goes to Multan..and then Central Asia and so on.

Mir ! :lol:

You ain't a Kashmiri if you ain't a Butt, Khwaja or Dar - Its simple as that ! :P

We don't accept Syeds masquerading as Mirs from Central Asia via Multan ! :bunny:
You ain't a Kashmiri if you ain't a Butt, Khwaja or Dar - Its simple as that ! :P

We don't accept Syeds masquerading as Mirs from Central Asia via Multan ! :bunny:

Which is exactly why I am ok with the governments policy of letting Kashmiris go to hell as long as there is water. :p:
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