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Great Wall of India: Centre plans 10m high embankment along Jammu-Pakistan border

A 135 feet wide wall? - I would love to see them try, on a serious note, this wall should have been built decades ago.
I am against too much money being spent on this.
There is a point when any additional security measure stops to give much better result. We should stop and look for alternatives.
I am against too much money being spent on this.
There is a point when any additional security measure stops to give much better result. We should stop and look for alternatives.

The articles doesn't say anything about the actual cost - but it says that the MOD has approved the cost - this is not an actual brick an mortar wall per se - it's just a dig a wide and long trench and pile up the dirt to make a wall on top of that trench project.
Wait, is this just the Kashmir border?

What about the rest of the enormous border?
Wait, is this just the Kashmir border?

What about the rest of the enormous border?

My guess is it would start with Kashmir and then extend outward from there. In border areas outside Kashmir the terrorists will not find too many safe house to settle down and make base.
If extremists want to enter from either side, they will just go the legitimate way and go through customs.

Look at how extremists enter Britain in huge numbers, they just go right through Heathrow airport.
There is no either side.
Its just unemployed Pakistani terrorists who keep trying to enter India.
It would be hard for them to enter India via regular airports and stations because Pakistani's dont generally get Indian visa. Even when they enter India, they are kept under watch.

Wait, is this just the Kashmir border?

What about the rest of the enormous border?
The rest of the border are plains and deserts. So its easy to monitor there. The major problems arise in Kashmir as its mountainous and therefore very tough to monitor.
We are waiting for india to make such mistake and we will lay the waste of nuclear weapons on your *** .

How do you know Indians have not done that already ,this year itself there were two news reports Of Indians crossing over and comming back after raids.

And regarding the nuclear weapons we know best is reserved for Pakistan and you can take it where ever you want :D

lol wanna be swiss endians... first feed ur slums who r eating rats for survival ... lol soft loans and endia :rofl::rofl:

You dint get what he said.
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