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Bajrang Dal terrorists attack Churches

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Just visit the official website of Bajrang Dal.

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Hindu Unity - Soldiers of Hindutva! Awake Hindus!!

Hey you talking about bajrang Dal they just killed few what about Taliban and its Group? they are free in PAK, they supported by PAK Govt and PAK People.

When you cant deal with Taliban and its people why saying about other, Just look yourself in mirror then others.
Hey you talking about bajrang Dal they just killed few what about Taliban and its Group? they are free in PAK, they supported by PAK Govt and PAK People.

When you cant deal with Taliban and its people why saying about other, Just look yourself in mirror then others.

Bajrang dal openely demonstrate their power and admiting that in website. But unfortunately no one in Indian Govt. to look up the matter rather they are ignoring the fact. I think Bajrang dal should also be in accused of being spread out extrmism and responsible of discord harmony between Muslim and Hindu.

And one thing u r misjudging that is I am not Pakistani rather I am Bangladeshi.
Bajrang dal openely demonstrate their power and admiting that in website. But unfortunately no one in Indian Govt. to look up the matter rather they are ignoring the fact. I think Bajrang dal should also be in accused of being spread out extrmism and responsible of discord harmony between Muslim and Hindu.

And one thing u r misjudging that is I am not Pakistani rather I am Bangladeshi.

Taliban , Bin laden and group, HUJI ? what about those? have you ever gone to their website?

You always point fingers towards another while never dare to look into yourself.

In India more then 1 Millions Bangladeshi living which came under valid visa but now didnt gone back. in every Blast link goes back to HUJI in Bangladesh .

Hindu religion is under repression from ages. First by Muslims and then By Christians.

India provided more favor to other religions then Hindu then any other Muslims countries provided to its minority.

- Indian Govt dont control any Muslim Body, In Pak Sikh body is govern by PAK Govt.
- In Malaysia Hindus are living like 2nd citizen with no rights.
- Indian Govt provided 150 cr + in subsidies folr Haj with no Muslim country do that. In democracy also no Country do that.

As far as churches goes they are into conversion, this is what group is for in parts of india, which no people like. if these groups keep doing like this they will sure get response.

In India most of Middle class people who knows things that govt politicians go for minority appeasement policy and go soft of minority, even if they indulge in some attack it was suppressed is now with these Hindu Groups.

They want their religion to be respected and other religion should not do what they are doing now.
In India more then 1 Millions Bangladeshi living which came under valid visa but now didnt gone back.

Hindu religion is under repression from ages. First by Muslims and then By Christians.

In Bangladesh Hindus are never ever discriminated rather they are facing competition like other muslims facing. In civil service of Bangladesh there are lot of Hindu officials in apex position and also in every sectors. We never ever see Hindu with the view of religion aspect. Bangladesh is the role model of religious harmony.
Fresh incidents of attack on churches in Karnatka
17 Sep 2008, 1616 hrs IST,PTI

MANGALORE: In fresh incidents of attacks on Christian places of worship in the state, some unidentified persons burnt religious books belonging to a church in Ujire and also damaged furniture at a church in Chikamagalur district and statue of Mother Mary at Kolar.

According to authorities of the St George Church in Ujire, a group of miscreants destroyed the Holy Bible, prayer books, statues and icons in the church and poured kerosene over the carpet.

Police said in Kolar, unidentified persons pelted stones at a statue of Virgin Mary, located outside the St Mary's Church. The incident occurred between 4 and 5 in the morning.

However, Bajrang Dal, which was earlier accused of the offence, denied their involvement in the incidents.

Meanwhile, Karnataka Home Minister Dr V S Acharya told reporters in Mnagalore that barring these incidents, normalcy returned to the rest of Dakshina Kannada district with business establishments commencing work.

Giving details of damage to property and injury in the violent incidents that occurred in Dakshina Kannada district since Sunday, the minister told reporters that 71 persons, including 45 police personnel were injured and property worth Rs 9.58 lakh damaged.

In Udupi, seven persons were injured at four places and property damaged was estimated to be worth Rs 5.90 lakh while in Chikamagalur property worth Rs 1.02 lakh was damaged.

Nineteen people were arrested in Chikamagalur, he said. Replying to a question, he said the cabinet would decide on the nature of the probe to be instituted into these incidents on Thursday.

Fresh incidents of attack on churches in Karnatka-India-The Times of India
The issues here degenerated in defensive attitudes - but they are important, Indians aspire to build a secular polity because they think, with justification, it is a necessity in a cultural, multi-ethnic political economy - yet this vision, this aspiration is in great danger.

The danger arises from the structural discrimination in the Indian state that serves to negate the aspiration of millionsof well meaning Indian persons - yet, some cannot look past their preconcieved notions to realize this danger, even as they realize religious descrimination in a secular polity is a negation of both religious and secular ethics and morality, Some indians intellectuals see are conscious of this danger and call on parties to challenge their preconcieved notions

Different kinds of terrorists
By Kuldip Nayar

MANGLED bodies, wounded people and fear-stricken faces — every bomb blast, anywhere, leaves this image in its wake. The recent serial blasts in Delhi were no different. What is different is that this blast confirms the existence of Islamist terrorism in India.

Unlike the past, when Pakistan was suspected straightaway in such events, this time the search is within the county. Still, the Indian Mujahideen, the terrorist outfit which has taken the responsibility, is linked to the Harkat-ul-Jihad al Islami and the Lashkar-i-Taiba, the two groups said to operate from Pakistan. Defence Minister A.K. Anthony has put the blame on Pakistan but in a general way.

The Delhi blasts have followed a familiar pattern — low-intensity bombs, timer devices and emails to the media — that has been seen in Jaipur, Bangalore and Ahmedabad. Apparently, the group derives malicious satisfaction from killing the innocent, and selects crowded places like markets to obtain the maximum number of casualties. One thing is certain: the killers have no qualms of conscience although their functioning suggests that they are a highly educated lot

What is disturbing is that the big cities from where they operate seem to have a network of people who support, shelter and guide them. True, money can buy such helpers. But the latter are like-minded and convinced about the righteousness of their task. This indicates that India has come to have a determined number of people who are willing to challenge the state which in any case remains inept and clueless.

Increasingly, people are starting to believe that the culprits are Muslims. The latter themselves want to know the identity of the killers. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is exploiting the situation. But neither the party nor its organisations has condemned the killing of Christians and the burning of their churches. After Orissa, the mayhem has spread to Karnataka, a BJP-run state. This has frightened the minorities. Muslims and Christians are feeling insecure. They are increasingly getting consolidated along religious lines. The added reason for Muslims’ alienation is New Delhi’s tilt towards Washington.

Indeed, the Muslim community has become disillusioned with the ethos of secularism which the dominant opinion in India upholds. Muslims have experienced how the reality is different when it comes to equal treatment. The Sachar Committee has proved the hollowness of the government’s claims with facts and figures which it has collected from official sources at the centre and in the states.

Therefore, the community is tempted to go it alone. The coming polls may show some evidence of it. The Muslim vote can influence some 120 Lok Sabha seats. The feeling of going it alone is understandable, but not beneficial. It may provide an outlet for the community’s exasperation and divide society further. This is not in the interest of Muslims whose numbers are the largest in India, after Indonesia. Even otherwise, the smouldering differences between Hindus and Muslims can catch fire, much to the glee of the BJP which is back to its Hindutva agenda with a vengeance.

However, the Muslim community may be smarting under a sense of denial; it has to strengthen pluralistic society by playing a lead role. Some Muslims leaders should take upon themselves the task of finding out the credentials of the so-called Indian Mujahideen who are trying to destroy India’s fabric of secularism and causing harm to the Muslim community.

A few days ago, some Muslims had announced that they would investigate the blasts at Jaipur and Bangalore to pick up concrete evidence which the government has failed to collect. Many Muslims believe that those who are being arrested on suspicion are not connected to the blasts

The country is facing a real challenge. The majority and minorities are growing apart and the government doesn’t seem to have any idea how to span the distance. Jawaharlal Nehru also envisaged such a situation. There is something in what he said: communalism of minorities can be fought and curbed but the communalism of the majority would take the shape of fascism.

Another breed of terrorists has cropped up in India. They are not necessarily fundamentalist, nor are they from the underworld. You may call them roughnecks or goondas. Yet, they have acquired muscles to dictate individuals how to lead their life. They are everywhere. But they proliferate in Maharashtra. They are often targeting creative people, film stars or artists or writers because this is attention-grabbing. It also tickles their vanity and gives them the vicarious satisfaction of pulling down celebrities whom they can never equal in terms of name and fame.

In Maharashtra they call themselves the Shiv Sena and in Orissa, the Bajrang Dal. Their religion should not dupe you because they are the scum of society. Their strong point is that they either operate with the connivance of the state or with the confidence that society has no guts to intervene to fight them. They wish to wield political power but seldom come near it because the voters fear them.

For some time, Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray has been quiet partly because age has mellowed him. But also he has come to realise that Maharashtra is a part of India, and not vice versa. His notoriety began with his ultimatum to North Indians to leave the state but then this sentiment was converted into Hindutva and he joined hands with the BJP.

Raj Thackeray, his nephew, has come to reignite the same anti-north phobia. Many poor Biharis had to leave Mumbai following attacks on them and the destruction of their scanty belongings. But film actors are still on the top of the list.

Talented Jaya Bachchan was Raj Thackeray’s target because she said she did not have to necessarily stick to Marathi in Maharashtra and would speak in Hindi since she belonged to UP. Unfortunately, when public opinion was building up in her support, her husband Amitabh Bachchan offered an abject apology. Why don’t people put up a fight against injustice?

Another person to surrender to goondaism was Maqbool Fida Husain, the leading painter. Artists and others fought for his right to show Bharat Mata in the nude. While dismissing the 3,000 cases against him, the Supreme Court said that there are many such pictures, paintings and sculptures and that some of them were in temples. Husain should have come back to India but he preferred to celebrate his 93rd birthday in Dubai. It is a pity that decent people have no appetite to confront the indecen

The writer is a leading journalist based in Delhi.
Thank you for your interest, KulDip Nayar, of course needs no introduction.

Below is a editorial form Today's DAWN in which the previous article appeared. I invite you read it critically:

India’s Muslim problem

AS India struggles to identify the perpetrators of serial bombings in Indian cities, it is increasingly lashing out at Pakistan. Now Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has added his voice to the Pakistan-bashing: “We have reports that certain Pakistan-based terrorist outfits are constantly seeking to set up new terrorist modules within our country. This is a matter of utmost concern.” This follows a string of recent statements by Union ministers implicating Pakistan in the wave of ‘metro terrorism’ on Indian soil. However, look past the Indian allegations against Pakistan and local Indian groups emerge as the real threat. Even as Prime Minister Singh was attacking Pakistan, he was forced to concede that “in view of the growing involvement of local elements” increased vigilance on the Pakistan-India border was not enough. The message: the terrorists are already amongst us and they are Indian. Indeed, investigations into the blasts across India have focussed on a group that calls itself the Indian Mujahideen. Not much is known about the group, but it is believed to be an offshoot of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India, which India accuses of having ties to militant groups in Pakistan and Bangladesh, especially the Harkat-ul-Jihad al Islami.

The Indian Mujahideen appear to view their conflict with the Indian state as a Hindu-Muslim civilisational struggle. In an email sent after the New Delhi blasts, the group accused Indians — read Hindus — of harbouring “never-ending hostile hatred in your hearts against Islam and its people”. What is feeding this raw, ugly hatred? Finance Minister P. Chidambaram has eloquently, and helpfully, pointed out some of the reasons — while also blaming Pakistan for stoking unrest in India. The real challenge, according to Mr Chidambaram, is the alienation of the Muslim community from mainstream India, fuelled by “ghettoisation, social boycott, discrimination in employment and the blurring of lines between state and religion as was seen in Gujarat”. The minister further claimed that new waves of terror will rise “out of the hopelessness and despair of the Muslim community”. This then is India’s real challenge. Something must urgently be done to address Muslim alienation — the reason that graduates, engineers and doctors, “born, educated and living in India”, are taking to the path of violence. At one level, terrorism is a law and order problem and the government is rightly focussing on the nuts and bolts of counter-terrorism. However, at another level, India must win over its disaffected Muslim community. Blaming Pakistan may make Indian politicians feel better about their terrorism problem, but it does nothing to solve that problem.
A Muslim problem, and now a Christian Problem - what the heck is going on, Hindu facists, Maoist, Police and a population held hostage to religious bigotry, radical politics and State apathy :

Orissa archbishop hides out in Delhi
Gulfnews: Orissa archbishop hides out in Delhi

09/19/2008 12:18 AM | IANS

New Delhi: An archbishop from Orissa has been camping in the national capital since violence erupted in the state targeting the Christian community and says he is unable to return home because of death threats from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).

Raphael Cheenath, the archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar, is hoping to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh along with a delegation of the Catholic clergy.

"I hope to meet him [Singh] soon. I am waiting for an appointment," he said. "Just last week I received a chilling letter from Hindu groups which said 'blood for blood, life for life'. What can I do?" Cheenath told reporters at the Catholic Bishop Conference of India (CBCI) office here.

Told not to return

The letter stated that the archbishop, who has been staying in Bhubaneswar for three decades and whose house was stoned a couple of days ago, would be killed if he returned to Orissa.

"They [Hindu groups] threatened to kill me. Is this how civilised society behaves?" he asked

According to Cheenath, his representations to state authorities about how poor tribal families have been under attack have fallen on deaf ears.

"I simply don't have faith in the state government which has failed to protect the lives of Christians in Kandhamal and Sambalpur districts. Most of them are poor and now they are refugees."

Cheenath rejected allegations that Christians were engaged in converting tribals in Orissa. "There is no truth in this. The VHP and Bajrang Dal are twisting facts," he said

Source of contention

The murder of VHP leader Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswathi by unidentified gunmen at his ashram in August 23 sparked communal clashes in several parts of the state, leading to about 30 people being killed and churches and prayer halls being attacked.

Police suspect Maoist rebels killed Saraswathi but some Hindu groups blamed Christians
1992 onward: Bloodletting by Islamic extremists in Algeria has claimed an estimated 75,000 lives.
You think any other militant outfit can overcome these no.s in present time?
1992 onward: Bloodletting by Islamic extremists in Algeria has claimed an estimated 75,000 lives.
You think any other militant outfit can overcome these no.s in present time?
We are not talking about Islam extremists here.We're talking about Hindu Terrorists.So please don't change the topic.There are several threads on Talibans, alqaida etc.When you don't have answer then you post this lame *** excuse.
1992 onward: Bloodletting by Islamic extremists in Algeria has claimed an estimated 75,000 lives.
You think any other militant outfit can overcome these no.s in present time?

:rofl::rofl::rofl: When did Algeria become part of India.

Police incited attacks on Christians: Probe

Nagendar Sharma , Hindustan Times
Email Author
New Delhi, September 19, 2008
First Published: 00:30 IST(19/9/2008)
Last Updated: 01:57 IST(19/9/2008)

A fact-finding team assessing attacks against Christians in Karnataka has held the state government “directly responsible for allowing violence to spread”.

“The Bajrang Dal’s role has been established and we’d apprise the Centre of our findings,” Josh said.The team’s investigations revealed that first churches and schools were attacked, said Harcharan Singh Josh, the fact-finding team and National Commission for Minorities (NCM) member. These attacks were “followed by male policemen beating up innocent women and children (as) the top state officials and ministers remained mute spectators”.

The fact-finding team also found the pattern of attacks similar to those in Orissa.

“The Bajrang Dal’s role has been established and we’d apprise the Centre of our findings,” Josh said.

The observations against Bajrang Dal came on a day when the Centre turned the heat on organisations responsible for attacks on Christians in Orissa and Karnataka.

The report is expected to strengthen the case for a central directive under Article 355 of the Constitution to Karnataka and Orissa. The Centre has been worried at the “inability or reluctance” of the two states to take effective steps, a senior government official said.

Girija Vyas, another team member and chairperson of the National Commission for Women, said the state police’s role was “shocking and shameful”. During its tour of the worst-affected district, Mangalore, the team concluded that “there was no law and order in the state”.

“Violence against a particular community has been allowed to spread to three districts without any provocation. Statues of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary were desecrated. Could all this have happened without the state government’s role?” asks Josh.

Vyas said the attacks against Christians that began in Mangalore had now spread to Kolar, Dakshina Kannada and Chikmagalur

The team, which also included National Commission for Minorities Chairman SY Qureshi, will submit its report to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh next week.

Police incited attacks on Christians: Probe- Hindustan Times

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