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Bajrang Dal terrorists attack Churches

1992 onward: Bloodletting by Islamic extremists in Algeria has claimed an estimated 75,000 lives.
You think any other militant outfit can overcome these no.s in present time?

You are gullible if you believe everything. Have you read the countless Human Rights watch reports on the Algerian massacres? They found a ton of evidence that Algerian security forces were carrying these massacres out to defame the Islamist movement (who by the way won the elections fair and square). There are Algerian security officers in jail for carrying out some of these ghastly murders.
Newton's Third Law: Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.

Very correct. However Newton's third law gives credence to actions of all including folks like AQ, Tamil Tigers, Hindu extremists, etc. etc. etc. There first line of defense is exactly that they are reacting to earlier excesses.
You are gullible if you believe everything. Have you read the countless Human Rights watch reports on the Algerian massacres? They found a ton of evidence that Algerian security forces were carrying these massacres out to defame the Islamist movement (who by the way won the elections fair and square). There are Algerian security officers in jail for carrying out some of these ghastly murders.

:P but this gullible kid dosnt believe anything bad about India :pop:
150-year-old church set on fire in India
Updated at: 0415 PST, Saturday, September 20, 2008
JABALPUR: An angry mob set a 150-year-old church on fire during a series of violence continue in India here on Thursday.

This incident, occurred in a city of Madhya Pradesh, was a result of conflicts between the Hindus and the Christians in various areas of India.

A number of churches in Orissa and Karnataka were attacked over the weekend,

Indian Christians held protest rallies against setting the churches on fire and demanded from the government to take stern action against the culprits.

In the Hindu-Christian violence, continued for the last one month, 16 people have been died and several wounded. Most of them were the Christians
Very correct. However Newton's third law gives credence to actions of all including folks like AQ, Tamil Tigers, Hindu extremists, etc. etc. etc. There first line of defense is exactly that they are reacting to earlier excesses.

I find such people that don't equate other terrorists to as low a standard as AQ to be full of hypocrisy and personally find those people well deserving of such low standards themselves.
I am amazed how can still some Indians live in fantacy world?

Its better to live in Fantacy world rather than living in FANATIC World...
Here is the true picture of Muslim society.. Yesterday 2 Muslim Terrorist got killed in Delhi in Muslim area and now they have started saying that encounter was fake one and How police knew that they were IM terrorist...
What they are trying to say is that they were innocent guys with automatic weapons..
Very correct. However Newton's third law gives credence to actions of all including folks like AQ, Tamil Tigers, Hindu extremists, etc. etc. etc. There first line of defense is exactly that they are reacting to earlier excesses.

Its good to hear.. Finally you have accepted the Newton's Third Law..
Its better to live in Fantacy world rather than living in FANATIC World...
Here is the true picture of Muslim society.. Yesterday 2 Muslim Terrorist got killed in Delhi in Muslim area and now they have started saying that encounter was fake one and How police knew that they were IM terrorist...
What they are trying to say is that they were innocent guys with automatic weapons..
Who is saying that?
You are gullible if you believe everything. Have you read the countless Human Rights watch reports on the Algerian massacres? They found a ton of evidence that Algerian security forces were carrying these massacres out to defame the Islamist movement (who by the way won the elections fair and square). There are Algerian security officers in jail for carrying out some of these ghastly murders.

Like in India security forces are carrying Massacres..........:argh:
Come-on don't blame others for your wrong doings. My question is that all over the world why Muslim community is victim of depression, massacre, genocide..... Did you ever try to think about this?

I am strongly against, Bajrang Dal and RSS. These are anti social elements and should be banned.

However these cannot be called terrorists, as they do not kill innocent people, by planting bombs at public places and not even knowing who will be killed.

Bajrang Dal or RSS use only sticks stones to beat people, but they are not murderers.

SIMI, Huji are all terrorist organizations whose only aim is to kill innocent people, by using violent methods.

Both Hindu and Muslim fundamental groups are dogs, and should be dealt strictly with law.

Yes, India is a secular country.

I am not against conversion - every human has the right to choose his religion.

If conversion happens by force- it should be dealt by the law. Bajrang dal or RSS has no right to interfere. They should approach the police and court of


India is not a Hindu country. India is strong, because it is secular. Any state that thrives on religion is already fallen or will fall.

There are black sheeps in all religions.

No religion is greater than other.
Its better to live in Fantacy world rather than living in FANATIC World...

Good. Start condeming Bajrangdal & RSS along with Muslim radicals if any for violence.

Here is the true picture of Muslim society..

Let's put it that way that it's a true picture of hindu oppressed minority society.

Yesterday 2 Muslim Terrorist got killed in Delhi in Muslim area and now they have started saying that encounter was fake one and How police knew that they were IM terrorist...
What they are trying to say is that they were innocent guys with automatic weapons..

No one is in favour of these militants who spread violence in the name of Islam. We, in Pakistan, are fighting the same war and we have suffered as well in terms of human losses just like you.

But, there is also another fact that Muslims are terror targets of Indian State. Many of them are in jail without evidence, if you did bother to read my previous posts. Unless investigation proves that specific criminals commited that crime, state is not suppose to put innocent people in jail just because they are Muslims.

Also if, in case, it is found that religion of people is Islam, state is not suppose to launch an anti-Muslim campaign as it will further deteriorate the existing volatile situation and will produce general masses with opinions like yours, always anti-Muslim and less anti-violence.

You seem to lack the moral courage to even condem what hindu fanatic groups are doing against minorities irrespective of their religion.

Also, try not to raise same point again and again once it has been clarified as it is of no use and gives an impression that you are just raving about something you don't understand.

I also found another post from one confused saying something about the Newton's third law. It is more like "As you sow so shall you reap".
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I am strongly against, Bajrang Dal and RSS. These are anti social elements and should be banned.
However these cannot be called terrorists, as they do not kill innocent people, by planting bombs at public places and not even knowing who will be killed.
Bajrang Dal or RSS use only sticks stones to beat people, but they are not murderers.

RSS and Bajrangdal are terrorist organizations that use 'terror' as a method to get their way. You are very innocently trying to label murderers as anti-social elements and this is not working well my friend.

It was not long when Orrisa was burned by RSS and Bajrangdal. Many people were were murderd just because of their religion and nuns were raped. How can you say they are not terrorists and murderers.

Only difference between an organization that plants a bomb and RSS is the time taken to kill innocent lives. If bomb planting organization achieves results in less than 5 seconds, RSS and Bajrangdal take 5 days and the plus point is that GOI never gets bothered.

I repeat what you said.

...as they do not kill innocent people, by planting bombs at public places and not even knowing who will be killed

So are killings of Muslims and Christians by RSS and Bajrangdal are justified as these murderers know who they are killing...

Also please go through this extract from a report published today by Economic Times, India.

Although Christians were described as internal enemies in Guru Golwalkar's catechism of hate, "Bunch of Thoughts", they were not targeted by the Sangh Parivar - the right-wing Hindu nationalist political grouping - as systematically as at present.

The Parivar's primary enemies were always the Muslims. They were accused of having invaded the country from the eighth century onwards, destroyed temples during the medieval period and finally partitioned the country in 1947. Islamic terrorism is the latest addition to this list of sins.

Now, however, the wrath of the saffron brotherhood, led by the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), has turned on the Christians with attacks against them by the Hindutva warriors in states ranging from Orissa to Karnataka to Kerala.

About a decade ago, Gujarat also saw such depredations by the saffron activists, mainly in the Dangs area. The state is mercifully quiet now, presumably because Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Chief Minister Narendra Modi has realised that murder and mayhem directed against the minorities, as in the 2002 riots, can hinder the state's economic development - apart from depriving him of a visa to visit the US.

At the time of the outbreak in the Dangs, Orissa too saw the beginnings of violence against Christians. The most heinous incident was the burning alive of the Australian missionary, Graham Staines, and his two young sons in 1999.

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Another interesting opinion article.


Like other past serial blasts that have occurred in India recently, Police has again named Muslim suspects and released sketches of terrorists involved in connection with Delhi serial blasts.

Minority Muslims' areas in Delhi or NCR including slums are being raided to nab the culprits. These are the areas where majority of the people are poor and illiterate. They have to work hard for their livelihood but interestingly they have time to kill the humanity in the holy month of Ramadan.

Indian Police has found very simple answer pertaining to the investigations of bombing incidents being occurred in any part of India. Their answer is that the incident is the handiworks of SIMI, HUJI, Indian Mujahideen or any other Muslim terrorist network.

Miscreants are always Muslims irrespective of the places of bombings. If a bomb blast is ripped through a mosque, temple, Muslim shrine- it is exclusively done by Muslim terrorists.

They (Muslim suspects) are not educated but they receive instructions in coding and terrorist languages. They got their education in Islamic seminaries called Madarsa, a type of institution known for its educational backwardness. It is unbelievable that a Muslim will do such a heinous crime in the sacred month of Ramadan.

Question arises why Muslims are only dragged in connection with terrorist activities. Frankly speaking, they are being victimized by the sizeable chunk of communal police force of India. Recently, 21 Muslim organizations have organized a press conference in Mumbai and accused authorities of reinforcing stereotypes about Muslims.

Indian Mujahideen, which has claimed responsibility for the serial blasts in Ahmedabad and New Delhi is nothing but a fictitious name being given by anti- nationalist forces to defame Muslim community. Several Muslim organisations and clerics have demanded investigations into the possible role of the Hindu right wing in the terror attacks. In a statement issued on Wednesday, 21 Muslim organisations challenged Indian Mujahideen leaders to come out in the open and prove their actions.

'We hereby challenge the so-called IM to come out in the open and prove that they are representatives and spokesmen for the Ummah, and justify their actions point by point, or else it will be eventually surmised that they are non-persons and nothing but a figment of the Sangh Parivar's unscrupulous imagination, brought into the collective psyche of all Indians by the grand alliance of Mossad and their protagonists in the country,' the statement said.

See the style of functioning of the Indian Police that soon after the July 26 Ahmedabad serial blasts, US national Kenneth Haywood was suspected but his passport was not impounded. He managed to go to the US despite a look-out notice issued against him.

After Kandhmal in Orissa, now the Christians in Karnataka are facing the ire of right-wing Hindu mobs.

Suspected Bajrang Dal activists vandalized seven churches and a house in Mangalore, Udupi and Chikmagalur districts on Sunday, protesting alleged conversions of Hindus to Christianity.

Some preachers and parishioners were assaulted and church property damaged in the attacks. The police in the three districts are yet to arrest anyone. Why this double standard? Are they still patriots?

Police should investigate in other directions too. Bombers may be from other anti- nationalist forces. They may be from Bajrang Dal, Shivsena, RSS among others. History witnesses that these forces have always been trying to defame Muslims for their political gains. Why Police does not doubt their credibility? They are openly violating our esteemed constitution but still they are patriotic. They are breaking secular fabric of India but still they are patriotic.

Very interestingly, BJP leaders have again been mushroomed over the issue. Narendra Modi who himself is accused of killing thousands of Muslims in Gujarat riot has become symbol of aggressive nationalism in the eyes of communal forces. Had he been honest, he could have spoken to the media about the clue he claims to have passed on to PMO regarding expected locations of bombings.

Chances are very high that some communal forces in India use Muslims identities to defame Muslims. Those who are least literate must know that creating an e- mail account is a very simple task. A person living in United States can create such e- mail ID in India. What is the authenticity that only Muslim organizations are sending such e- mail warnings? Normally, Police nabs innocent Muslim youths and uses third decree and other inhumane torturous techniques to get them confessed.

Recently, Gujarat police told reporters that the ‘Indian Mujahideen', an outfit that claimed the responsibility for the July 26 terror bombings, is just a front of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). 'You remove S and I from ‘SIMI' and you get IM, for Indian Mujahideen,' Gujarat Director general of Police P.C. Pande was quoted as saying.

'Indian Mujaheedin is only a second version of SIMI,' he said, after announcing that the banned outfit was behind the serial bombings in Ahmedabad.

Pande said the front organisation was put up after the SIMI was banned. Mr. Pande should show the evidence and his findings to the nation. Is his research based on concrete findings or evidences or merely stereotype?

Police should be honest and away from any stereotype as such practices are considered as a threat to our secular fabric. Those responsible should immediately be hanged irrespective of their religions, casts and creeds.
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