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Baby Girl

Well, that's cuz they are Hindu bigots who support and cheer any non Muslim aggression against any Muslim nation or community. Goes to show you how they truly feel about Muslims living around them, too.
Bravo. Now you have brought Hindu-Muslim issue here too. Cheers on that.

You think its only Israel's fault ? Hamas and Palestinian leaders are not responsible for this mess ? Kindly see few documentaries and look from both the reference point.

Problem with most of people like you is that they hate Zionists without even knowing the entire picture. Its like herd behavior.

Since majority of Muslims hate Israel, Israel is fully responsible for all the problems - That's the common notion. No one even try to see other side of the coin while ask us to see it in our context.

I don't understand why people here hate Jews where even Iran say they don't hate Jews but the regime only. They have no problem with Jews as such. Too much racism I guess.

Blaming all for actions of few. Stereotyping all Jews, same stereotyping we all hate when done about us.
Yes, but concentrating and focusing on Pakistan first and foremost doesn't mean one shouldn't even look around the rest of the world and not be concerned with what's happening at international stage. I mean, heavens forbid if an average Pakistani is concerned with something unrelated to Pakistan.

The true irony is that the average Pakistani is not as concerned about the school in his neighborhood or his local government or his healthcare, as he is concerned about what is happening halfway across the world. Why is that then?

The end result is that the world simply does not listen to the average Pakistani's opinion. The way to change that starts at home.
Read History then come back, thankyou.

Nice evasive move. But wont work. I know everything there is to know about the Israel Palestine issue. So if you cant argue using facts dont. Fact is you support Palestine because you are Muslim. You dont care whether they are politically right or not. And this is indeed a political issue. Every rocket thrown into Israel is undermining the Palestinian cause. And it further discredits them. Unless and until people understand this they will never have peace in the region. And they can keep trying to defeat a nuclear state like Israel. The hypocrisy and the boneheadedness is apalling.
The true irony is that the average Pakistani is not as concerned about the school in his neighborhood or his local government or his healthcare, as he is concerned about what is happening halfway across the world. Why is that then?

The end result is that the world simply does not listen to the average Pakistani's opinion. The way to change that starts at home.

The world doesn't listen to average person's opinion of any nation. But that still doesn't mean the average person shouldn't be moved by events of a place totally alien to his.

An average Pakistani isn't doing Pakistan any disservice by showing concern of Israeli aggression towards Palestine. If the world doesn't care for his concern then the world also shouldn't tell him not to be concerned either.
The world doesn't listen to average person's opinion of any nation. But that still doesn't mean the average person shouldn't be moved by events of a place totally alien to his.

An average Pakistani isn't doing Pakistan any disservice by showing concern of Israeli aggression towards Palestine. If the world doesn't care for his concern then the world also shouldn't tell him not to be concerned either.

Pakistan's national interests would be best served by making for a good relationship with Israel.
Pakistan's national interests would be best served by making for a good relationship with Israel.

How come?- Israel involved in some anti Pakistani national interests activities?-
Let us finish with the US of A mess- then we can think about another suicide with israel-
Bravo. Now you have brought Hindu-Muslim issue here too. Cheers on that.

You think its only Israel's fault ? Hamas and Palestinian leaders are not responsible for this mess ? Kindly see few documentaries and look from both the reference point.

Problem with most of people like you is that they hate Zionists without even knowing the entire picture. Its like herd behavior.

Since majority of Muslims hate Israel, Israel is fully responsible for all the problems - That's the common notion. No one even try to see other side of the coin while ask us to see it in our context.

I don't understand why people here hate Jews where even Iran say they don't hate Jews but the regime only. They have no problem with Jews as such. Too much racism I guess.

Blaming all for actions of few. Stereotyping all Jews, same stereotyping we all hate when done about us.

Alright enough with your lecture and your holier than thou attitude. You're above the bigotry and racism and have the awesome ability to look at the picture from both angles and think pragmatically and whatnot but your not the only one here with such traits.

I didn't pick any sides in this conflict nor did my post indicate that. The things you accuse me and the majority of the Muslims of, hating on the Zionist and Isreal without any reasons etcetera, your countrymen portrayed that shamelessly at the start of the thread by blaming Palestine Outright and siding with Isreal.

So, that leads one to wonder is it because they are Hindus and will side with Isreal on their aggression against Muslim Palestine because being Hindus they also have a violent history with Muslims.
How Indians defend Zionist aggression, it never stops to amaze me.

Hamas and their Arab supporters are responsible for this. Involvement of outsiders will always complicate the situation. The day Palestinians realize their well being rests is in well being of their borders and neighbors will be the day two countries will achieve peace and prosperity.

Support and aid from Baghdad, Riyadh, Amman, Cairo and Abu Dahbi is not going to help Palestinians..
Pakistan's national interests would be best served by making for a good relationship with Israel.

Something which is the job of the elected government. Not of the average Pakistani. Just like how average American doesn't concern himself with having good relations with Isreal. The American politician does.
Something which is the job of the elected government. Not of the average Pakistani. Just like how average American doesn't concern himself with having good relations with Isreal. The American politician does.

Will that stop the average Pakistani from burning buses and going on a thuggery free-for-all if a reconciliatory move towards Israel is announced? How unlike the average American.
Alright enough with your lecture and your holier than thou attitude. You're above the bigotry and racism and have the awesome ability to look at the picture from both angles and think pragmatically and whatnot but your not the only one here with such traits.

I didn't pick any sides in this conflict nor did my post indicate that. The things you accuse me and the majority of the Muslims of, hating on the Zionist and Isreal without any reasons etcetera, your countrymen portrayed that shamelessly at the start of the thread by blaming Palestine Outright and siding with Isreal.

So, that leads one to wonder is it because they are Hindus and will side with Isreal on their aggression against Muslim Palestine because being Hindus they also have a violent history with Muslims.
Sorry if you think I particularly targeted you. I meant to say in general sense and I agree I made same generalization here which I am against.

I also want to tell that I am not responsible for what other Indians say. Indians side with Israel just like Pakistan side with China. Both of our allies have helped us in tough times. Israel has provided vital info, technology and weaponry to India over the decades.

All I am asking is if you really see at history, there has been many efforts for diplomatic solution. There is a documentary well made on this topic. One of the striking thing in that documentary is when Israel first accepted that it has occupied territories which it never said earlier. Then Hamas thought it's a victory, slogan of Today Gaza, Next Jerusalem was started.

Their attack increased. Also look at the difference of targets selected by Israeli forces and Hamas. Israel target Hamas leaders while Hamas target busy streets and market place, sending suicide bombers just to kill innocent men women and children. Israeli attack kills innocent civilians too but it is collateral damage, they kill the Hamas leader while Hamas commit act of terrorism, coward act of targeting the innocents.

I am ready to accept your point of Israel aggression but please justify Hamas attacks ? Are market place, theaters, disco, streets filled with women and children attacked by suicide bombers is a way to achieve independence ? Or is it a terrorism ?

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The issue of Palestine Israel is a rolling stone used by arab despots to justify their own existence. Saddam ammased wealth and power in the name of liberating Palestine, the Assads have done the same and so did Ghaddafi. While in reality, Palestinians are neither granted any kind of acceptance nor naturalization in these very own Arab countries.This provides the artificial life support needed for keeping the cause alive and the ruling elite to continue expanding their powerbase.

Israel has absorbed several thousand Arab jews expelled from Arabia and North Africa while the same Arab countries are reluctant to absorb their own Muslim-Arab Palestinian brethen in the name of same religion and nationalism they used to expell Arab jewish tribes - hypocrisy at its best.

Hamas thrives because it has foreign backing & and financing from despots who are addicted to their oil wealth and dont mind throwing 1% share at a lost cause to amass 99% of it for themselves. Given a reality check, an average Palestinean has no interest other than securing respectful employment and living a secure life away from troubles and tensions.
Hamas and their Arab supporters are responsible for this. Involvement of outsiders will always complicate the situation. The day Palestinians realize their well being rests is in well being of their borders and neighbors will be the day two countries will achieve peace and prosperity.

Support and aid from Baghdad, Riyadh, Amman, Cairo and Abu Dahbi is not going to help Palestinians..

Brilliant logic.
The Israeli-Palestinian politics of a bloodied child’s photo

Left, a journalist for BBC Arabic holds his son’s body. Center, an emergency worker carries an Israeli infant from the site of a rocket strike. Right, Egypt’s prime minister and a Hamas official bend over a young boy’s body. (AP, Reuters, Reuters)

Wars are often defined by their images, and the renewed fighting between Israel and Gaza-based Hamas has already produced three such photographs in as many days. In the first, displayed on the front page of Thursday’s Washington Post, BBC journalist Jihad Misharawi carries the body of his 11-month-old son, killed when a munition landed on his Gaza home. An almost parallel image shows an emergency worker carrying an Israeli infant, bloody but alive, from the scene of a rocket attack that had killed three adults. The third, from Friday, captures Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil, in his visit to a Gazan hospital, resting his hand on the head of a boy killed in an airstrike.

Each tells a similar story: a child’s body, struck by a heartless enemy, held by those who must go on. It’s a narrative that speaks to the pain of a grieving people, to the anger at those responsible, and to a determination for the world to bear witness. But the conversations around these photos, and around the stories that they tell, are themselves a microcosm of the distrust and feelings of victimhood that have long plagued the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The old arguments of the Middle East are so entrenched that the photos, for all their emotional power, were almost immediately pressed into the service of one side or another.

The photo of Misharawi wailing as he carried his son was attached to tweets accusing the Israel Defense Forces of “infanticide” or worse, feeding into dark stereotypes about Israelis’ intentions. Other critics marshaled Misharawi’s photo as evidence of senselessly irresponsible airstrikes.

Supporters of Israel’s airstrikes countered by suggesting that Misharawi’s home was bombed by an errant Hamas strike. And they insisted that the photo of the wounded Israeli infant was more relevant, and proof that Hamas’s rockets are ultimately to blame for the conflict.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official Twitter feed posted the photo with the message, “I saw today a picture of a bleeding Israeli baby. #Hamas deliberately targets our children.” It’s hard to find fault with the not-subtle argument in support of Israel’s campaign against the Gaza-based group, which does fire many rockets at civilian neighborhoods, but such pointed use of the harrowing photo to make that case can be jarring.

When Kandil and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh arrived at a Gaza hospital just as an ambulance pulled up with the body of a local boy, and a photographer captured the two reaching compassionately for the body, Web discussion quickly turned to two questions: Was it posed? Was it populist showmanship? Though anyone who has spent time covering Egyptian politicians might doubt their ability to elaborately stage a photo op with this degree of precision.

The mere fact that we’re asking these questions shows the degree to which images of human suffering in Israel-Palestinian violence are treated as necessarily, even primarily, political; as pieces of evidence to bring before the court of global public opinion. The photos are evaluated on their political strengths and weaknesses: Is the Egyptian prime minister leaning unnaturally into the frame? Do we know for sure that the 11-month-old son of a journalist was killed by an Israeli munition? Was Netanyahu’s tweet too strong?

Implicit in these debates, still raging on social media, is the assumption that the photos and the tragedies they represent are inherently political. You might find yourself wondering who politicized them first — who is more to blame — but that question, though natural, is in many ways an extension of the same bickering. The accusations of misusing photos to tar the other side, of faking injuries to generate outside sympathy are all part of a wider, shared assumption that the world would feel differently if only everyone knew how badly “we” suffered, and how much “they” are faking it.

In this thinking, each new image is an opportunity to finally show the world the truth, as well as a danger that the “other side” will continue to distort. That mutual emphasis on blame, as well as the deep mistrust behind it, are of course just one small part of the larger and more complicated Israel-Palestine conflict. And that conflict, it seems, even extends to the conversations around photos of children killed in its long and bloody course.

The Israeli-Palestinian politics of a bloodied child’s photo

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