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Baby Girl

Its is shame to have sickular like you with us who defending those who kill innocent Muslims in abundance and go suck isral along with Indians. You idiot call Israel legitimate state when you know that Pakistan dont recognise Israel as legitimate state. I also get disgusted with people like yourself who defend such brutality and go read Quran if you are muslim and this brotherhood concept is islamic concept but have doubts you know anything about Islam

Sorry to say Islam and Quran has failed to turn Arabia into any kind of role model and I doubt it can be of any benefit to Pakistan. On the other hand Islam has done very well in preserving backwardness and sort of stopping the time effect for much of Middle East and North Africa. Even the inheritors of Islam are now trying to loosen its grip on national issues.

The place of religion is in a person heart and masjid not national politics. A country as a civil state needs to make its decision based on its religion and long term needs. The reason why were are in dire situation politically, financially and security wise is because we are trying to base our foreign policy on events which happens in medieval Arabia during the 7th century and have become completely out of touch with our regional needs.

It takes economy, education, infrastructure and security to run a country successfully - not prayer and fasting.

But off-course mullahs would like to have people believe otherwise and you are suffering from the same.
Guys here are bashing Israel as it want to defend itself and its motto is Never Again after what happened to Jews in Holocaust.

Why entire Muslim world is in favour of Palestinians when few of them are killed by Israel. Jews were slaughtered in WW2. Over 6 million were killed. Can you blame them for being aggressive?

Where was the humanity when they were killed in concentration camps ? Children were taken away from their parents and killed.

After Munich, when entire world kept quite, can you blame Golda Meir for taking things in her own hands and eliminate the people who plotted the attacks.

After going through all these atrocities, can someone blame Israel for not letting anyone oppress them again ?

When USSR invaded Afghanistan, Muslims went on Jihad because muslims were killed. I never see anyone blaming them ?
Why blame Israel when it retaliate when suicide bombers attack public places, kills women and children instead of fighting with armed forces ? Don't they have right to defend themselves and bring the war to enemy door steps.

There was peace for 6 years and Palestine broke the ceasefire. Even when Israel gave up Gaza for solution of the problem, did Hamas and Palestine stop attacking ?

People here want each and every Jew to be killed in Israel. Even if Israel has done nothing against their country. Why Pakistan bother to get into affairs of Israel and Palestine, aren't Muslims are killed in your own country and Afghanistan. What should be the priority ?

Collateral damage happens when Israel attacks, but Hamas target civilians. We know who is the terrorist.
After what happened to Jews and
Look, the argument is pointless.
Terrorist sympathizers will sympathize with the Palestinian terrorists because that's what they were taught to do, they can't see beyond this mindset that has been installed into them from childhood. When they face logic and reason, they turn to hatred and insults because that is the only way they cope with reality which is too hard for them to accept.

I know "Palestinian" Arabs who couldn't care less whether you lived or died tomorrow by an IED by your fellow Muslim brothers. In fact, they would say you deserved it for not supporting them enough. But then again, that's what you get from your "brothers" in "Palestine".

Look at mirror your isreel killed 10 times more innocent people than those who got killed by hamas rockets . You guys are real terrorist and thieves who grabbed the land of others and oppressed them while expecting them to sit quiet and see their homes getting destroyed . Go back and read history how this conflicts started ..
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Hope there are people like you in huge number in every religion. Nice words buddy.
Sorry to say Islam and Quran has failed to turn Arabia into any kind of role model and I doubt it can be of any benefit to Pakistan. On the other hand Islam has done very well in preserving backwardness and sort of stopping the time effect for much of Middle East and North Africa. Even the inheritors of Islam are now trying to loosen its grip on national issues.

The place of religion is in a person heart and masjid not national politics. A country as a civil state needs to make its decision based on its religion and long term needs. The reason why were are in dire situation politically, financially and security wise is because we are trying to base our foreign policy on events which happens in medieval Arabia during the 7th century and have become completely out of touch with our regional needs.

It takes economy, education, infrastructure and security to run a country successfully - not prayer and fasting.

But off-course mullahs would like to have people believe otherwise and you are suffering from the same.

All these problems you mentioned above is because Muslims left Islam and fought against each others instead of fighting with their enemy. If they were united no one would dare to look at them but we have people like you who put all blame on Islam and think that solution is in leaving Islam and muslim brotherhood.
All these problems you mentioned above is because Muslims left Islam and fought against each others instead of fighting with their enemy. If they were united no one would dare to look at them but we have people like you who put all blame on Islam and think that solution is in leaving Islam and muslim brotherhood.
Islam don't teach violence. It teaches to fight the real enemy which is hatred, jealousy, lust, envy, ego, ignorance. Look at month of Ramadan. It teaches one to control their acts, urges, etc.

Its the people who have changed the meaning of Islam for their own purpose. Islam teaches to fight against the evil which is generally not physically present. It is in our minds.

Islam never teaches to kill any person for not believing in Allah, it teaches to spread the words of Prophet (PBUH) and enlighten the world. Islam teaches to uproot all the evil even if its within you and your society.

I am a Hindu and still I find many things about Islam very useful. I like the 5 times prayer rule. Most of the Hindus don't even do prayers once. I like the holy month of Ramadan where all people actively observe the fast. Most of Hindus no longer do fast. Hindus are leaving their culture, Islam is being used by narrow minded people to meet their own goals.

Its problem with people, not with religion. If one follows the religion by its true meaning, he/she will never commit a crime and will prosper.
Islam don't teach violence. It teaches to fight the real enemy which is hatred, jealousy, lust, envy, ego, ignorance. Look at month of Ramadan. It teaches one to control their acts, urges, etc.

Its the people who have changed the meaning of Islam for their own purpose. Islam teaches to fight against the evil which is generally not physically present. It is in our minds.

Islam never teaches to kill any person for not believing in Allah, it teaches to spread the words of Prophet (PBUH) and enlighten the world. Islam teaches to uproot all the evil even if its within you and your society.

I am a Hindu and still I find many things about Islam very useful. I like the 5 times prayer rule. Most of the Hindus don't even do prayers once. I like the holy month of Ramadan where all people actively observe the fast. Most of Hindus no longer do fast. Hindus are leaving their culture, Islam is being used by narrow minded people to meet their own goals.

Its problem with people, not with religion. If one follows the religion by its true meaning, he/she will never commit a crime and will prosper.

If somone grabbed your land, throw you out from your own lands and show aggression and oppression on innocent civilians then what islam or any religion suggest? what you should do? No resistance? you are terrorist if you show resistance against oppression and aggression but its not terrroism when they bulldozed plastenians homes. why you peace makers dont shout then?
Look at mirror your isreel killed 10 times more innocent people than those who got killed by hamas rockets . You guys are real terrorist and thieves who grabbed the land of others and oppressed them while expecting them to sit quiet and see their homes getting destroyed . Go back and read history how this conflicts started ..

Looking in the mirror would come next to reading some fact and figures.

More Palestinians have been killed in power struggles of Hamas and Fattah than Israel - actually somewhere right now a few Israeli commanders are having a good laugh about how Hamas trolls in the name of protecting Palestinians and then kills them in power struggle with Fatah!

While you are recommending others to read history and I totally appreciate your gesture of promoting literary skills however, I doubt how much reading have you done for yourself.

Pakistani mindset has a tendency of selective ignorance, for example more people have been killed at the hands of Taliban terrorist in Pakistan than drone strikes yet we see a lot of protest against drones and not a single word of statistics on Taliban terrorists.

What has progressed Turkey into a model Muslim state is strong Turkish nationalism married to secular and progressive ideology of Ata Turk. It was the banning of Hijab, Niqab and Mullahs which raised literacy rates in the Turkish society and put it on the path of development and progress as we know today.

What makes India an emerging power today is Indian nationalism, diversity and choice.

What makes Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as stable and fast growing economies today is their respect to their national heritage and integration.

What makes Israel a powerful country today is its multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity - NOT religion.

What has put Saudi Arabia back on the path of development is resurgence of strong Saudi nationalism ousting the rotten concepts of pan-Islamism and pan-arabism. It is actually trying to divorce political Islam now.

What binds Arabs from Arabia to Levant and North Africa is strong Arab nationalism. Political Islam is seen as a polarization factor which causes disintegration as evident in the case of Syria and Egypt.

What makes Iran strong is Persian nationalism, ayatollahs and religion once again being a negative factor as evident today by politics of Iran.

Persia, Mesopotamia and Egypt were once great civilizations and centers of global science, arts and learning. They are now lost in the dust of history because people exchanged science for theology, engineers for mullahs and universities for madrassas.

What is taking Pakistan down the drain is prevalence of wide spread "Ummah mentality" which has distorted our foreign policy to become a contractor of others problem and bring the flames to our own house. This rotten concept of Ummah completely betrayed the nation in 1971 when it broke apart into two. It was the moment of disillusionment in national politics but rather correcting the course of national politics we opted to revive "Ummah brotherhood" fervor with even more fundamental frenzy which eventually gave us the gift of "Afghan Jihad" and all the corresponding problems as we see today.

Pakistan may have been made in the name of Islam much like how Israel is proclaimed in the name of Judaism or India in the name of Hinduism does not render basic principles of modern state building as useless. But trying to build a 7th century state in 21 century is a hopeless & destructive endeavor of its own.

The world of today is shaped into civil states, not ideological and theological ones. The well being of any nation is dependent on the well being of their borders. And the well being of the borders call for strong, coherent and tolerant society.

There is no shame in making peace with indigenous culture, heritage and history but trying to erase something with self perception of inferiority will lead to complete destruction as evident in Pakistani society today. There were medieval tactics to better subjugate the conquered and the era is long over now.
If somone grabbed your land, throw you out from your own lands and show aggression and oppression on innocent civilians then what islam or any religion suggest? what you should do? No resistance? you are terrorist if you show resistance against oppression and aggression but its not terrroism when they bulldozed plastenians homes. why you peace makers dont shout then?

Ignorance breeds trolls and you are a prime case. In this age and era of technology and internet, it is surprising that some people choose to remain ignorant by choice. Israel did not grab anybody land rather earned it through a rightful victory of war imposed upon it by a might of 6 Arab countries united.

All these problems you mentioned above is because Muslims left Islam and fought against each others instead of fighting with their enemy. If they were united no one would dare to look at them but we have people like you who put all blame on Islam and think that solution is in leaving Islam and muslim brotherhood.

Ha...more muslims have been killed at the hands of other muslims trying to acheive this perfection of Islam.
The truth is there is no perfection in Political islam and it is a good doctrine of divide and conquer.

Political Islam is the reason they were fighting each other, not the other way around. A recent look into Taliban dogma will reveal the same.

You are an ignorant by choice!

Why have you chosen a name of well known "kafir" scientist as your screen name rather than something more Islamist like "modren_osama" or "modern_taliban"????

Or if that is too radical may be "modern_caliph" or "modern_prophet"???
Somebozo@ Stop defending your master Israel. I don't think they will give you anything for this Butt licking except few thanks. I am sure you know the history of taliban. Who created them? who used their version of Islam for political gains? They were your freedom fighters when they were fighting against your enemy or enemy of USA. Then they become terrorist when they stop listening to you or your daddy USA. All these killing in Pakistan was result of these two faced policies and its not fault of islam if you idiot use it for political gain

Your israel have history of human rights violations and have committed plenty of war crimes which you cannot describe in words. You idiot dont know that Israel built a barrier in the West Bank which involved the forcible confiscation of much Palestinian land and the demolition of Palestinian homes and shops, and greatly disrupted the lives of Palestinian communities.Israeli government policies are systematically driving Palestinians out of East Jerusalem in order to create a Jewish majority there. Hamas were also democratically elected to govern in elections the Americans and your daddy Israelis wanted.
Hamas initiated this and Israel responded

Is it? Your land is blockaded. You cant get clean water food. You cant hav3 a army. Your elected government cant rule. Your airspspace is violated every day. Isreali soldiers can enter your land 3very day. You need to pass isreal check post every day to do normal business.
What would yo do?
I would fight every day.
I think this lady has more balls than this somebozo who is trying very hard to defend the war crimes of his dady isreal

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Somebozo@ Stop defending your master Israel. I don't think they will give you anything for this Butt licking except few thanks. I am sure you know the history of taliban. Who created them? who used their version of Islam for political gains? They were your freedom fighters when they were fighting against your enemy or enemy of USA. Then they become terrorist when they stop listening to you or your daddy USA. All these killing in Pakistan was result of these two faced policies and its not fault of islam if you idiot use it for political gain

Your israel have history of human rights violations and have committed plenty of war crimes which you cannot describe in words. You idiot dont know that Israel built a barrier in the West Bank which involved the forcible confiscation of much Palestinian land and the demolition of Palestinian homes and shops, and greatly disrupted the lives of Palestinian communities.Israeli government policies are systematically driving Palestinians out of East Jerusalem in order to create a Jewish majority there. Hamas were also democratically elected to govern in elections the Americans and your daddy Israelis wanted.

Mullah education has done a good job of brainwashing.

Supposedly you are not aware of Jordanian massacre of Palestinians and nobody talks about Egyptian blockade of Gaza? Pallys remain second class citizens in the countries of their Arab brothers.

What about Human rights violation by all middle eastern countries, in contrast Israel is still heaven on earth.

it was Saddam and Assad who gassed and massacred thousand of civilians not Israel.
And mass murder of Iranians by Saddam in the name of Arab superiority??

I don't get paid for speaking the truth but at least my ethics are not tainted with manipulation of a foreign agenda?

The first Islamic state of Medina collapsed with the death of its founder, three of the so called "rightly guided caliph" met horrific fate on the job, the family of founder went to war with each other to prove their righteous and butchered 10,000 people in the process and yet you say there is nothing wrong with political Islam - seriously man!

I think this lady has more balls than this somebozo who is trying very hard to defend the war crimes of his dady isreal

Christian left wing racist propaganda now with a new flavor of Islam. The church has become considerably weaker in Europe so they Nazi's have found new home in mosques. What this lady Laura Booth is speaking is utter nonsense with no logic. The house is demolished but the phone is working and how the hell does he know exact co-ordinates?

This lady has more lying capabilities than me and a pair of nice tits!
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the problems is arab world is divided into small and rich nations and large but poor nations. if all the countries unite to become 1 nation of arabs only then it will be a powerfull nation.
Guys here are bashing Israel as it want to defend itself and its motto is Never Again after what happened to Jews in Holocaust.

Why entire Muslim world is in favour of Palestinians when few of them are killed by Israel. Jews were slaughtered in WW2. Over 6 million were killed. Can you blame them for being aggressive?

Where was the humanity when they were killed in concentration camps ? Children were taken away from their parents and killed.

After Munich, when entire world kept quite, can you blame Golda Meir for taking things in her own hands and eliminate the people who plotted the attacks.

After going through all these atrocities, can someone blame Israel for not letting anyone oppress them again ?

When USSR invaded Afghanistan, Muslims went on Jihad because muslims were killed. I never see anyone blaming them ?
Why blame Israel when it retaliate when suicide bombers attack public places, kills women and children instead of fighting with armed forces ? Don't they have right to defend themselves and bring the war to enemy door steps.

There was peace for 6 years and Palestine broke the ceasefire. Even when Israel gave up Gaza for solution of the problem, did Hamas and Palestine stop attacking ?

People here want each and every Jew to be killed in Israel. Even if Israel has done nothing against their country. Why Pakistan bother to get into affairs of Israel and Palestine, aren't Muslims are killed in your own country and Afghanistan. What should be the priority ?

Collateral damage happens when Israel attacks, but Hamas target civilians. We know who is the terrorist.
After what happened to Jews and

Did muslims kill those jewish people? If europeans killed them and they r feeling bad about it now let them them give land and creat isreal in their neighborhood. Why palestine land is given to them and they should become muslim worlds problem?
Isrealis are saying look i have a book which says that this land belongs to you. Ha ha funny..this make them expell millions of palesteinians and creat land for jewish people?

Most of these jewish people migrated recently isnt? why did they do That?
If you r saying that 5000 years before thier ancestors lived there they can go back now then remember every country will have history like this.
Also thier ancestors majority accepted islam and people living in palestein were their chikdren.
Even this doesnt give them right to come back.

Isreal itself created illegally. Palestinians hav every right to protest anyways.
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