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Arabic media: Israeli cyberattack struck Natanz nuclear facility

Now more than ever the Arab nations and people are siding with Israel in their conflict with Iran.

In Kuwait, I have spoken to many Kuwaitis on this issue. In short, all those people who understand geopolitics and read the news side with Israel when it comes to dealing with Iranian meddling in the region.

Iran has lost the war already, the war of hearts and minds, militias and proxy wars will only get you so far.....
Members are requested to avoid flamebaiting.

Address an argument, do not attack an individual or an entity for the sake of it.
Yet you keep the post that started the flamebaiting and removed my response. Interesting. I'm sure you're impartial though :angel:
USA pushing Israeli dumbsh*t government against Iran once again. Israeli people should protest about this.

Israeli dumbsh*t government and state dont learn, they were in the border of aniquiliation several times in the last decade due to their stupids actions pushed by USA.

Maybe one day Israel gov will be successful in their task of self killing, but Israeli people should try to avoid this.

Remember, Israeli dumbsh*t government.
Fake news.

Is this the same Kuwaiti media that claimed Israeli F-35 flew over Iran? This fake new is obvious for anyone with any understanding of such facilities. It is not possible to perform external cyber attack on such air gapped facilities. If there was any sabotage, it would have been done internally.

I dont understand why you discard so easily a cyberattack.

Cyberattack doesnt mean always access in real time or via internet.

e.g. you can hack the employees mobile phones, usb drives (usb drives firmwares, network adapters firmwares) you can hack the supplier of hardware to facility, you can change the firmware of a piece of hardware in the factory, and program to do something in a future date.

Iran nuclear facilities use hardware made in foreign countries, in the west.. in the stuxnet attack, Iran used hardware by Siemens.

Iran should not rely in western hardware suppliers.

Hardware can be modified its firmware and you dont see the difference.

e.g: https://code.google.com/archive/p/firmware-mod-kit/
It did not fail anything. It was a warning. Iran could have poisoned 100's of your people.

That was fake news.

What nuclear reactor?

Internal sabotage is more likely.

You are bombing Syrians, not "Iranian forces".

Well if Israel is feeding you such a silly fake news to calm your nerves, then that is okay.

Lets be realistic, your country is too weak and too small to ever pose such a threat to Iran proper.
the more i read zionist/israeli posts.. the more confident i become.

i honestly used to believe zionists were actually a very serious and deadly force..... but now i realize how badly i was tricked. not only are you weak and pathetic, but you are far dumber then i had given you guys credit for.. given that you actually believe your own propaganda.

the only powerful thing about "israel" is its propaganda machines. they need that propaganda power to display themselelves as strong to attract "aliyah" thieves (white immigrants the zionist government populate their entity with at the expense of the locals).

if it wasnt for propaganda. who in their right minds would move into this fascist thieving entity? they need that aura of securty and power to attract those aliyah vermins.

your post ww2 british/western creation is going to be a fart in history.... 60 years is nothing when taken in the context of thousands of years..... sons of slaves, persians were the only group of people who were historically good to you, and you managed to piss them of as well.. you will learn your place soon, a place where your ancestors knew well..... there is a reason your people have been slaves/hated by virutally every group known to man.
Alright so why would you let a pathetic and weak entity as Israel humiliate your precious Iranian troops on a weekly basis in Iraq and Syria?

It did not fail anything. It was a warning. Iran could have poisoned 100's of your people.

That was fake news.

What nuclear reactor?

Internal sabotage is more likely.

You are bombing Syrians, not "Iranian forces".

Well if Israel is feeding you such a silly fake news to calm your nerves, then that is okay.

Lets be realistic, your country is too weak and too small to ever pose such a threat to Iran proper.
If Iran could have hacked Israeli chlorine levels in the water it would have done it, instead their response was to shut down some Israeli websites no one uses.

Fake news my ***, the harbor was shut down and couldn't be operated.

You know what.

Internal sabotage is even worse for you than a hacker attack. Besides, it's wrong to assume it wasn't a hacker attack.

We are definitely bombing Iranian forces, I don't think it's the Syrians transporting Bavar 373 shipments

Israel can destroy Iran as a whole at any time with our nukes and you won't have any time to react.
If Iran could have hacked Israeli chlorine levels in the water it would have done it, instead their response was to shut down some Israeli websites no one uses.

This is not my personal opinion friend, I am telling you what your own Israeli sources are saying. I posted one already.

Fake news my ***, the harbor was shut down and couldn't be operated.

There is no evidence that happened.

You know what.

No nuclear "reactor" was effected.

Internal sabotage is even worse for you than a hacker attack. Besides, it's wrong to assume it wasn't a hacker attack.

No necessarily. You can find spies and saboteurs in any country. And I already explained, you cannot hack into an air gapped systems externally. It must be done due an internal methods. For example, via the use of USB to insert viruses etc.

We are definitely bombing Iranian forces, I don't think it's the Syrians transporting Bavar 373 shipments

Iran has never delivered Bavar-373 nor had it attempted to do so.

Israel can destroy Iran as a whole at any time with our nukes and you won't have any time to react.

Using nuclear weapons is not a good strategy for you. Ex Iranian president Rafsanjani once called Israel a "one bomb state". Know what that means?

I dont understand why you discard so easily a cyberattack.

Cyberattack doesnt mean always access in real time or via internet.

e.g. you can hack the employees mobile phones, usb drives (usb drives firmwares, network adapters firmwares) you can hack the supplier of hardware to facility, you can change the firmware of a piece of hardware in the factory, and program to do something in a future date.

Iran nuclear facilities use hardware made in foreign countries, in the west.. in the stuxnet attack, Iran used hardware by Siemens.

Iran should not rely in western hardware suppliers.

Hardware can be modified its firmware and you dont see the difference.

e.g: https://code.google.com/archive/p/firmware-mod-kit/

I am talking in the context of an external cyber attack from Israel and so on. That is why I said internal sabotage is a possibility
Alright so why would you let a pathetic and weak entity as Israel humiliate your precious Iranian troops on a weekly basis in Iraq and Syria?

If Iran could have hacked Israeli chlorine levels in the water it would have done it, instead their response was to shut down some Israeli websites no one uses.

Fake news my ***, the harbor was shut down and couldn't be operated.

You know what.

Internal sabotage is even worse for you than a hacker attack. Besides, it's wrong to assume it wasn't a hacker attack.

We are definitely bombing Iranian forces, I don't think it's the Syrians transporting Bavar 373 shipments

Israel can destroy Iran as a whole at any time with our nukes and you won't have any time to react.
Iran can take chemical and nuclear attacks but you can’t even take a huge chemical attack like anthrax or emp or dirty bomb or neutron bomb let alone taking a single nuclear bomb so be careful what you wish for.
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This is not my personal opinion friend, I am telling you what your own Israeli sources are saying. I posted one already.

There is no evidence that happened.

No nuclear "reactor" was effected.

No necessarily. You can find spies and saboteurs in any country. And I already explained, you cannot hack into an air gapped systems externally. It must be done due an internal methods. For example, via the use of USB to insert viruses etc.

Iran has never delivered Bavar-373 nor had it attempted to do so.

Using nuclear weapons is not a good strategy for you. Ex Iranian president Rafsanjani once called Israel a "one bomb state". Know what that means?

I am talking in the context of an external cyber attack from Israel and so on. That is why I said internal sabotage is a possibility
No source whatsoever claimed Iran could have changed the chlorine levels and chose not to.

Deny it all you want

Nuclear facility, and whatever was inside it.

Maybe it's not as airgapped as you think.
We could have hacked one of your scientists, which entered the facility and connected into the system there, which started running a virus and fried the place.

Too bad we bombed your air defense systems, many times, and killed many of your soldiers.

You're saying we can't destroy you, but we can, for a fact. You don't have a single bomb, and we will use our nukes long before you get one.

As I said, the attack might have been a chain of events that led to an Iranian unknowingly deliver a virus into the facility. We don't know that though. What we do know, is that Iran was humiliated once again.
No source whatsoever claimed Iran could have changed the chlorine levels and chose not to.

You have already been given a source, read between the lines. There is nothing you could have done to prevent it if Iran wanted to do it.

Deny it all you want

I go by evidence, not by claims. Show me a single satellite photos showing boats being backed up etc. It was just a made up claim.

Nuclear facility, and whatever was inside it.

The only "nuclear facility" that was damaged was a building under construction with no nuclear assets or materials inside. And that was done by internal sabotage if one assumes it was a deliberate act.

Maybe it's not as airgapped as you think.

It's common sense friend. Such facilities are air gapped.

We could have hacked one of your scientists

Hacked a scientists? These fantasy stories are getting sillier by the second.

which entered the facility and connected into the system there, which started running a virus and fried the place.

Only the second part of this story could be true. I.e someone with a virus deliberately inserting into a systems, i.e what happened with stuxnet. This is different to an external cyberattack.

Too bad we bombed your air defense systems, many times, and killed many of your soldiers.

If we had to go by all the fake news Israelis believe then:

1- Israeli F-35s have flown over Iran (according to this same silly Kuwaiti paper)
2- you have killed 1000's of Iranians in Syria and destroyed Bavar-373 etc.

If believing in these stories makes you feel better, then by all means carry on. But do not pretend as if there is an iota of evidence for them nor are they even rational.

You're saying we can't destroy you, but we can, for a fact. You don't have a single bomb, and we will use our nukes long before you get one.

Who are you to say whether Iran has a bomb or not? It's difficult to take you seriously when you make such assertions. Israel can be wiped out with a single nuclear weapon, that is why I said do not refer to nuclear because the glass tower you live in, is too fragile.

As I said, the attack might have been a chain of events that led to an Iranian unknowingly deliver a virus into the facility. We don't know that though. What we do know, is that Iran was humiliated once again.

Like I said, the only likely explanation is internal sabotage. Moreover, if all you're capable of is damaging these outer facilities that contain nothing of important, than this is a humiliation for Israel. If this is your response to the humiliating hack into your water facilities, then I am very disappointed. And if I were you, I would not get carried away, you have already seen how vulnerable you are. You are at Iran's mercy.
No source whatsoever claimed Iran could have changed the chlorine levels and chose not to.

Deny it all you want

Nuclear facility, and whatever was inside it.

Maybe it's not as airgapped as you think.
We could have hacked one of your scientists, which entered the facility and connected into the system there, which started running a virus and fried the place.

Too bad we bombed your air defense systems, many times, and killed many of your soldiers.

You're saying we can't destroy you, but we can, for a fact. You don't have a single bomb, and we will use our nukes long before you get one.

As I said, the attack might have been a chain of events that led to an Iranian unknowingly deliver a virus into the facility. We don't know that though. What we do know, is that Iran was humiliated once again.
Beny, you didn't kill any Iranian soldier recently. You are just bombing local Arab Syrians or Afghans or Pakistanis. Don't live in dreamland.

Yes, you managed to sabotage maybe here and there but can i remind you that Iranian rockets and missiles are pointed at Israel on Israeli borders right now? I don't see any threat to Iranian mainland from Israel except a bit of sabotage and hit and run tactics.

This is a long war my dear friend, what i am trying to tell you is that WE threaten your tiny existance, not the other way around.

You brag with nukes but if it comes to total annihilation we could and would equip hundreds of our Ballistic Missiles with chemical agents such as Sarin and Anthrax and launch it to your population, killing perhaps your entire 7 milion population.

So see, Iran is able to threaten your entire existance, but you can not. you simply are too small. Know your place and be realistic.
Now more than ever the Arab nations and people are siding with Israel in their conflict with Iran.
Fair enough, Iran is going to stop being the main enemy soon enough. It seems the enemy of the Arabs is now Turkey mainly from Egypt to the UAE. I am hoping that Assad will be armed with weapons that can take harm Turkey seriously should the need arise.
Beny, you didn't kill any Iranian soldier recently. You are just bombing local Arab Syrians or Afghans or Pakistanis. Don't live in dreamland.

Yes, you managed to sabotage maybe here and there but can i remind you that Iranian rockets and missiles are pointed at Israel on Israeli borders right now? I don't see any threat to Iranian mainland from Israel except a bit of sabotage and hit and run tactics.

This is a long war my dear friend, what i am trying to tell you is that WE threaten your tiny existance, not the other way around.

You brag with nukes but if it comes to total annihilation we could and would equip hundreds of our Ballistic Missiles with chemical agents such as Sarin and Anthrax and launch it to your population, killing perhaps your entire 7 milion population.

So see, Iran is able to threaten your entire existance, but you can not. you simply are too small. Know your place and be realistic.

Israel doesnt have nukes.
All that Vanunu fairytale is a history made in israel since the moment zero.
It could be useful to entertaint and scare kids.
But no one a serious state can believe all those BS.

How many earthquakes have been happened in Israel due to nuclear tests in whole Israel history? zero zero and zero.

Israel is the Gavrilo Princip of USA, the d*mb*ss to trigger wars.
Fair enough, Iran is going to stop being the main enemy soon enough. It seems the enemy of the Arabs is now Turkey mainly from Egypt to the UAE. I am hoping that Assad will be armed with weapons that can take harm Turkey seriously should the need arise.

You're right, but laymen people are not really aware of the conflict between Turkey and the UAE & Egypt.

I'm sure you know this, Turks have a very biased view of Arabs and anything to with Arabic and Arabia, it just irks them. Turks have never been friends of Arabs, so it's hardly a suprise that they're at logger heads now.

When I say Arabs, I'm not referring to Qatari turncoats and their Aljazeera cabal.
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