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Who was the guy who used Cheers Doc.
Seems he stopped using that.

@Padamcen if I am not mistaken.
Who was the guy who used Cheers Doc.
Seems he stopped using that.

That's me. You seem very consistently interested.

How can I help you.

Quick before they ban me again to hide their inadequacies.

Cheers, Doc
You can help me by not disappearing and leaving your audience to the chirping cri kets on threads where Bharat Matta is getting it hardcore from Pakistan and China.

I kept calling on Feb 27 threads where your aircraft got shot down but it seemed u were on holiday at that time.

(Fk u)Cheers Doc.
That's me. You seem very consistently interested.

How can I help you.

Quick before they ban me again to hide their inadequacies.

Cheers, Doc
Bos ya Falcon 3al el bent el gameela awi de. Rabenna Yefregha 3ale7a InshaAllah.

Tears story: This girl is about to be awarded for being one of the best students at high school in Gaza. She's about to hear her father's name being honored at the awards ceremony. Her father is one of Israel's atrocity victims. Now she's hiding her tears behind the flag.




Do you remember, years ago we were talking about Turkey - Arab States relations...at that time Turkey was a "Model" Muslim State, it got good relations with every country, Arab relations with Turkey was especially good.

I was saying Turkey should be leader of Islamic countries, you were saying Turkey should establish relations with Islamic countries as equals..... how everything went to shit, Turkey is now resembling a rogue state, having fight against everyone, domestic issues have also gone backwards, economy, jurisdiction system, human rights, everything went to shit in Turkey.... :rolleyes:
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Do you remember, years ago we were talking about Turkey - Arab States relations...at that time Turkey was a "Model" Muslim State, it got good relations with every country, Arab relations with Turkey was parasitically good.

I was saying Turkey should be leader of Islamic countries, you were saying Turkey should establish relations with Islamic countries as equals..... how everything went to shit, Turkey is now resembling a rogue state, having fight against everyone, domestic issues have also gone backwards, economy, jurisdiction system, human rights, everything went to shit in Turkey.... :rolleyes:
It's good to see you again. That's what I'm saying; Turkey had been a model state for Muslim and Arab countries until Erdogan started picking fights with almost all countries in the region, it's like he lost his mind. It used to be admired by every one, but now it's literally following the path of Iranian expansionist regime. He will bring himself and Turkey a lot of troubles if he keeps the same course of action, unfortunately. I hope Turkish people do sth before it's a little late just like Iranians who are now desperate to get rid of their regime, but all of their attempts have failed because Iranian revolutionary guard is too deeply involved in all aspects of their lives.
It's good to see you again. That's what I'm saying; Turkey had been a model state for Muslim and Arab countries until Erdogan started picking fights with almost all countries in the region, it's like he lost his mind. It used to be admired by every one, but now it's literally following the path of Iranian expansionist regime. He will bring himself and Turkey a lot of troubles if he keeps the same course of action, unfortunately. I hope Turkish people do sth before it's a little late just like Iranians who are now desperate to get rid of their regime, but all of their attempts have failed because Iranian revolutionary guard is too deeply involved in all aspects of their lives.
Turkey was being a mediator between states but i think everything changed when Erdogan involved in Syria and taken sides in a Arab country, then this trend intensed and followed other countries. I don't think any Arab country really trusts and respects Turkey anymore.

However, Erdo is done in Turkey, for the first time in 20 years he is not at the top on approval polls. His party votes are melting away, there are now new generation of politicians who can stand against him. But he have 3 years until we get rid of him. My greatest fear is, Erdogan starting war on some country. Hopefully we can get rid of him.

I spoke to many Arab members in this forum almost everyone says that Arabs have no problems with Turks but rather with Erdogan's actions. I hope everything will be fixed when we have a more rational leader.
Turkey was being a mediator between states but i think everything changed when Erdogan involved in Syria and taken sides in a Arab country, then this trend intensed and followed other countries. I don't think any Arab country really trusts and respects Turkey anymore.

However, Erdo is done in Turkey, for the first time in 20 years he is not at the top on approval polls. His party votes are melting away, there are now new generation of politicians who can stand against him. But he have 3 years until we get rid of him. My greatest fear is, Erdogan starting war on some country. Hopefully we can get rid of him.
I hope so, that's for the interest of Turkey and the whole region.
I spoke to many Arab members in this forum almost everyone says that Arabs have no problems with Turks but rather with Erdogan's actions. I hope everything will be fixed when we have a more rational leader.
Not at all. I had never encountered a person who had negative feelings toward Turkey before Erdogan went berserk. On the contrary, as you probably know, Turkey had been Arabs' favorite tourism destination.
You can help me by not disappearing and leaving your audience to the chirping cri kets on threads where Bharat Matta is getting it hardcore from Pakistan and China.

I kept calling on Feb 27 threads where your aircraft got shot down but it seemed u were on holiday at that time.

(Fk u)Cheers Doc.

So all you wanted was my individual attention so you could abuse me?


Cheers, Doc
So all you wanted was my individual attention so you could abuse me?


Cheers, Doc

Dude is utter hothead, check out waz profile page for example.
Bos ya Falcon 3al el bent el gameela awi de. Rabenna Yefregha 3ale7a InshaAllah.

Tears story: This girl is about to be awarded for being one of the best students at high school in Gaza. She's about to hear her father's name being honored at the awards ceremony. Her father is one of Israel's atrocity victims. Now she's hiding her tears behind the flag.




Rbne yfrgha 3ala aljmee3 ya basha wallah alwd3 fe buldannaah la ytaaq

One of pool parks(actually considered a resort haha) on Gaza city coast:

I think I have been to this one but did not know it was a resort at the time, went to swim with the fellas. Popular fruit in Palestine, tastes a bit like figs but is quite different. Believe it's well known in Egypt too, have you tried this fruit bro?:

Apparently these are some towns/cities in Morocco and Tunisia, very cool :



You know I miss the Egyptian cafes that seem to be present at every block in Egypt, haha. They have really good grilled chicken and soup for a great value. You don't think grilled chicken could be that good in your average cafes but only in Egypt. Surprisingly I didn't try the Egyptian national food known as 'kusharee'. Can't believe I didn't try it last time I was there, was really busy with the family and forgot about it. Next time I have to.

Anyhow, how is everyone? Al-Hasani has dissappeared for quite awhile, wonder what he's been up to. Also looks like Philip and camel guy getting banned every other week, lol. Wish mods would cut them a break, they are friendly/trolling majority of the time.
Rbne yfrgha 3ala aljmee3 ya basha wallah alwd3 fe buldannaah la ytaaq

Wallahi it's beyond criminal what the Israelis are doing to all the Palestinian homes and farms and cutting down their olive trees and bulldozing their homes with this annexation process that they got the green light for from this idiot POS orange baboon of a clueless president we have here in this country who only thinks by doing that, he gets the Jewish contingency and easier path to getting reelected. Not to mention that he hates Muslims of any kind, including American Muslims that no good for nothing load of crap. Shame and there is no one that can really stop what is happening unless they declare all out war on Israel. That's the only way the international community will stand up and get involved and who wants to do that?

One of pool parks(actually considered a resort haha) on Gaza city coast:

That's beautiful. Making the best of what is available and nothing wrong with that at all.

I think I have been to this one but did not know it was a resort at the time, went to swim with the fellas. Popular fruit in Palestine, tastes a bit like figs but is quite different. Believe it's well known in Egypt too, have you tried this fruit bro?:

Sorry I thought it was Fig at first but then I had to edit the post and erase the picture and correct myself lol. I thought it was Fig but you're saying it's something else? Interesting, maybe someone else knows what it is? Now I'm curious too!


You know I miss the Egyptian cafes that seem to be present at every block in Egypt, haha. They have really good grilled chicken and soup for a great value. You don't think grilled chicken could be that good in your average cafes but only in Egypt. Surprisingly I didn't try the Egyptian national food known as 'kusharee'. Can't believe I didn't try it last time I was there, was really busy with the family and forgot about it. Next time I have to.

Anyhow, how is everyone? Al-Hasani has dissappeared for quite awhile, wonder what he's been up to. Also looks like Philip and camel guy getting banned every other week, lol. Wish mods would cut them a break, they are friendly/trolling majority of the time.

Oh you have to try koshari, bro. You can probably find it in several of the Arabic restaurants in Michigan, but probably much better to try the real stuff when you get back. It's truly delicious because it's an odd mixture of different foods that make a perfect blend when put together. But the red sauce has to be done a certain way to get that special flavor along with the caramelized onions to be officially a koshari dish.

I know what you mean about Phillip the Arab and The Camel Guy. Phillip is really great (and so is Camel or course) but he challenged Agnostic Muslim who has a PDF Veteran status and I don't think Phillip knew that he had moderator status. But I agree, I think the banning was a bit harsh and not necessary, especially when it comes on the heels of this crazy turk vs Egyptian battles that are going on in rampant fashion around here. We all know the curators of this forum's allegiance to the turkish side gives those of us the worst for ware. But it is what it is and I try not to spend too much time here lately. The hate and anti-Egyptian sentiments is at the worst level I've ever seen it since signing on. So screw it. Just come to see the latest and move on.
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I love your signature. :)

Thank you bro, it gives us spirit and motivation by looking on the verse. Thats why Muslim should be competitive in all aspect of life like economy, politics, technology since we have the strongest backing which is ALLAH SWT.
Apparently these are some towns/cities in Morocco and Tunisia, very cool :


Oh yeah, between the two of those, there are some amazing hidden beauties and treasures. The entire Mediterranean coast from Port Said all the way to the Straight of Gibraltar is unreal with it's snow-white beach sands and turquoise waters.

If you take Egypt's north coast, for example, you have the famous city of Alexandria and then go further west, you run into the great and historical city of El Alamein where of course, Rommel lost to Montgomery in WWII and unfortunately they're still having a tough time clearing all the mines the Germans left all over the place but they've closed off most dangerous areas until they finish clearing them but this is what those sands and water look like.



Now they're building a gigantic city with huge hotels and parks and really turning it into a touristic destination which is good in a way, but for us who've been there many times and seen it without the development got a taste of that solitude and extreme beauty of nature.

Then you go a little further west until you run into the incredible city of Marsa Matruh where part of that (even further west) where you need to cross and canal by boat or swim which is what we always did and do and if you have a fear of sharks, it will put you in a frazzle loool because the water is eternally blue and you can see to great depths without a mask and see the silhouettes of rather large marine creatures lol. But once you come up to the other side of the canal, it's about a half mile walk to "Hammamaat Cleopatra" or "Cleopatra's bathing room" which consists of a natural rock right at the edge of the water and beach, about 40ft tall and the same diameter and it has a lagoon or jacuzzi inside the rock in the middle and two doorways where water comes into the rock and fills the jacuzzi from one door and exits through the other with the waves.

The story goes that this was one of Cleopatra's favorite retreats and she would bathe in that rock by going into the natural jacuzzi in the middle of the rock. Back in the day it was known just enough to keep it not too crowded, but now it's a huge touristic destination, to go see Hammamaat Cleopatra! :-)



Water comes in one side and fills the bath tub...




She had a few of these all over Egypt.


That whole coastal area of Marsa Matruh is just spectacular. A little bit around the corner from Cleopatra's baths is this lagoon beach that gets pretty crowded quickly.


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