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You are the biggest shit wipe on this forum. You are obviously straight out of the Mutah production line.
Please report this post. I have lost seriousness anyway nowadays.

So now you're going to join the 15 year olds Twitter jihadi trolls ?

is a fellow Ba'athi so this is highly impossible.

They don't understand that the Ba'ath ideology would be the end of their life's, it's ideology goes against theirs with fascist levels unlike soft Europe which allows them to do everything, Saddam would have used me to take care of Hazzy.
Sort your attitude out sunshine. Otherwise you will be joining these top notch lads


Those are martyrs.

So now you're going to join the 15 year olds Twitter jihadi trolls ?

They don't understand that the Ba'ath ideology would be the end of their life's, it's ideology goes against theirs with fascist levels unlike soft Europe which allows them to do everything, Saddam would have used me to take care of Hazzy.

. . .

"رسالة من جندي من الجيش التونسي إلى أعزائي تلاميذ و تلميذات المدرسة الإبتدائية الطوال، أما بعد فقد أحببناكم دون لقائكم. نشد على أياديكم و أيادي مربيكم و نحيي فيكم تضحياتكم و عزمكم و كفاحكم ، واصلو على هذا الدرب و ستصلون إلى أهدافكم إن شاء الله ، أتمنىى ، و أمنيات عند الله لا تموت أن يكون فيكم الطبيب و الطبيبة ، المهندس و المهندسة ، الإستاذ و الإستاذة
أسأل الله أن يوفقكم لخير هذه البلاد و إلى اللقاء، أحبكم :)
أنتم مستقبل هذه البلاد المشرق " أخوكم أ.س​

tone down your rhetoric on other threads, you are putting me in danger. I don't want to have flame war with you.
. . .
Just because I ranted against Arabs doesn't mean you should keep associating me with ISIS on every thread.

But you have become an ISIS (on the internet) sympathizer. Judging from not only those posts, but even in that other thread about Islamophobia. You glorify clash of civilizations. Extremely retarded posts.

Im sorry my friend, but your mind has snapped. You need to snap out of it. I hope you get guidance from your close family and relatives. God forbid should this also translate into real life.
Right now I feel like I am talking to ISIS zombie. :/
But you have become an ISIS (on the internet) sympathizer. Judging from not only those posts, but even in that other thread. You glorify clash of civilizations. Extremely retarded posts.

Im sorry my friend, but your mind has snapped. You need to snap out of it. I hope you get guidance from your close family and relatives. God forbid should this also translate into real life.
Right now I feel like I am talking to ISIS zombie. :/

How so? You don't bother reading my posts. You just read the portions which concern Iranians. And your posts on other threads are annoying me. I am much more politically educated than most members here on Arab world and I don't need anyone to tell me right from wrong. I like you as a member so I hope you tone it down.
How so? You don't bother reading my posts. You just read the portions which concern Iranians. And your posts on other threads are annoying me. I am much more politically educated than most members here on Arab world and I don't need anyone to tell me right from wrong. I like you as a member so I hope you tone it down.

I read your posts to the fully, and no I do not just respond when it concerns Iranian members. Did you not see the discussion I had with Frogman in this thread about this?
I like you as a member too, which is why it disappoints me the kind of things you write. I hope you tone down the ISIS sympathizing crap and become sane again.
I read your posts to the fully, and no I do not just respond when it concerns Iranian members. Did you not see the discussion I had with Frogman in this thread about this?
I like you as a member too, which is why it disappoints me the kind of things you write. I hope you tone down the ISIS sympathizing crap and become sane again.

I do not need to sympathize with them to satisfy my political views or bash Arab governments. Or any government in region for that matter. So if you mean that by becoming 'sane' I go back to normaizing myself with these stooges in the region and their policies that won't happen...

@ResurgentIran Is right. You are basically a ISIS zombie. You ISIS supporters are everywhere. Disgusting.:coffee:

Is that Saddam? :D
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