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Arabic Coffee shop

sometimes change is not always a good thing even if things are bad there is always worse examples are all around us in the region my opinion is when things went bad in the so called arab spring protests and riots should have been canceled to protect the region from this madness

Problem with Arab spring was that everyone had different vision. MB had strongest vision which almost went well. But Iran/Arab nations/Israel didn't like them. That doesn't mean they worked together. No, they each have their own interests.Iran in Syria and Arab nations in Egypt , Iraq and Syria. So this all collided and we got miserable conflict. Now MB can't implement vision. Iran has lost a lot and is still trying to maintain situation. Arab nations are back pedaling after we saw ISIS try take advantage of opportunity. Which seems like you want that as well. However while it may sound good right now it may have bad counter effect over time. We dealt with it with simple approach which won't work. And no one will be happy in near future. It's unfortunate and I dint know how it will play out.
Hazzy bro, I was just joking with that video btw. I hope you did not offense. lol

Off topic, your avatar always makes me smile :D

well this haddith was collected by Abu dawood if you must know . he was a persian sunni muslim . his work is generally accepted in sunni jurisprudence , but in shia .... you know .... not as much .

so being a shia muslim ( :D ) i've done a heck lot of research on this but TBH i've no intention to share it at all for the reasons we all know .

Do i believe that imam mahdi will come sooner than expected ? yeah ! do i believe that our version of islam is not islamic anymore ? yeah ! do i think we need a huge change ? heck yeah !!

but can we really estimate when our savior will come ? heck no !

I forget it was you haman! Greetings my Iranian brother.
Off topic, your avatar always makes me smile :D

I forget it was you haman! Greetings my Iranian brother.

Arabian ostrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder if @ResurgentIran is a descendent of an Arabian ostrich himself.

I am sure that @Falcon29 ancestors helped hunt the Arabian ostrich to extinction in Palestine as pictured;



Has anyone here eaten ostrich eggs or ostrich? I wonder how it tastes.:D
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Hazzy bro, I was just joking with that video btw. I hope you did not offense. lol

Bro I know lol I had people over I couldn't open it in front of them :D

this would solve everything but i am sure i can think of something better

We need new generation like generation of Sahaba. In the past 70 years Arabs have done so many sick things towards each other. Still there are hundreds of millions of sick Arabs . But slowly it's changing hopefully.
I always wanted to go on a safari! Or shark cage diving with great white sharks and other predators.
You dare devil!!

al-Hasani said:
No reason to thank anybody or anything. Business goes both ways. I have very good views of people of Kerala from personal experience. Just on PDF you and @levina are probably the two most friendly Indian users.
I know most of the Indians here 're trolls but they 're equally friendly..trust me :) .
I was flummoxed to see how the rivals on the forum (read Indians and Pakistanis) 're best buddies outside pdf. Lol
They all put up a troll show here. :lol:

Ravi Nair said:

As a keralite, I continue to thank Saudi and other Arab countries contribution to our economy.

Thank you for not bankrupting us.
you're a kiwi now...

btw how was your trip to India?? :-)
You dare devil!!

I know most of the Indians here 're trolls but they 're equally friendly..trust me :) .
I was flummoxed to see how the rivals on the forum (read Indians and Pakistanis) 're best buddies outside pdf. Lol
They all put up a troll show here. :lol:

you're a kiwi now...

btw how was your trip to India?? :-)

Kerala changed a lot. I have to say.

The village that I was born in in Mallappurram that had like 2000 people now has over 20,000 people and is a big town.

within 10 years a lot of people have smart phones, computers. it all changed so fast in 10 years.

did you find that when you went there?
Kerala changed a lot. I have to say.

The village that I was born in in Mallappurram that had like 2000 people now has over 20,000 people and is a big town.

within 10 years a lot of people have smart phones, computers. it all changed so fast in 10 years.

did you find that when you went there?
We live in Thrissur and trust me not much has changed in that city...same malls and the same huge round about encircling Shakthan temple. The traffic has definitely increased and now I can see some corporate giants making their presence felt in the city. :)
ويل لأمة تكثر فيها المذاهب والطوائف وتخلو من الدين ، ويل لأمة تلبس مما لاتنسج ، وتأكل مما لاتزرع ، وتشرب مما لاتعصر ، ويل لأمة تحسب المستبد بطلا ، وترى الفاتح المذل رحيما ً، ويل لأمة لاترفع صوتها إلا إذا مشت بجنازة ، ولا تفخر إلا بالخراب ولا تثور إلا وعنقها بين السيف والنطع ويلٌ لأمة سائسها ثعلب، و فيلسوفها مشعوذ، و فنها فن الترقيع و التقليد. ويلٌ لأمة تستقبل حاكمها بالتطبيل و تودعة بالصَّفير، لتستقبل آخر بالتطبيل و التزمير. ويلُ لأمة حكماؤها خرس من وقر السنين، و رجالها الأشداء لا يزالون في أقمطة السرير. ويلٌ لأمة مقسمة إلى أجزاء، و كل جزءي يحسب نفسه فيها أمة
جبران خليل جبران

pity the nation by Gibran Khalil Gibran
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