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Arabic Coffee shop

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @ResurgentIran @Selous @Pakistani shaheens @DESERT FIGHTER @ebray @haman10 @Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @SALMAN AL-FARSI @IbnTaymiyyah @Zarvan @Mosamania @JUBA @others

Forgive me for any past remarks. I apologize. I want you all to read this and tell me your opinion. It sounds convincing with exception of some couple hadiths that are weak. What do you think? What do we do as Muslims overseas? If this indeed occurs. I know you aren't scholars but it seems like nobody can answer these questions. And then there are people who could but because their political perspectives/confusion don't want to. And there are many Muslims who believe what's occuring in Syria can't be prelude to this.

Imam mahdi is coming 2020-21: Imam Mahdi is coming 2020-21 (The khalifa of 21st century to rule the world)

I am not religious at all, but I know that the hour of judgement and the preludes to it are not known to anyone except God, calculations and numbers immediately makes the argument moot.
I am not religious at all, but I know that the hour of judgement and the preludes to it are not known to anyone except God, calculations and numbers immediately makes the argument moot.

Ignore numbers part but rest of information is related to context.
I believe our focus currently is less on others but rather on solving our own internal issues and reaching stable, widely accepted resolution for our peoples. And this is what will happen but we will be attacked following this and if that war is going to happen then it will happen.

I say ignore all this end of times BS and instead focus to work on ourselves for now and now alone. I hate people who decide to wait for a miracle.
You need to explore Chinese food there are some wonderful dishes that one needs to try

I am not well-versed in the various Chinese cuisines. Some of the dishes that I have tasted have been both good and bad. Based on that I prefer Thai/Indonesian/Malasyian etc. cuisine (the dishes that I have tasted at least) if we are speaking about East Asia. Too much pork is eaten in China and strange foods. Don't misunderstand me as I am otherwise a big fan of China.

So when are you coming to South Africa ? We can hunt together :sniper:

I always wanted to go on a safari! Or shark cage diving with great white sharks and other predators. You can do that in KSA as well privately if you know the right people. Looking those beasts in the eyes while shitting myself. I suspect that it to be a great, great adrenaline rush.

Hunting is a big thing on the Peninsula.


As a keralite, I continue to thank Saudi and other Arab countries contribution to our economy.

Thank you for not bankrupting us.

Well, bro, I am afraid that this is called mutual interests.:)

No reason to thank anybody or anything. Business goes both ways. I have very good views of people of Kerala from personal experience. Just on PDF you and @levina are probably the two most friendly Indian users. Ties with Southern India and the Arabian Peninsula are 5000 years or so. Not a coincidence that some of the first mosques in the world were built in Southern India! I would love to visit as I love beaches and the sea. It's dear to most Hijazis outside of the mountains.
Inshalllah he will be overthrown by a legitimate leader who actually make gains and spreads Sharia.
He is not Caliph material.

The leader swore allegiance to the Caliph Baghdadi, he follows Baghdadi's guidelines and did so at the Peshawar attack as well.

Pakistani terror group swears allegiance to Islamic State - Telegraph

I would go further into details on how failed your country is but ....
You have a story ready. You have been through a lot and Pakistan would be in pieces if the same had happened.
I have facts no stories, failed can be said about Pakistan as well, the reason you're in the UK, no further details needed.
I am not religious at all, but I know that the hour of judgement and the preludes to it are not known to anyone except God, calculations and numbers immediately makes the argument moot.

u alive or its ghost?
I say ignore all this end of times BS and instead focus to work on ourselves for now and now alone. I hate people who decide to wait for a miracle.

There's no way Arabs can work on their selves with current leadership they have. World isn't like it was in past. Today it is globalisation. You need to earn your spot.
and some good recipes from the Mediterranean would be appreciated
I am not well-versed in the various Chinese cuisines.
Sichuan Eggplant, Sichuan Fried rice and Sichuan beef stir fry try these some time
There's no way Arabs can work on their selves with current leadership they have. World isn't like it was in past. Today it is globalisation. You need to earn your spot.

Before the leadership is wrong, Arabs themselves are wrong, so easy to brainwash and swing their opinion in whatever which way, extremely emotional and unpragmatic, Arabs themselves are what's wrong, and that is what they need to change, once the get rid of their tunnel vision and thinking of themselves VS the world and instead think of themselves plus the world you will see true change. We don't live in an island far cut off from the rest of the universe with everyone else in the universe only out to get us and is obsessed about us.

Arabs think so highly of themselves they believe the entire world is afraid of them and conspiring collectively against them in whatever which way. We need to stop looking at stars and starts looking at ourselves for what we really are. Always blaming someone else for own mistakes, it is the leaders today, the west tomorrow, the traitor east the next, no, these people don't give two S'es about Arabs, they are just after their interests and that's it.
@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @ResurgentIran @Selous @Pakistani shaheens @DESERT FIGHTER @ebray @haman10 @Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @SALMAN AL-FARSI @IbnTaymiyyah @Zarvan @Mosamania @JUBA @others

Forgive me for any past remarks. I apologize. I want you all to read this and tell me your opinion. It sounds convincing with exception of some couple hadiths that are weak. What do you think? What do we do as Muslims overseas? If this indeed occurs. I know you aren't scholars but it seems like nobody can answer these questions. And then there are people who could but because their political perspectives/confusion don't want to. And there are many Muslims who believe what's occuring in Syria can't be prelude to this.

Imam mahdi is coming 2020-21: Imam Mahdi is coming 2020-21 (The khalifa of 21st century to rule the world)
Bismillah arRhaman arRahim
I read the article and I must say that I was not impressed. The author seems to base some of his theory on the work of a guy called Harun Yahya. I don't know if you know him but his real name is Adnan Oktar and he is a untrustworthy fellow. He warrants a thread of his own so I will rest his case. The author of the article uses no sahih hadith or Quran to back his claims, just some obscure opinions of some scholars.
Anyways back to the topic: as much as I have read on the topic of the end of times and the emergence of Imam Mahdi I can say the following:
1) This Ummah is going to be the last Ummah on earth. Thus the end of this Ummah will occur towards the end of times. The End of Times is one of those things which is classified as being part of Ilm ul Ghaib. This means that none but Allah (SWT) has complete knowledge regarding it.

They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the Hour: when is its arrival? Say, "Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None will reveal its time except Him. It lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except unexpectedly." They ask you as if you are familiar with it. Say, "Its knowledge is only with Allah , but most of the people do not know."
[Surah Al Araf ayah 187]

Thus from this we gain that calculating when the End of Times is going to occur is a waste of time.
What we do know is that we are living closer to the End of Times as compared to the other Ummats that passed before us and that a relatively short period of time is left for the Last Hour. Exactly how short it is is known only to Allah (SWT).

2) Imam Mahdi has been described in the Ahadeeth as an individual from the family of Nabi Muhammad (SAW) who will appear suddenly towards the end. His name will be Muhammad. His coming will be preceded by great disunity amongst Muslims and the spread of injustice and violence throughout the world. He himself will not know that he is the Mahdi till the night before his appearance.
He will be performing tawaaf when he will be recognized. People will rush to pledge allegiance to him between Hajar al Aswad and Maqam Ibraheem. Armies will be sent out against him and will be destroyed. He will rule over the Muslims for a few years (7 I think) and will spread justice and peace throughout the world and will be present when Hazrat Isa returns. He will lead Hazrat Isa in salah.
There are many ahadeeth (some sahih...others not so much) regarding the Mahdi and describe him in detail. As to his coming only Allah (SWT) knows when.

3) I think think that when the Mahdi comes all true Muslims will know in their hearts that he is truly here. Besides that the descriptions of him in the Ahadeeth and the events that will follow him should be sufficient in guiding us.
Once he appears I think that every Muslim should try and pledge allegiance to him and follow his every instruction. Even if some Muslims are unable to reach him...I am pretty sure he will reach them :)
But since we do not know when he is going to come we should not give up in despair...seeing all the misery around us but rather try to spread justice and peace everywhere. There is work to be done and the responsibility is ours to do it. The Mahdi will simply be that shining light that will come when the world will seem darkest. That is something to look forward to...to know that when things will be at their worst we can expect a savior. As long as he does not come then perhaps things are not yet so bad :)

For more info check out Before and After the Last Hour by Ibn Kathir.

Wallahu a'lam
I am not well-versed in the various Chinese cuisines. Some of the dishes that I have tasted have been both good and bad. Based on that I prefer Thai/Indonesian/Malasyian etc. cuisine (the dishes that I have tasted at least) if we are speaking about East Asia. Too much pork is eaten in China and strange foods. Don't misunderstand me as I am otherwise a big fan of China.

I always wanted to go on a safari! Or shark cage diving with great white sharks and other predators. You can do that in KSA as well privately if you know the right people. Looking those beasts in the eyes while shitting myself. I suspect that it to be a great, great adrenaline rush.

Hunting is a big thing on the Peninsula.

Well, bro, I am afraid that this is called mutual interests.:)

No reason to thank anybody or anything. Business goes both ways. I have very good views of people of Kerala from personal experience. Just on PDF you and @levina are probably the two most friendly Indian users. Ties with Southern India and the Arabian Peninsula are 5000 years or so. Not a coincidence that some of the first mosques in the world were built in Southern India! I would love to visit as I love beaches and the sea. It's dear to most Hijazis outside of the mountains.

I was in India not more than a month ago.

I have to say, the sectarian hankering worries me.
Some people during the Tatar invasion also misunderstood end times eschatology and swore by Allah(SWT) that the world was about to end. It's better to be always optimistic, always hopeful no matter how hard one's situation is, avoid yourself from all kinds of current fitnah (like group-ism), instead focus on yourself.

People were not knowledgeable then. There are signs for us to observe. And yes whole point here is to work on ourselves. But I disagree with you, hadeeth states there will be groups of Muslims not by sects but groups on their views/actions. We need to stop giving our rulers excuses by claiming generalizing is wrong. No it isn't. You are also encouraging community just to sit back and watch when we have responsiblities.
I was in India not more than a month ago.

I have to say, the sectarian hankering worries me.

Right now FC Barcelona's horrible performance worries me more and ruining my evening.:lol:

In all seriousness then I was not aware of that. What is that bound in? Is it Muslim-Muslim bitching or Muslim-Hindu? Sectarianism is everywhere. People confuse sectarianism with the religious form while it exists in almost every field out there.
Bismillah arRhaman arRahim
I read the article and I must say that I was not impressed. The author seems to base some of his theory on the work of a guy called Harun Yahya. I don't know if you know him but his real name is Adnan Oktar and he is a untrustworthy fellow. He warrants a thread of his own so I will rest his case. The author of the article uses no sahih hadith or Quran to back his claims, just some obscure opinions of some scholars.
Anyways back to the topic: as much as I have read on the topic of the end of times and the emergence of Imam Mahdi I can say the following:
1) This Ummah is going to be the last Ummah on earth. Thus the end of this Ummah will occur towards the end of times. The End of Times is one of those things which is classified as being part of Ilm ul Ghaib. This means that none but Allah (SWT) has complete knowledge regarding it.

They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the Hour: when is its arrival? Say, "Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None will reveal its time except Him. It lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except unexpectedly." They ask you as if you are familiar with it. Say, "Its knowledge is only with Allah , but most of the people do not know."
[Surah Al Araf ayah 187]

Thus from this we gain that calculating when the End of Times is going to occur is a waste of time.
What we do know is that we are living closer to the End of Times as compared to the other Ummats that passed before us and that a relatively short period of time is left for the Last Hour. Exactly how short it is is known only to Allah (SWT).

2) Imam Mahdi has been described in the Ahadeeth as an individual from the family of Nabi Muhammad (SAW) who will appear suddenly towards the end. His name will be Muhammad. His coming will be preceded by great disunity amongst Muslims and the spread of injustice and violence throughout the world. He himself will not know that he is the Mahdi till the night before his appearance.
He will be performing tawaaf when he will be recognized. People will rush to pledge allegiance to him between Hajar al Aswad and Maqam Ibraheem. Armies will be sent out against him and will be destroyed. He will rule over the Muslims for a few years (7 I think) and will spread justice and peace throughout the world and will be present when Hazrat Isa returns. He will lead Hazrat Isa in salah.
There are many ahadeeth (some sahih...others not so much) regarding the Mahdi and describe him in detail. As to his coming only Allah (SWT) knows when.

3) I think think that when the Mahdi comes all true Muslims will know in their hearts that he is truly here. Besides that the descriptions of him in the Ahadeeth and the events that will follow him should be sufficient in guiding us.
Once he appears I think that every Muslim should try and pledge allegiance to him and follow his every instruction. Even if some Muslims are unable to reach him...I am pretty sure he will reach them :)
But since we do not know when he is going to come we should not give up in despair...seeing all the misery around us but rather try to spread justice and peace everywhere. There is work to be done and the responsibility is ours to do it. The Mahdi will simply be that shining light that will come when the world will seem darkest. That is something to look forward to...to know that when things will be at their worst we can expect a savior. As long as he does not come then perhaps things are not yet so bad :)

For more info check out Before and After the Last Hour by Ibn Kathir.

Wallahu a'lam

I agree that calculation aren't right, I used source for informative content. Yes I have heard of him brother and know about his issues. I don't read his content. :)
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