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Any ruler that controls the two most holy sites on the planet (Makkah and Madinah) is called that.

a ruler who is kept in place by western governments.

The Arab world is not interested in neither Western or Eastern puppets.

enough of your "arab world" obsession... there is mostly no common political ideology that binds west asia and north africa... please understand that once and for all.

and puppets, you say...

On our own we could become a superpower only rivaled by China and USA if we united.

will saudia unite with syria?? will qatar unite with egypt?? will yemen unite with algeria??

If that person is Imam Mahdi (AS) then so be it.

let me guess... arab, again?? :lol:

The lunatic got killed by his own people and thanks for that. One idiot less.

how nice that your views are the same as hillary clinton, british prime minister and israel government... oh, but when were they ever different??

Libyans hate his *** and that's all that matters.

like i said, bring a proper libyan to pdf... i personally knew a person who was a position there.


i recommend you create a saudia defence forum in which you spin fantasies of "arab world".

i am reporting your post.

I was born here. I want to leave and probably will.
Iraqis are leaving. Not countries but the eart.... No further details needed.

your earlier post has been reported for supporting qaeda.
@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @ResurgentIran @Selous @Pakistani shaheens @DESERT FIGHTER @ebray @haman10 @Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @SALMAN AL-FARSI @IbnTaymiyyah @Zarvan @Mosamania @JUBA @others

Forgive me for any past remarks. I apologize. I want you all to read this and tell me your opinion. It sounds convincing with exception of some couple hadiths that are weak. What do you think? What do we do as Muslims overseas? If this indeed occurs. I know you aren't scholars but it seems like nobody can answer these questions. And then there are people who could but because their political perspectives/confusion don't want to. And there are many Muslims who believe what's occuring in Syria can't be prelude to this.

Imam mahdi is coming 2020-21: Imam Mahdi is coming 2020-21 (The khalifa of 21st century to rule the world)
فى حديث ينفع فى الموقف دة
اعمل لحياتك كانك تعيش ابدا واعمل لاخرتك كانك تموت غدا
about your apology i apologize as well i used words that simply should not be said no matter what
but i dont want every one to act as if there is no problem there is as long as any country not doing what you think is right to you they are fighting islam. our religion is bigger than any political group or militia if you want to serve islam be a good example in your life to all think of a way to improve your life and life of every one around you
me too i am hostile to some political views but this is for a good reason i have seen the destruction and death caused by them nothing in the world justify what happened in all the middle east all this death
Right now FC Barcelona's horrible performance worries me more and ruining my evening.:lol:

In all seriousness then I was not aware of that. What is that bound in? Is it Muslim-Muslim bitching or Muslim-Hindu? Sectarianism is everywhere. People confuse sectarianism with the religious form while it exists in almost every field out there.

Well right now in power is a Hindu nationalist party. When I opened up a newspaper it seemed everyday there some sort of comments made against secular folk and other minorities.

It is political posturing. But India always had unorganised pogroms caused by a misstep.

Even before the Mughals, India had an immense Buddhist and Hindu history.

I think for a lot of Indians, they look at the country now, and think what's wrong. They point the blame at everyone but themselves.

I think the disappointment that India can be great but we are falling short, way short is disappointing to some.
Well right now in power is a Hindu nationalist party. When I opened up a newspaper it seemed everyday there some sort of comments made against secular folk and other minorities.

It is political posturing. But India always had unorganised pogroms caused by a misstep.

Even before the Mughals, India had an immense Buddhist and Hindu history.

I think for a lot of Indians, they look at the country now, and think what's wrong. They point the blame at everyone but themselves.

I think the disappointment that India can be great but we are falling short, way short is disappointing to some.

To tell you honestly then I see problems in Europe as well. Growing unemployment, lesser level of innovation than before, too much laziness and largely empty self-confidence, more intolerance and political radicalism, growing disunity in the EU, decreasing populations, too many elders and too few people to provide for them and the current level of living declining etc. Still the problems are nowhere near those found in the developing world where even the most basic challenges are
hardly solved rationally.

This is nothing. Wait and see how the developing world will look like in 50-60 years time with additional 1-2 billion people. There will be major wars, migrations, fighting about the increasingly limited natural resources etc.

I have only faith in technological advancements nowadays almost.

How is the situation in New Zealand?
To tell you honestly then I see problems in Europe as well. Growing unemployment, lesser level of innovation than before, too much laziness and largely empty self-confidence, more intolerance and political radicalism, growing disunity in the EU, decreasing populations, too many elders and too few people to provide for them and the current level of living declining etc. Still the problems are nowhere near those found in the developing world where even the most basic challenges are
hardly solved rationally.

This is nothing. Wait and see how the developing world will look like in 50-60 years time with additional 1-2 billion people. There will be major wars, migrations, fighting about the increasingly limited natural resources etc.

I have only faith in technological advancements nowadays almost.

How is the situation in New Zealand?

Honestly. New Zealand has no major problems. The big topics are privatisation, cost of living, and general life issues.

I feel like New Zealand is blessed that way.
"Disagreement will occur at the death of a caliph and a man of the people of Medina will come... flying forth to Mecca. Some of the people of Mecca will come to him, bring him out against his will and give bay'ah to him between the Rukn and the Maqam. An expeditionary force will then be sent against him from Syria but will be swallowed up in the desert between Mecca and Medina. When the people see that, the God fearing people of Syria and the best people of Iraq will come to him and swear allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam. Then there will arise a man of Quraysh whose maternal uncles belong to Kalb and send against them an expeditionary force which will be overcome by them, and that is the expedition of Kalb. Disappointed will be the one who does not receive the booty of Kalb. He will divide the property, and will govern the people by the Sunnah of their Prophet (peace be upon him) and establish Islam on Earth. He will remain seven years..."
well this haddith was collected by Abu dawood if you must know . he was a persian sunni muslim . his work is generally accepted in sunni jurisprudence , but in shia .... you know .... not as much .

so being a shia muslim ( :D ) i've done a heck lot of research on this but TBH i've no intention to share it at all for the reasons we all know .

Do i believe that imam mahdi will come sooner than expected ? yeah ! do i believe that our version of islam is not islamic anymore ? yeah ! do i think we need a huge change ? heck yeah !!

but can we really estimate when our savior will come ? heck no !
@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @ResurgentIran @Selous @Pakistani shaheens @DESERT FIGHTER @ebray @haman10 @Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @SALMAN AL-FARSI @IbnTaymiyyah @Zarvan @Mosamania @JUBA @others

Forgive me for any past remarks. I apologize. I want you all to read this and tell me your opinion. It sounds convincing with exception of some couple hadiths that are weak. What do you think? What do we do as Muslims overseas? If this indeed occurs. I know you aren't scholars but it seems like nobody can answer these questions. And then there are people who could but because their political perspectives/confusion don't want to. And there are many Muslims who believe what's occuring in Syria can't be prelude to this.

Imam mahdi is coming 2020-21: Imam Mahdi is coming 2020-21 (The khalifa of 21st century to rule the world)
Well Imam mehdi will gonna come in this world, there is no doubt about it but no one exactly knows when. Only Almighty Allah is aware of this.
I am actually not a islamic scholar but i have read some where that prior to the emergence of Imam Mahdi, the sufyani will emerge from damascus and he will be tyrant and will spread chaos in this world. And he will send an army to kill Imam Mahdi. But before it reaches to Imam Mahdi, his army will be swallowed by earth.
فى حديث ينفع فى الموقف دة
اعمل لحياتك كانك تعيش ابدا واعمل لاخرتك كانك تموت غدا
about your apology i apologize as well i used words that simply should not be said no matter what
but i dont want every one to act as if there is no problem there is as long as any country not doing what you think is right to you they are fighting islam. our religion is bigger than any political group or militia if you want to serve islam be a good example in your life to all think of a way to improve your life and life of every one around you
me too i am hostile to some political views but this is for a good reason i have seen the destruction and death caused by them nothing in the world justify what happened in all the middle east all this death

I have seen violence/suffering since I was child. And I know what it is to be victim of political conspiracy from superpower and regional power. Besides our people, other Arabs in region are now victims to same thing. Because violence occurs doesn't mean political views may be wrong. Sometimes violence has to occur. Today's violence in ME is excessive. Much of it isn't done for right thing, but this is what Fitnah is. Egyptians/Saudis aren't as desperate Palestinians/Syrians. We want change more than you guys. And the lack of any political leverage in Arab world means more suffering for us. And let's be honest, Arab league is nice gimmick platform. In reality though arabness won't change anything for us. It is Islam that will. Without Islam you know how Arabs are to each other, very divided, very arrogant, incapable of anything besides lying to their people. We are not saying let militias take over. We are saying you play the role they are trying to play. However we aren't. Therefore you will always see such political views.
Well Imam mehdi will gonna come in this world, there is no doubt about it but no one exactly knows when. Only Almighty Allah is aware of this.
I am actually not a islamic scholar but i have read some where that prior to the emergence of Imam Mahdi, the sufyani will emerge from damascus and he will be tyrant and will spread chaos in this world. And he will send an army to kill Imam Mahdi. But before it reaches to Imam Mahdi, his army will be swallowed by earth.

I have read it is weak hadith.
People all complaining about the end-times and Imam Mahdi and whatnot; no body's focused on making sure they're even eligible for Jannah :crazy:
The following video answers some of that end-times stuff, and why there's something more than important than that. In my opinion there shouldn't be anything Shias have a problem with, give it a go.
I have seen violence/suffering since I was child. And I know what it is to be victim of political conspiracy from superpower and regional power. Besides our people, other Arabs in region are now victims to same thing. Because violence occurs doesn't mean political views may be wrong. Sometimes violence has to occur. Today's violence in ME is excessive. Much of it isn't done for right thing, but this is what Fitnah is. Egyptians/Saudis aren't as desperate Palestinians/Syrians. We want change more than you guys. And the lack of any political leverage in Arab world means more suffering for us. And let's be honest, Arab league is nice gimmick platform. In reality though arabness won't change anything for us. It is Islam that will. Without Islam you know how Arabs are to each other, very divided, very arrogant, incapable of anything besides lying to their people. We are not saying let militias take over. We are saying you play the role they are trying to play. However we aren't. Therefore you will always see such political views.
sometimes change is not always a good thing even if things are bad there is always worse examples are all around us in the region my opinion is when things went bad in the so called arab spring protests and riots should have been canceled to protect the region from this madness

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