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firstly, i talk here of many things... astronomy, space travel, ladies, music, films and of course, political ideologies.

secondly, he was the last older-time great muslim leader, a unique man... i am still waiting for your work that will surpass the green book.

how come there is an entire long running thread insulting bashar al-assad, day in and day out ( the syria "civil war" thread ), and you object to me talking about a ideology that should be acceptable to anyone with common sense.

so which leader ( muslim or otherwise ) do you say should we talk of... name those in the last 1000 years.

insulting to who... the white house??

i am insulted when bbc and cnn call the saudi king the "custodian of the holy two mosques"... who gave them the right... certainly not me.

gaddafi is the imam by his words, works, ideas and ambitions... if he is dead then there should be another imam, and that should be a person whom people like me accept... that is common sense and justice, because people like me are above race, mysticism and nationality.

who do you say are the exceptions?? sincere question.

surely, you have not forgotten those nato planes, ships, allies and proxies bombarding and cutting libya for months in 2011... or were jinns flying those planes or rowing those ships... surely, all that didn't happen in a virtual reality game.

hence the name "jamahiriya", a society governed by the masses... yes, there was corruption within libya, and it wasn't the true communist society, but that has not arrived yet and every sensible person should forward the proper ideology to achieve true communism.

tell me, did gaddafi and his evil henchmen for 40 years magically control the masses, and did that magic suddenly die out in 2011 thereby allowing the masses to rise up against him.

for once, please do read the "great great charter".

1. how did his "rule" destroy libya??

2. when you say "rule", you are not really considering the libyan system... so maybe what we need here is a proper libyan.

in that case taliban are also muslim.

ceylal must think again... he once answered my query about the algerian singer, souad massi... she now lives in france, i think... he said algerians respect her... i wonder if algeria becomes present libya ( which has become taliban-time afghanistan ) whether souad massi and other ladies will be able to do what they wish... ceylal must think again.

Ever wonder how unlucky the lslamic leaders who attended the Second Islamic Conference (1974?) held in Lahore/Pakistan were?

King Faisal = Shot
Anwar Sadat = Shot
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto = Hanged
Gaddafi = Shot

All these people thought of making a strong Islamic block... and died unnatural deaths...
I believe our focus currently is less on others but rather on solving our own internal issues and reaching stable, widely accepted resolution for our peoples. And this is what will happen but we will be attacked following this and if that war is going to happen then it will happen.

We should first make ourselves better... work for our countries.. and so on... before pointing at others.. today our countries are in deep shit... not because of others... but our own fuk ups!
We should first make ourselves better... work for our countries.. and so on... before pointing at others.. today our countries are in deep shit... not because of others... but our own fuk ups!

It's both us and due to others. But this is reason of his emergence. I don't believe we are capable without him. And with current political/military establishments we have.
who is Fazal Hayat?

Fazlullah, emir of the Caliphate in the subcontinent
What does secular mean? im secular..i respect all religions,wish em on their festivities,consider them equal to me in every sense,respect their way of life (even if i disagree with them) and so on... does that make me some evil guy who hates his own religion?

I do find it curious that fundamentalists of all religions have this 'hatred' of secular systems.

More people with your outlook are needed in our region.

I don't give a crap about your Gaddafi clown. Any ruler that controls the two most holy sites on the planet (Makkah and Madinah) is called that. The lunatic got killed by his own people and thanks for that. One idiot less. Stop trying to start this discussion for the 1000th time in a few months.

His green book is the biggest nonsense written in a very long time.

Don't turn the Arab section into your Gaddafi obsession. Nobody here is interested. Libyans hate his *** and that's all that matters.

The Arab world is not interested in neither Western or Eastern puppets. On our own we could become a superpower only rivaled by China and USA if we united. Stop trying to make Eastern backed dictators in the Arab world better than the Western ones. There is no difference. Only in the Eastern backed ones being much bigger failures and ruining their countries.

What we need is a strong Arab Islamic leader but not like the current Islamists who are largely total failures ruining the reputation of Islam and Muslims.

If that person is Imam Mahdi (AS) then so be it.
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As a keralite, I continue to thank Saudi and other Arab countries contribution to our economy.

Thank you for not bankrupting us.
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