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Amartya Sen: Modi should NOT be PM

I think modi should be given 5 Years
Congress party had 10 years now it is time for change

Also the Congress parties record is not so impressive at all
Too much political propaganda by Congress and BJP workers here. Rather than abusing, mocking, calling names and ruining threads, I think it'll be better if people just go and vote their choice. One cannot change the point of view of another by doing some propaganda here. I guess everyone is aware of that.
You discrediting ECONOMICS to put Modi above criticism? :blink:

We donot have options
I dont see any one apart frm Modi in main stream politics capable enough to be PM of India

I would prefer to leave this country over Dumb Rahul or idiot Dickvijay's rule
We donot have options
I dont see any one apart frm Modi capable in main stream politics to be PM of India

I would prefer to leave this country over Dumb Rahul or idiot Dickvijay's rule

So...you'll discredit ECONOMICS to put Modi above criticism :crazy:?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Off topic I heard Nandana Sen got married. Ab is zindagi mein kuch bacha nahi hai jeene ke liye :suicide2:
@arp2041 No need to apologize. We have quite a few nutters on this forum. We've got dingbats who think that the path to India's greatness lies through atavism and that it requires "culling" various groups of people, that the constitution is meaningless and should be shredded up. We've got Sankranti and his various avatars who want to propagate a myopically revisionist perversion in the name of Hinduism, in the process maiming and butchering a great boon to humanity. He's labeled at least a dozen posters here as Muslims, Christians or Pakistani false flaggers- considering that liberal usage of ad hominem is all his lot will ever be good for. We've got a few young bucks who think that they need to attack the parliament and wonder why the army will not support their cause, Doppelganger was even musing as to whether he could get quality arms for said "mission" from Pakistan of all places. We've got gooks who'll quote wikipedia to you when you're providing them with an exact verse along with indexed references and the specific chapter from the dharmashastra on the relevant topic.

BUT We have only one fellow here who thinks that Rahul Gandhi will make a good administrator let alone the PM!:hitwall: NUFF SAID!
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The question is whether modi is suitable, it does not axiometically imply one is supporting congress, let alone rahul gandhi... its the internet hindus who go after you like bees .. and sometime in weak moment you might flip..

yes indeed there are some rahul poster boy and I dont see anything wrong in that. nor anything wrong in being modi poster boy.
So...you'll discredit ECONOMICS to put Modi above criticism :crazy:?

I respect Mr Sen's openion
You wont get a perfect match every time

There are times when u have to choose best among the basket
There is no one in Congress who is anywhere close to Modi (he is the best alternative available)
I respect Mr Sen's openion
You wont get a perfect match every time

There are times when u have to choose best among the basket
There is no one in Congress who is anywhere close to Modi (he is the best alternative available)

It was just an opinion man, from Mr. Amartya Sen, similar to what people are doing here, hope everyone understands that. I guess people should know that he's not the only person who'll decide the PM of India. So it should be taken in a sporting way. There can be a discussion on his comments definitely but abusing each other because of that is simple ridiculous!

One more thing, everyone here might have his/her own opinion but no one here has the credibility to demean him.
@arp2041 No need to apologize. We have quite a few nutters on this forum. We've got dingbats who think that the path to India's greatness lies through atavism and that it requires "culling" various groups of people, that the constitution is meaningless and should be shredded up. We've got Sankranti and his various avatars who want to propagate a myopically revisionist perversion in the name of Hinduism, in the process maiming and butchering a great boon to humanity. He's labeled at least a dozen posters here as Muslims, Christians or Pakistani false flaggers- considering that liberal usage of ad hominem is all his lot will ever be good for. We've got a few young bucks who think that they need to attack the parliament and wonder why the army will not support their cause, Doppelganger was even musing as to whether he could get quality arms for said "mission" from Pakistan of all places. We've got gooks who'll quote wikipedia to you when you're providing them with an exact verse along with indexed references and the specific chapter from the dharmashastra on the relevant topic.

BUT We have only one fellow here who thinks that Rahul Gandhi will make a good administrator let alone the PM!:hitwall: NUFF SAID!

Man, I am hating politics more after joining here. People can't have a sane discussion but resort to abuses. :hitwall:
I think whoever use cuss words be it of any Nationality should be banned then and there. Probably that will bring some decency.
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No- these are specious aruguments. The reason why there are more 'communal riots' under congress is because congress is usually the party in power (since BJP keeps losing elections etc.). So when spontaneous riots break out, the party in power is usually congress, BJP beuing a bunch of losers who can't even win election. Congress has been accused of mismanaging the response and incompetence in managing it, but not engineering them (outside the sikh riots). The BJP, loses power and even when they come to power engineer such nonsense.

So what makes you think that 2002 was deadlier than sikh riots??

Stop behaving like a kid.

You stop behaving like a shameless @$$hole:hitwall:
How many times he marries has nothing to do with his nationalism or his grasp on economy. Just because you don't like his views on Modi, you are discrediting one of the most intellectual Indian!

Ah but you are wrong. Dr. Sen has been showcased as a great 'intellectual' who is passing 'MORAL' judgement on Modi.

In the process both is 'intellectual' capability and his 'Morality', both will be questioned.

His claim to 'intellectual' fame is the Nobel prize. That has more to do with his 3rd wife than anything he ever wrote or published.

His Morality is questioned by his being unfaithful to his wives and who has used his wife to wrangle himself a Nobel prize. How much points would you give such a man for 'ethics' ? He comes across as an ambitious man who is goal oriented and ethics be dammed.

Clearly he does not come across as a man who can pass judgement on others.

Why not call a Spade a Spade ?

If he has to audacity to pass moral judgement on Modi then he should not have problems with others questioning his morality.

@Aeronaut @WebMaster .............. Plz keep a watch on this above poster!!

Akram .....back to your old trick ? :lol:
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