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I am really moved and touched,Israel Envoy On India’s Support

They chickened out on China's Uighur genocide,
lol, Uighur genocide? Uighurs enjoy a high level of standard of living you Indians won't be able to reach in your life time or even your next life time.
What's the islamist world, you zahil pazeet??? There's only one actual Islamist government in the Muslim world and that's Iran.

Are you moving to Iran ? since they act as they preach they respect others but following Islamic rules.
They chickened out on China's Uighur genocide, they are chickening out on this instance too after claiming to be the protector of Ummah. At least India and Indians are rallying behind its allies. Palestinian leaders are asking for India's intervention to cool down the situation, they don't give a shit to Pakistani generals.

This sh!t spread by west, but did not worked.
Same sh!t Indians are spreading, but will not work.
Are you moving to Iran ? since they act as they preach they respect others but following Islamic rules.
What's your point here pajeet? If you're trying to make a comeback can you avoid that pajeet tendency of trying to be witty and failing because of your reservationchaap education and just be direct with your insult?
What's your point here pajeet? If you're trying to make a comeback can you avoid that pajeet tendency of trying to be witty and failing because of your reservationchaap education and just be direct with your insult?

"Reservation chaap education"

I was just reminding that your country fellows tall claims are not matching with their actions, Iran atleast shows guts to stand up for Palestine people, which Pakistan can dream off. Its normal for Pakistan to blame and pointing fingers towards others rather than standing up for those who believe a Nuclear Power can bail them out of that misery.

I can understand Pakistan elites have opted for "If you can't contribute then you should be silent" policy. But, keyboard warriors of PDF and rallying behind them with unrealistic suggestions.
It is not a polar shift. India had been moving closer to Israel for years. One of the pivotal events was the Kargil War where Israelis helped at a time India was under western sanctions following the nuclear tests. Anyway, the Arab world itself has moved closer to Israel. With Iran, India has a transactional relationship based on mutual interests. The other Muslim countries either don't care much about the Palestine issue or have been against India even when India was one of the biggest supporters of PLO. Also, the context is important. Israeli civilians were murdered and kidnapped - something India herself has been a victim of. If Israel started an unprovoked carpet bombing of the West Bank, the Indian government is not going to publicly tweet its support.
The rampant Islamophobia in India is enabling the polar shift. It has nothing to do with Kargil or any other economic activity between the two countries.

For the past decade, Israel has turned Gaza into an open prison. The blowout from such genocidal schemes will always be extreme and horrific.

Have you read the official stand of India?

India has officially backed Israel in her aggression against Gaza.
then they should be doing the introspection
No, there is no need for us to do introspection because pajeets have made it very clear why they hate us.

1. Because they think Muslims are good looking and steal their women:


2. They have insecurity about their penises and virility compared to our own (probably due to excessive **** consumption but who knows with you filthy pajeets):

3. They are enraged we eat beef instead of veggies and gobar.

4. They are insecure about the fact that we do not worship their gods or accept their vile caste system.

Any other reason is fake. I know you pajeets love to talk about terror, but the reality is Chindoos have been chimping out in riots over the aforementioned reasons for centuries at this point. No one buys the terror argument anymore. ESPECIALLY when Chindoos are electing Chindoo terror suspects as MPs and letting them off onto the streets.
I was just reminding that your country fellows tall claims are not matching with their actions
Jahil pajeet, don't reply to me if you're below 70 IQ. I have no time for drooling gobar brains rattling off stupid one-liners they think are very clever.
My original post was VERY clear on the subject of Pakistan's position:
Also stop bringing up Pakistan - every Pakistani here is critical of their stance and the current government in power.
Lifting Zionist balls seem to be the national hobby in India.
The rampant Islamophobia in India is enabling the polar shift. It has nothing to do with Kargil or any other economic activity between the two countries.
There is no generic Islamophobia in India, just fear of international Islamic terrorism. Along with improved relations with Israel, India has also improved relations with the UAE and the Saudis, the custodians of the two holy mosques and Crown Prince MBS is regarded positively in India. Besides, the character of the Palestinian leadership itself has changed. Leaders like Yaseer Arafat, Nasser, etc were Arab nationalist socialists and the Nehru- Gandhi family had an ideological affinity and personal friendships with them. Now, the Hamas leadership is more religiously radicalized and pan- Islamist. It doesn't have support from even Arab governments like PLO used to.
There is no generic Islamophobia in India, just fear of international Islamic terrorism. Along with improved relations with Israel, India has also improved relations with the UAE and the Saudis, the custodians of the two holy mosques and Crown Prince MBS is regarded positively in India. Besides, the character of the Palestinian leadership itself has changed. Leaders like Yaseer Arafat, Nasser, etc were Arab nationalist socialists and the Nehru- Gandhi family had an ideological affinity and personal friendships with them. Now, the Hamas leadership is more religiously radicalized and pan- Islamist. It doesn't have support from even Arab governments like PLO used to.

Really? There is no Islamophobia in India? I guess it's a Wakandans on PDF flying Indian flag and constantly provoking Muslim sentiments.
muslaman lully is equipped with crash helmet after circumision. that helmet is wat breaks the hindu girl g spot in to pleasure tat her hindu partner cant give.
What kind of uncouth and filthy language is being used here ? The moderators and admins should hang their heads in shame. Disgusting .


Really? There is no Islamophobia in India? I guess it's a Wakandans on PDF flying Indian flag and constantly provoking Muslim sentiments.
Really ? Just because you get provoked by some random internet poster, it means all Indians are afraid of Islam ?

Have you seen the quality of posts by sadiq and ameen Pakistani momins just on this thread ?
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What kind of uncouth and filthy language is being used here ? The moderators and admins should hang their heads in shame. Disgusting .


Really ? Just because you get provoked by some random internet poster, it means all Indians are afraid of Islam ?

Have you seen the quality of posts by sadiq and ameen Pakistani momins just on this thread ?
indian pajeets come on pdf insult pakistanis day in day out.
India's polar shift on Israel-Palestinian conflict will fundamentally change her relationship with the Muslim world.
Rightly said, It is changing. Now many Arab countries are mum on events happening and some like UAE condemned Hamas terrorisam.
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No need to exchange the profanities.
Hindus have always been the slaves of somebody. This is my statement
Care to deny it?
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