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I am really moved and touched,Israel Envoy On India’s Support

indian pajeets come on pdf insult pakistanis day in day out.
Make sure to protect hamlet might give STD , if you keep putting in goats.
Really? There is no Islamophobia in India? I guess it's a Wakandans on PDF flying Indian flag and constantly provoking Muslim sentiments.
Pajeets think we live in the same Vatsapp echo chamber than them.

Make sure to protect hamlet might give STD , if you keep putting in goats.
Anyone have a clue on what this Hindu is trying to say here?? 100% he got through school and college with quotas and reservations to cushion his low-caste behind.
No need to exchange the profanities.
Hindus have always been the slaves of somebody. This is my statement
Care to deny it?

  1. God said the duty of a Shudra is to serve the upper varnas faithfully with devotion and without grumbling. (Manu 1-91)
I have written it before and I am going to write again. In all honesty how someone can believe in a such things? Literally, you can say to someone " oi, you SOB" and what he can say? That cult gives such possibility, it really does. I am not trying to be insulting here.
You almost say " Give me your money, dignity freedom etc " and simply if he shows a tiny bit discomfort, Literally you can piss on him.
How someone can appreciate the sculptures of the phaluses and vaginas? Truly, how someone can believe to people when you press him for answers, he simply says it is beyond your understanding and you have to go through certain phases.
Someone can see that %95 of them know nothing about what they believe. And how possibly they can know? No rules, no benchmarks. Everything has free interpretation.
Truly astonishing
Make sure to protect hamlet might give STD , if you keep putting in goats.
sorry no understand pajeet language.
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