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Amartya Sen: Modi should NOT be PM

Be quite you upstart neophyte, democracy is for the gooks. :hang2: I am sure we'll take Mr. Sen's statement under advisement but how about we continue being a democracy- you know- vote and all with our eyes and ears open instead of just following someone's statements no matter how learned the gentleman issuing them maybe. :)

Blasphemy ..... How dare you speak against Mr.Sen's statement ....... :sniper:

Even with you are eyes and ears open you are not supposed to question his intellectuality.
The only one who doesn't see the ridiculousness of what you're asking is you. This actually shows the extent of near mythical propoganda that Modi's machine has churned out. You will pit yourself against Nobel winners with data that any kid can pull out of the internet and still insist you can win coz you 'know more'. SOrry, I will NOT spend my time arguing with some random guy on a forum on economics against a nobel winner in economics.

Congratulations on finding your 'God'!
Lessons to be learnt from Gujarat's business experience: Amartya Sen

Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen, who has been critical of Narendra Modi's model of governance, has said there are lessons to be learnt even from Gujarat which had good business performance and infrastructure though it lagged in health, literary and minority rights.

Sen, at the same time, pointed that there are bigger things to learn from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and even Himachal Pradesh, a state where he said "transformation has been much more rapid that Kerala."

The economist said it was wrong to portray India's governmental experience as a complete failure.

"It has been a completely diverse experience. Some very good experience in business area like Gujarat on the other hand pretty bad record in education, health care, gender equity and any public policy related to that," Sen said at the launch of his new book last evening.

Sen along with co-author and economist John Dreze has in their new book taken note of the achievements of modern India including the successful maintenance of the world's largest democracy, but they still argue that the country's development strategy remains fundamentally flawed.

In particular, the authors point out that the country has overlooked the central role of human capabilities - both as an end in themselves and as a means of further progress.

Sen exemplified Kerala, which he has done pretty well in areas like education and health care and is now one of the richer states in India.

He said he was criticised as "hypothetical and imaginative" for saying that Kerala a state once mired with problems of low income and red tape could reap the benefits of growth if it stuck to progress in areas like education, health care and literacy.

"Now it turns out Kerala is one of the richer states that the high growth rate in Kerala is nurtured and fostered by education and health care," said Sen.

The Nobel Laureate said it was a question of learning from any part of India that can offer a lesson.

"This is true even in Gujarat. We can even learn from Gujarat even though it has a dismal record in treatment of minorities, giving them a sense of security and sticking to secularism. But in things like market economic expansion, there are things to learn."

Sen, however pointed that there are bigger things to learn from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and even Himachal Pradesh, a state where he said "transformation has been much more rapid that Kerala."

Lessons to be learnt from Gujarat's business experience: Amartya Sen - India - DNA
The only one who doesn't see the ridiculousness of what you're asking is you. This actually shows the extent of near mythical propoganda that Modi's machine has churned out. You will pit yourself against Nobel winners with data that any kid can pull out of the internet and still insist you can win coz you 'know more'. SOrry, I will NOT spend my time arguing with some random guy on a forum on economics against a nobel winner in economics.

He is a Nobel prize winner doesn't mean we all have to follow him blindly without questioning like he is god or something coz he is a human in the end he is bound to make mistake sometimes and sadly in this case the statistics and data here clearly goes against what Mr Sen has claimed in the article
This is Times of India's TODAY's news ...............:

Yoga Guru's anti Rahul remarks leaves Congressmen fuming in Himachal

Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev's outburst against AICC vice-president Rahul Gandhi has left Congressmen fuming in Himachal Pradesh. On Monday, Ramdev while addressing a public gathering in Hamripur district of Himachal had described Rahul Gandhi as incompetent and inexperienced person not fit for leading the nation. ...........

Himachal Pradesh Congress Committee spokesperson Deepak Sharma has even lodged a police complaint against Ramdev for his statement.

.....Urban Development Minister Sudhir Sharma said that Ramdev had no right to testify the integrity of any person and it seems that he had forgotten the 'Yog Kriya' and instead was trying to project himself as political pundit. He said that Baba Ramdev should concentrate on his profession rather than issuing political and irrelevant statements. (...strange how that is not true for Sen :lol: )

.... Excise and Taxation Minister Prakash Chaudhary beside other leaders in a joint statement sad that Baba Ramdev's narrow vision of supporting communalism clearly indicates that he was a "fanatic" person who does not believe in secularism and was having a single mindset.

(....thankfully BJP supporters has not said such things about Sen :lol:)

For the same party that is rejoicing when Sen criticised Modi ........they are fuming that Baba Ramdev , an equally renowned Yoga Guru should speak about Rahul Gandhi. :lol:

What a bunch of shameless Hypocrites ..........Sen should be ashamed to be associated with such a Fascist party.

I wonder what Sen has to say about Congress MP begging US congress to ban Modi :lol: ..................Disgusting.
This is Times of India's TODAY's news ...............:

Yoga Guru's anti Rahul remarks leaves Congressmen fuming in Himachal

For the same party that is rejoicing when Sen criticised Modi ........they are fuming that Baba Ramdev , an equally renowned Yoga Guru should speak about Rahul Gandhi. :lol:

What a bunch of shameless Hypocrites ..........Sen should be ashamed to be associated with such a Fascist party.

I wonder what Sen has to say about Congress MP begging US congress to ban Modi :lol: ..................Disgusting.
If you are taking about Political intolerance............BJP,Congress all are on the Same Boat...........
He is a Nobel prize winner doesn't mean we all have to follow him blindly without questioning like he is god or something coz he is a human in the end he is bound to make mistake sometimes and sadly in this case the statistics and data here clearly goes against what Mr Sen has claimed in the article

How dare you? :pissed:
Nobel prize warrants infallibility for all arguments. Mr Sen is now a being closer to God. You, a typical internet warrior has no right to question him.
Meanwhile ...........common Indians continue to Ignore Sen and are drifting towards Modi ....... :cheesy:


Muslim girl the first person to register for Modi meet

“Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi is the hope of the nation. He is the one who can make the country walk on the path of development. The youth of the nation want him to occupy the seat of prime minister.”

Those were the views of the youth of the city who came in large numbers to register their names to participate in Modi’s youth conclave ‘Nava Bharat Yuva Bheri’ scheduled for August 11.

A Muslim girl from the city, Shanabin Aslam, was the first person to register her name for the youth conclave. “I am impressed with Modi’s works and want to hear him live”, she said enthusiastically................

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