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Amartya Sen: Modi should NOT be PM

Ah but you are wrong. Dr. Sen has been showcased as a great 'intellectual' who is passing 'MORAL' judgement on Modi.

In the process both is 'intellectual' capability and his 'Morality', both will be questioned.

His claim to 'intellectual' fame is the Nobel prize. That has more to do with his 3rd wife than anything he ever wrote or published.

His Morality is questioned by his being unfaithful to his wives and who has used his wife to wrangle himself a Nobel prize. How much points would you give such a man for 'ethics' ? He comes across as an ambitious man who is goal oriented and ethics be dammed.

Clearly he does not come across as a man who can pass judgement on others.

Why not call a Spade a Spade ?

If he has to audacity to pass moral judgement on Modi then he should not have problems with others questioning his morality.

It is wrong to question his morality and intellect because you don't like his opinion. Instead of throwing dirt on him, counter his argument. Question his comments, not his personal life.
Nitish Kumar, Chidambaram

Wasn't chidambaram's son got dragged into some controversy last year or so ?? Look man I ain't one of Modi's groupie but I do want a corruption/right wing free candidate for whom I can vote .....
Nitish is doing a superb job in Bihar but he is required there for atleast 5 more years to bring that state up from gutters.
By the same logic it is wrong for Sen to question NaMo's morality an intellect because he does not like his opinion.

Why this double standard ? :azn: ..........let me guess .....'secular' Indian's get to have double standards ? :angel:

Apples and oranges.
Sen is not fighting an election, nor does he has any intention of governing people. It is NaMo's ability to govern, his credibility as a CM is in question, not his personal life. Sen raised points against Modi as a CM, not as a person. And everyone has a legal and moral right to question person in power. Heck, it is responsibility of people to do so. There position, not their personal life.

If you have problem with the questions asked, refute them with logical arguments, data. Look through this thread, I did. I am still waiting for @Guynextdoor2 to refute/comment on my arguments.

...........ya Nitish is doing an excellent job .....after calling terrorist Ishrat jahan ....Bihar ki Beti .......he failed to prevent 9 Bomb Blasts in Bihar's holiest spot !

If that was not enough ........school children are dying there after eating lunch . Cant wait for such a man to take reins of India :angel:

Here is today's article in Times of India .

Rs 1,700 crore for midday meals, hospitals not spent or largely missing in Bihar

Midday meal deaths: Nitish blames it on opposition :lol:

Nitish is truly a wonder :angel:

Midday meal attracts students to school. Education is equally, if not more, important as health.
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Economists are by nature public intellectuals. Paul Krugman's columns for instance are proof of that.

True. But I see this coming from Amartya sen as a statement than an analysis. Had he been asked about Gujurat I guess he would have given a similar openion. Because the economics of Gujurat says it all.

Now when you dont always praise the top students in the class but to put more people you praise the most improved one. Thats what Amartya Sen is doing as a true teacher so pls dont mix things here.
Apples and oranges.
Sen is not fighting an election, nor does he has any intention of governing people. It is NaMo's ability to govern, his credibility as a CM is in question, not his personal life. Sen raised points against Modi as a CM, not as a person. And everyone has a legal and moral right to question person in power. Heck, it is responsibility of people to do so. There position, not their personal life.

If you have problem with the questions asked, refute them with logical arguments, data. Look through this thread, I did. I am still waiting for @Guynextdoor2 to refute/comment on my arguments.

Midday meal attracts students to school. Education is equally, if not more, important as health.

Which questions?
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Which questions?

Questions regarding Sen's arguments, against NaMo govt.

Sen argued on three points, minority, health and education.

Minority: BJP has won 6 out of 8 Muslim majority seats in Gujarat. Won 30% muslim votes which is generally much higher than it gets in rest of the India. More representation in govt jobs than their population % suggests. Increasing prosperity.

Health: Budget allocation is higher than that of Maharashtra, as the ratio.

Education: Literacy rate comparable to Maharashtra, higher than other big states and India.

My question is:
How do Mr Sens argument hold, on objective basis? When all the data is against him.

And please, don't say I am just a keyboard warrior against a noble laureate.
Questions regarding Sen's arguments, against NaMo govt.

Sen argued on three points, minority, health and education.

Minority: BJP has won 6 out of 8 Muslim majority seats in Gujarat. Won 30% muslim votes which is generally much higher than it gets in rest of the India. More representation in govt jobs than their population % suggests. Increasing prosperity.

Health: Budget allocation is higher than that of Maharashtra, as the ratio.

Education: Literacy rate comparable to Maharashtra, higher than other big states and India.

My question is:
How do Mr Sens argument hold, on objective basis? When all the data is against him.

And please, don't say I am just a keyboard warrior against a noble laureate.

So you're asking me to defend a nobel prize winner's statements against your 'analysis'....
So you're asking me to defend a nobel prize winner's statements against your 'analysis'....

I am asking you to explain me why exalted Mr Sen made such comments. My humble self was unable to understand his vision. When I saw his arguments and looked the relevant data, I found it conflicting. On all parameters, Gujarat and NaMo govt appeared to be doing better than national average. It confused the ignorant me. I am sure enlightened Mr Sen would not use different yardstick for Gujarat, would not criticise it despite doing better than comparable states. Yet, I see contradiction. On the very same points that Gujarat was comparable/better than similar states, august Mr Sen said that 'not good', all the while rubbishing off the infra development which has been remarkable.

I am asking you to explain the ignorant me, why Mr Sen is not satisfied with Gujarat on the points he raised.
I am asking you to explain me why exalted Mr Sen made such comments. My humble self was unable to understand his vision. When I saw his arguments and looked the relevant data, I found it conflicting. On all parameters, Gujarat and NaMo govt appeared to be doing better than national average. It confused the ignorant me. I am sure enlightened Mr Sen would not use different yardstick for Gujarat, would not criticise it despite doing better than comparable states. Yet, I see contradiction. On the very same points that Gujarat was comparable/better than similar states, august Mr Sen said that 'not good', all the while rubbishing off the infra development which has been remarkable.

I am asking you to explain the ignorant me, why Mr Sen is not satisfied with Gujarat on the points he raised.

Well if you could see the things that he could, YOU would have won the Nobel right? You really haven't fallen for 'he got the nobel because of his third wife' thing, did you?
So you're asking me to defend a nobel prize winner's statements against your 'analysis'....

Nobel Prize doesn't guarantee anyone a free pass. Dalai Lama won the Nobel prize, doesn't mean anyone is about to ask & accept his opinion on defence & economic matters. Your defence, on these lines, is untenable.

Amartya Sen is certainly a great intellect & what he has said is worthy of discussion. That is where the matter should end. If his (& that of the likes of him) is the last word, then we needn't bother with that little thing called a general election, need we?
Well if you could see the things that he could, YOU would have won the Nobel right? You really haven't fallen for 'he got the nobel because of his third wife' thing, did you?

I simply asked a question on following points, I will repeat them.

He said minorities are scared of NaMo. BJP has won 30% minority votes, which is higher than any other state. It also indicates how much improvement of his image NaMo has done. Apparently, more Muslims out of Gujarat dislike him than from Gujarat.

He said Gujarat govt should look at health sector. I posted RBI data, stating Gujarat spends higher ratio of its budget on health and welfare than Maharashtra.

He said Gujarat lags behind in education. Gujarat is above national average, and comparable to Maharashtra in literacy rate.

And he rubbishes off infrastructure development, which is key to growth. I am not able to see things that he could, and I refuse to blindly follow. You are entitled to your views, even blind faith. But for the sake of logical discourse which should be the aim of this thread, show me what else than visible data that factored into Sen's calculation that he is being a critic of NaMo.
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