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Amartya Sen: Modi should NOT be PM

I don't think Amartya sens opposition to modi is because congress is corrupt.

If it is due to riots,then why he is ignoring countless riots including the anti-sikh riots resulted in the death of over 5000 Sikhs???

Riot facts say Congress is most communal

Riot facts say Congress is most communal

Of the above 15 communal riots, 10 happened in states ruled by the Congress or its allies while only one under BJP. Despite this, Congress has the gall to label the BJP as ‘communal’

Congress pretends to be ‘secular’ but it is actually quite communal. Its hand is soaked in the blood of every community — Hindu, Muslim and Sikh.

Not to mention the atrocities during the 1975 emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi in which Congress killed or witnessed the killing of people from almost all sections of the society. May be that is why Congress claims to be ‘secular’ — because it treats all communities with equal disrespect.

Gujarat hasn’t witnessed a single incident of communal violence since 2002. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has been given a clean chit by Supreme Court-appointed SIT. In spite of this, Congress keeps trying to rake up the painful memories of 2002 for the sake of political mileage. Never mind that BJP-governed States in general haven’t observed even a single incident of communal violence.

Even Muslims have voted for Narendra Modi. BJP won 12 out of 19 Muslim-dominated constituencies in the 2012 Gujarat Assembly election. This is because Muslims found in him a true leader whose rule improved their socio-economic and educational status

The Sachar Committee report says that in terms of literacy, Muslims in Gujarat stand at 73.5 per cent as compared to the national average of 59.1 per cent

In terms of per month and per capita income also, the report says Muslims in urban Gujarat earn an average of Rs 875 which is more than the national average of Rs 804. Similarly in rural Gujarat, Muslims earn an average of Rs 668 as compared to the national average of Rs 553.

in terms of the share of Muslims in Government jobs, Gujarat fares well at 5.4 per cent in comparison to 2.1 per cent in West Bengal, 3.2 per cent in Delhi and 4.4 per cent in Maharashtra.
You are good in economics doesnt mean that you know whats best for a country. By large I will take this as a 'personal openion' than a mandate on 2014 elections.
If it is due to riots,then why he is ignoring countless riots including the anti-sikh riots resulted in the death of over 5000 Sikhs???

Riot facts say Congress is most communal

Riot facts say Congress is most communal

No- these are specious aruguments. The reason why there are more 'communal riots' under congress is because congress is usually the party in power (since BJP keeps losing elections etc.). So when spontaneous riots break out, the party in power is usually congress, BJP beuing a bunch of losers who can't even win election. Congress has been accused of mismanaging the response and incompetence in managing it, but not engineering them (outside the sikh riots). The BJP, loses power and even when they come to power engineer such nonsense.

Stop behaving like a kid.
This Idiot has Posted TONS of thread on WHY NO TO MODI?

But not a SINGLE thread on WHY YES TO CONGRESS?

Maybe he himself don't know the answer :D

Yaar koi batao how much they pay to E-NREGA employees??? PLEASE.

Hey a$$hole, didn't I ask you to get off the thread *aggot?

You are good in economics doesnt mean that you know whats best for a country. By large I will take this as a 'personal openion' than a mandate on 2014 elections.

Economists are by nature public intellectuals. Paul Krugman's columns for instance are proof of that.

so Mr Sen whom should we vote for i guess your favourites secular Left Wingers who all have collectively done wonders for your home state West Bengal in their 35 years of continuous rule which completely dwarfs the development taken place in Gujarat in last 10 years under Communal Modi lolz :lol:

You're better than Amartya Sen?
Mr Sen needs to go out more:

"No, I don't approve of it. I don't think the record is very good. I think I don't have to be a member of the minority in order to feel insecure. We Indians don't want a situation where the minority feel insecure and could legitimately think that there was an organised violence against them in 2002. I think that is a terrible record and I don't think the Indian prime minister as an Indian citizen, who has that kind of record. No, I do not."

Out of 8 Muslim majority constituencies of Gujarat, BJP won six. May be the minorities were scared into voting for BJP?!
Past 10 years are claimed to be the only riot free decade in post independence Gujarat. Mr Sen or anyone else can try refuting this.

Sen said the physical infrastructure in Gujarat may be good but Modi has not done enough for minorities or for the majority population. He also said that the Gujarat model needs to do much more on the health and education sectors.

Gujarat's budget: Increased healthcare plan outlay by 24% - Economic Times

On Wednesday, presenting the state budget the finance minister Mr Nitin Patel, announced a total provision of Rs 5512 crore (plan & non-plan) budgetary allocation for public health, medical services and medical education. Out of this amount, the plan outlay is Rs 3800 crore thus an increase of 24% is made in the healthcare plans.

The overall expenditure Expenditure on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare is comparable to other states, slightly higher than that of much richer Maharashtra and slightly lower than poorer states.

Reserve Bank of India

He said Modi could have made the majority community feel that they are not maltreating the minority and going against the Indian tradition of being tolerant.

That is for the majority to decide, as they have done in two consecutive elections. Besides, minorities too have have supported BJP in Gujarat.

Zafar Sareshwala's Blogs: Why Gujarati Muslims are with Modi

Modi and Gujarat are development symbols for the nation. Although the scars of 2002 still remain but it was not just an enigma that more than 31 per cent of the Muslims voted for the BJP in the 2012 Assembly elections. Media has not yet realised this. The reality has not yet dawned that 6 out of 8 Muslim-majority constituencies were won by BJP candidates last December. And this momentum of the Muslims overwhelmingly voting for the BJP continued in the local elections of February 2013. Modi has been time-tested several times in the past decade and this is perhaps the first decade in the last 60 years when Gujarat remained riot-free. The reason was simple. Modi has given the Gujaratis the boon of peace and justice which money can't buy. And across civilisations of the world, people have liked a leader who can provide them peace and justice because prosperity is bound to follow if these are made available to the people

No wonder we see the highly respected and eminent Muslim scholar Maulana Vastanvi, a Gujarati Muslim himself, saying that, "Gujarati muslims had benefited from the inclusive development policies of Modi's government." Unfortunately he was forced to resign from his post as Vice-Chancellor of Deoband for saying so.

Another prominent Islamic scholar, Maulana Mehmood Madni of Jamiatul Ulema-e-Hind, had agreed that Muslims in Gujarat were better off in many disciplines as compared to other states.

Yet another prominent non-resident Gujarati Lord Adam Patel of the UK, during his visit to India, met Modi at Gandhinagar and appreciated his peace initiatives and the inclusive prosperity among the Muslims of Gujarat.

Not only the Muslims of Gujarat, in a recent interview given to 'Milli Gazette', former IG of Police, Maharashtra, SM Mushrif said: "The most safe place for Muslims today is Gujarat." He further says that the state of Maharashtra has done the greatest damage to the Muslim community which is ruled by so-called secular parties like the NCP and the Congress for the last 10 years. So many cannot be wrong at the same time; there remains no doubt about why Muslims are gravitating towards Modi.

Here the CM seems to have won over the hearts not by practising divide and rule but by ensuring inclusiveness and submissiveness to the people. Taking into context the Muslims of Gujarat, they had never seen such inclusiveness and such a discrimination-free society. The only thing, every Gujarati was looking for, was development.

We all know that the worst riot in post-Partition India happened in 1969 in Ahmedabad and more than 5000 Muslims were killed in that systematic massacre. Because there was no 247 media those days, earlier riots were not documented. At that time Gujarat was ruled by the Congress and Hitendra Desai was the CM while Indira Gandhi was in power at the Centre. Forget about punishment, not even a single charge sheet was filed. The Jagmohan Commission report is there for everyone to see. Whole communities were wiped out without a trace. Has anyone documented where these 5000 families have gone?

In the past, people of Gujarat always lived under the fear of communal riots but efforts and endeavours of prominent Muslims had made it possible for numerous Muslim delegations - Islamic scholars, businessmen, youth, women and even street hawkers to meet Modi. He has met them all and given an ear to their grievances. This was something the Muslims had not seen in the last 40 years of Congress rule. Muslim madarsas were supported. Madarsa students, who had never seen or gone to a school, got a chance to appear for SSC and class XIIth examinations. The famous Sarkhej Roza which was in dilapidated condition was renovated and restored. The numbers of Muslim-owned schools and hospitals in the state have increased. Economic prosperity too has visited Muslim households and as a result, the record turn-out by Muslims to vote for Narendra Modi.

It is important to understand that inclusive growth has benefitted the minority community and we can see that through various growth indicators. Some of them are:

This, being a season of preparations for the Hajj pilgrimage, it is important to see that the total quota for Hajj travellers in Gujarat is 3,500 seats whereas applications for Hajj have exceeded the count of 41,000 already. Going for Hajj is an indicator of economic prosperity of a family because in Islam, it is mandatory to fulfil all your social obligations before going on Hajj.

Gujarat has two of the fastest growing districts in the country and they are Kutch and Bharuch and both these districts have large Muslim populations and there has been unprecedented growth in these districts. Kutch has about 35 per cent Muslim population and Bharuch has around 20 per cent Muslim population.

Similarly, if one looks at the two-wheeler vehicle registration at various RTO's in Gujarat, almost 18 per cent of the vehicles are registered in the names of Muslims who form less than 10 per cent of the total population of the state. Similarly, the registration of 4-wheeler vehicles is also much higher than the communitys proportionate population.

The number of Muslims employed in the police force is 12 per cent in Gujarat,. while Muslims employed by the Gujarat state government is around 10 per cent of the total sarkari workforce.

Yes, we all agree that there was massive destruction of lives and property and Muslims did suffer a lot in 2002. But this was not the first time. Before this, major riots have occurred in Gujarat in 1969, 87, 89, 90, 92. In each one of these riots, many Muslims lost their lives and property worth crores of rupees was looted, but never were the perpetrators of the crime punished. Even FIR's were not registered. The government of the day would not dare to confront the arsonists. But now, for the first time, not only in the history of Gujarat but even elsewhere in the country, more than 200 miscreants belonging to the majority faith have been convicted for their roles in the 2002 riots. Out of these 200 convicts, 150 have been given life imprisonment. Although all these convictions have happened due to the involvement of the Supreme Court-appointed SIT, the role of the Gujarat government in ensuring justice cannot be ignored. These convictions have been like a balm on the wounds of the victims.

Two more cases are at a very advanced stage of conviction: Naroda Gam and Gulburga society where again the convictions of the perpetrators and arsonists are foregone conclusions.

Apart from justice, this government has been able to provide a terror-free atmosphere. So as compared to earlier when a Muslim could not even venture out to some parts, today he or she can freely move around and there is terror-free interaction between the communities. Such an atmosphere was unseen anywhere before 2002 in Gujarat.

People praise the riverfront project on the banks of the Sabarmati in Ahmedabad but people forget that there were some 13000 families living on the bank of the Sabarmati for the last 50 years. Every single family has been rehabilitated in beautiful apartments and 68 per cent of these families were Muslim. No discrimination was done by the state government. The Gujarat government has raised schemes for the weaker sections of the society and there is not a single incident where Muslims have been discriminated.

In spite of the Modi government being reprimanded for not implementing any minority-related financial schemes, Gujarat Minorities Finance Development Corporation has disbursed over Rs 60 crore in the last 10 years. Modi is portrayed as anti-minority whereas the experience of the minorities in Gujarat is that Modi is a very minority-friendly person. Not surprisingly, most Christians vote for Modi. They have never complained against his regime.

In the words of V V Augustine from Kerala, who used to frequently interact with Modi during his tenure as a member of the National Minorities Commission, "People who spread the canard that Modi is against the minorities are reflecting their own political biases. My experience is totally different. He listens very carefully and acts very fast in case of genuine problems. As a member of the Minorities Commission, I dealt with several states. Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar governments have also been good. But no chief minister is as good, as strong and determined as Modi. Now even Muslims realise that Modi is good for them. There are two kinds of Muslims in Gujarat - the rich and the poor. My experience tells me the poor Muslims are solidly with Modi because a riot-free Gujarat and a resurgent economy with new opportunities have benefited the poorer Muslims far more dramatically. It has provided them avenues of upward mobility. Truth is truth, how can I deny facts?"

The end result today is that Gujarat has seen its first ever post-Independence riot-free decade with inclusivene growth. Muslims have gravitated towards Narendra Modi and Modi, the most hated figure in 2002, is the most suitable prime ministerial material for the country in 2013.

"He could have also taken both of the facts -- that Gujarat’s record in education and healthcare is pretty bad and he has to concentrate on that -- as much as he is concentrating quietly on the physical infrastructure," the Nobel laureate said.

Gujarat has a literacy rate of about 80%, much higher than national average of 74%. If this is bad record, I would like to know Mr Sen's view on national average and other backward states.
Mr Sen needs to go out more:

Out of 8 Muslim majority constituencies of Gujarat, BJP won six. May be the minorities were scared into voting for BJP?!
Past 10 years are claimed to be the only riot free decade in post independence Gujarat. Mr Sen or anyone else can try refuting this.

Gujarat's budget: Increased healthcare plan outlay by 24% - Economic Times

The overall expenditure Expenditure on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare is comparable to other states, slightly higher than that of much richer Maharashtra and slightly lower than poorer states.

Reserve Bank of India

That is for the majority to decide, as they have done in two consecutive elections. Besides, minorities too have have supported BJP in Gujarat.

Zafar Sareshwala's Blogs: Why Gujarati Muslims are with Modi

Gujarat has a literacy rate of about 80%, much higher than national average of 74%. If this is bad record, I would like to know Mr Sen's view on national average and other backward states.

I can assure you that at the very least he won't get his data wrong...he's spent a lifetime perfecting 'analysis'
bhen key l**ey........ yeh public forum hai....tuney PDF ko khareed nahi rakha hai ch**iye.

@Dillinger sorry for this....but he is the BIGGEST loser i have seen in my LIFE.

Hey a$$hole, didn't I ask you to get off the thread *aggot?

Economists are the last "experts" we should listen to after their astounding success in making a mess of the world economy.

You're using generalizations to discredit this guy? That's being mooney eyed man.
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I can assure you that at the very least he won't get his data wrong...he's spent a lifetime perfecting 'analysis'

That is the problem. He is good at doing objective work, and he is commenting here on subjective area. Not his expertise!

If you think any data I have posted is wrong, you can refute it with numbers. On budget, literacy rate or minority votes. I have issue with Sen's analysis that his comments don't match the data.
Economists are the last "experts" we should listen to after their astounding success in making a mess of the world economy.

You are so freely using internet cause of economist. Had it not for MMS or other economists, you'd still be living in socialist era. Neither would the world economy be what it is, not big enough to get in any mess.
That is the problem. He is good at doing objective work, and he is commenting here on subjective area. Not his expertise!

If you think any data I have posted is wrong, you can refute it with numbers. On budget, literacy rate or minority votes. I have issue with Sen's analysis that his comments don't match the data.

Oh great dude!!! You know how a nobel prize winning economist works and what he is and is not good at!! Even a random forumer like you and me know more about politics that he- who has seen dozens of govt come and gone around the world knows. Coz he's good only at 'objective' things. Anymore insights buddy?
You are so freely using internet cause of economist. Had it not for MMS or other economists, you'd still be living in socialist era. Neither would the world economy be what it is, not big enough to get in any mess.

The internet is in all countries, socialist ones included. Nothing to do with economists.

And I agree that the bubble ponzi economy is largely the economist's creation. Doesn't do them much credit though.

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