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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Our tank has issues that very few people want to tackle bro. We can start with storing ammo in the vicinity of the crew.

Nobody stores it near the crew compartment .. Nor is there any need coz of he auto loader firing 9+ rounds per minute even in AK I..

[Al-Khalid is good for some things, but we really do need something far reaching and could potentially give us the strongest tank force in South Asia.

We already have .. 420+ AK Is .. All AKs upgraded to I status..325 T-84/UDs also upgraded .. 500+ AZs ..500 upgraded T-85 IIAPs .. More AZs n AKs on order.. N others vs 400 t-90s.. 124 Arjun's (lmao).. N obsolete 1800 T-72s.. And yes even the basic AK rules the T-90 purely on specs alone..

You hit the nail on the head regarding the budget and the relatively small numbers of Al-Khalid makes me think the army has other plans. Here in the Altay we have no such budget concerns as the Turks have handled everything e.g. development costs and so forth. We could set up local production and beef up the numbers of Al-Khalids.

Now that would be an armoured formation to be reckoned with.

Broheim .. The 4 upgrades could/would be added later .. Just like old AK was upgraded to AK-Is.. Your suggestion makes no sense .. Sorry.

For more :

Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool | Page 42
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Nobody stores it near the free compartment .. Nor is there any need coz of he auto loader firing 9+ rounds per minute even in AK I..

We already are .. 420+ AK Is .. All AKs upgraded to I status..325 T-84/UDs also upgraded .. 500+ AZs ..500 upgraded T-85 IIAPs .. More AZs n AKs on order.. N others vs 400 t-90s.. 124 Arjun's (lmao).. N obsolete 1800 T-72s.. And yes even the basic AK rules the T-90 purely on specs alone..

Broheim .. The 4 upgrades could/would be added later .. Just like old AK was upgraded to AK-Is.. Your suggestion makes no sense .. Sorry.

For more :

Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool | Page 42

Yara they are planning to phase out T-85 and T-80 UD with Al khalid 1 they are going to show case this year.
Yara they are planning to phase out T-85 and T-80 UD with Al khalid 1 they are going to show case this year.
Hope they Dnt phase out the UDs it's an awesome tank.. N such a decision would be stupid ..the "types" should be phased out but not the UD..
Yara they are planning to phase out T-85 and T-80 UD with Al khalid 1 they are going to show case this year.
They aren't going anywhere any time soon.

In their current upgraded form, they're excellent force multipliers.
Nobody stores it near the crew compartment .. Nor is there any need coz of he auto loader firing 9+ rounds per minute even in AK I..

The ammo is stored in the hull bro and there is no blast barrier between that and the crew. There have been some mods such as ammo bins but that's not no where enough to stop the danger of combustion, from hits off enemy tanks. The only perspective and efficient safe ammunition storage is complete isolation of ammunition in the compartment or compartments with blow off panels.

We already have .. 420+ AK Is .. All AKs upgraded to I status..325 T-84/UDs also upgraded .. 500+ AZs ..500 upgraded T-85 IIAPs .. More AZs n AKs on order.. N others vs 400 t-90s.. 124 Arjun's (lmao).. N obsolete 1800 T-72s.. And yes even the basic AK rules the T-90 purely on specs alone..

Broheim .. The 4 upgrades could/would be added later .. Just like old AK was upgraded to AK-Is.. Your suggestion makes no sense .. Sorry.

For more :

Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool | Page 42

It's around 600 AK's they say. The T-84's are ok. I won't go into the AZ's as they best kept to supporting anti insurgency efforts. I'm not quite sure in terms of numbers what the Indian army fields as it differs from source to source. Regardless they shouldn't be our benchmark.

I'm also in favour of more AK's, especially with upgrades. I'm not asking for its displacement rather than the Altay to be a supplement to our force.

Our aim is to field at least 3,000 tanks.
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Our aim is to field at least 3,000 tanks.
Turkey has around 1500 M48 tanks to get rid of, another 1500 in storage... We've been speculating what to do with them.
If they stay in Turkey they'll end up in a junkyard
Turkey has around 1500 M48 tanks to get rid of, another 1500 in storage... We've been speculating what to do with them.
If they stay in Turkey they'll end up in a junkyard

Probably better off as junk bro. We will be looking at quality so it will be more advanced versions of the Al-Khalid and hopefully the Altay, when you guys are finished. :-)
Turkey has around 1500 M48 tanks to get rid of, another 1500 in storage... We've been speculating what to do with them.
If they stay in Turkey they'll end up in a junkyard
They could use the turrets for base defense or something when they are building kalekols. The germans did this in ww2.



They should give some to museums :D

I think they can choose most healty ones and turn them into support vehicles, some as said can be used for base defending as well.
The ammo is stored in the hull dude and there is no blast barrier between that and the crew. There have been some mods such as ammo bins but that's not no where enough to stop the danger of combustion, from hits off enemy tanks. The only perspective and efficient safe ammunition storage is complete isolation of ammunition in the compartment or compartments with blow off panels

Flawed arguement ... 22 stored in the carosel, rest are in the armoured bins at the back, side, no round is left exposed in the turret... Also systems like "CREW BAY EXPLOSION, DETECTION AND SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS" are present in AK.

Apart from that (info on basic AK variant) :

Armor protection is modular, allowing for quick battle damage repairs and improvement as more advanced armor becomes available or heavier armor is desired. Frontal armor is composite and of Pakistani design, with side armor being spaced; it is of a more modern design than that on the Al-Zarrar and lighter in weight. The turret front, turret sides, glacis, and hull sides have lugs for ERA. Attention was paid to land mine damage in the form of thickened floor armor. The ammunition is carried in armored bins, and virtually the entire vehicle has thick Kevlar anti-spalling blankets. The engine also has a thick bulkhead separating it from the crew compartment. An automatic explosion and fire suppression system is provided, and the crew has an NBC overpressure system; the engine compartment and ammunition bins have their own systems of the same sort. The Al-Khalid has a laser detection system that can automatically trigger smoke grenades to block the laser, and a radar warning system that can give the crew a chance to take evasive action.

Pakistani Tanks

A little info on its armour:

Perhaps the greatest advance in the tank’s design is it’s armour. While maintaining the modular and thus easily modifiable armour of the Al-Khalid, it has added another “layer.” The Al-Khalids armour is made up of as much as 6 layers of armour, a base layer of steel, a layer of ultra-hard composites (to defeat long rod penetrators), another more minimal layer of steel (all of these layers being spaced to prevent penetration by a HEAT warhead), a layer of Kevlar to defeat minor threats to the tank (like small arms and smaller armour-piercing threats), and then a layer of nERA (non-explosive reactive armour, in this case, rubber), and then finally a layer of (selectively applied) bricks of either composites (often employed in peacetime to save costs and maintenance) or ERA (explosive reactive armour) to defeat HEAT-type threats. The tank is also equipped with more effective damage control (like explosive suppression) systems.


P.S: Not all tanks have BO panels... google em.. start with T-90.

It's around 600 AK's they say. The T-84's are ok. I won't go into the AZ's as they best kept to supporting anti insurgency efforts. I'm not quite sure in terms of numbers what the Indian army fields as it differs from source to source. Regardless they shouldn't be our benchmark.

I'm also in favour of more AK's, especially with upgrades. I'm not asking for its displacement rather than the Altay to be a supplement to our force.

Our aim is to field at least 3,000 tanks.

AZ is still a potent tank when compared to others like T-72s or modernised 2nd gen tanks.. its a new thank with dozens of upgrades... be it in the CnC,IBMS,Data linking,new 125mm smoothbore,armour or imagery systems....

350 T-84s/UDs ... 600 AK-Is,500 upgraded T-85IIAPs,600 AZs and a shit load of older ones.. i think we have a pretty capable force even right now... not even considering the 40+ AKs,100-AZs? chunned out by HIT each year on order...

But yes the older tanks should be phased out.. although i believe the T-85IIAPs will soldier on till 2020...the rest excluding T-84s and AZs...will be replaced by AK-II...

Supplement ? bro yara kyun mera mouh khulwata hai .. kuch kaha tou yeh sab bura maan jaien gei...

Those Types just got upgraded !!!! :(

Yes but they will be replaced by upcoming AK-II for good.. except for 85IIAPs which will stay for another 5 years im guessing...
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