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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Unbelievable, even though everything is happening before our very eyes - and to add to that as predicted by many in this forum, some people here are vehement in denying that anything is wrong at all.

BMC just declared they're essentially re-designing a tank (that was finished) - and people are actually cheering this? They can't even manufacture the product as-is and that is a good thing now?

They're lying out of their teeth - how is it that more people aren't up in arms about this? We need those tanks YESTERDAY!

Can somebody explain the priority of the new tanks please? Do we have a lack of tanks right now just like the F-4's that will retire after a year or what?
Can somebody explain the priority of the new tanks please? Do we have a lack of tanks right now just like the F-4's that will retire after a year or what?

Currently the tanks we field have been going through extensive upgrades to the point that we've essentially rebuilt them... twice. The underlying technology and general assets can endure only so much upgrades until it's a weird "spider-pig" hybrid.

Not to mention the effort (brainpower) and money that is being spent on these systems that will go nowhere. We're spending huge amounts of resources (again, brainpower + money) on decades old tanks because we need them on the field. There is no proper know-how gained while we do this either - so it's a colossal waste.

Turkey is in no position to waste time with these old machines and designs, but since we haven't got new tanks we generally have to.

Altay tanks are needed ASAP as they will be fielded in Syria. We could have used them in Afrin, in the ES op even - but we couldn't and we all saw how expensive that was for us in the end.

Was this a serious question or were you being sarcastic?
I can make out lack of metalurgy science. They achieved to the protection with too thick armour and to the reliability with too thick suspension parts and the tank happened to be leaden.
Reliability might not have been achieved with too thick parts if we...
dont forget, Altay is the only tank that can resist 30mm DU cannon of A10 from top side thanks to its thick top armour.
40 deliveries in two years,then the rest for the 210 and 100 Qatar.

Probably Karasu and Arifiye will produce together.
Impossible that they can build a functional and fully tested engine in just 2 years.

Not quite

This strongly enforces the theory in which The Altay was indeed delayed in part because of needing a domestic engine

Besides if anything the engine development sure began years ago ( even before turkey disagreement with germany if you remember )
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